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Messages - PSM

Pages: [1]
Installation issues / Re: Tellstick on 1004
« on: March 31, 2013, 09:24:28 pm »
HI Posde, I'd like to, but what is 'the tellstick command'?
There is the tdtool from the Tellstick software suite, that works, but you might mean something else...
I am not that familiar with what has been built for Tellstick inside LMCE....

Installation issues / Re: Tellstick on 1004
« on: March 31, 2013, 08:36:26 pm »
HI Posde,

I tried that already and checked again just no: device ID of the Tellstick device is 88. There is no log starting with 88 in /var/log/pluto.
Highest device id in var/log/pluto is So no log is written.
Code: [Select]

Installation issues / Re: Tellstick on 1004
« on: March 31, 2013, 12:58:44 pm »
Update: after writing the previous post, the core again detected the same Tellstick, and asked  to use it. Saying yes, would no doubt lead to another instance of a Tellstick controller on the core. So for the time being I slicked 'No, ignore it this time'

Installation issues / Re: Tellstick on 1004
« on: March 31, 2013, 12:50:18 pm »
Pointman87: tried to install the device on a MD. seemed to go ok, until I got a screen saying "the device failed to start, something is not right'. Then the Tellstick was detected again and the software installation ran again, the device was started again, and also failed to start again.
Tested if I could switch on/off lights through the webadmin, did not work. So same result as on the core.
Then removed the tellstick from the MD, both physically and in the webadmin.
Posde: After I removed the Tellstick from the MD, I rebooted the core, removed the Tellstick devices, did a quick reload router, and plugged in the Tellstick.
Result: after a while Tellstick is detected, software is installed, asked to restart the router. nothing seems to happen, so quick reload router from webadmin.
Result: one single instance of Tellstick in the webadmin under device tree - core. Added an on/off light switch. Quick reload router. Try the new light device: no luck, nothing happens. Rechecked functionality with 'tdtool' :working. Did a screen -ls to check if any tellstick process is there: no Tellstick process:

Code: [Select]
root@dcerouter:~# screen -ls
There are screens on:
6807.VDR_32 (03/31/2013 12:26:33 PM) (Detached)
6801.Picture_Viewer_27 (03/31/2013 12:26:33 PM) (Detached)
6791.MPlayer_Player_26 (03/31/2013 12:26:33 PM) (Detached)
6782.LaunchPhoto_Screen_Saver.sh_25 (03/31/2013 12:26:33 PM) (Detached)
6772.Xine_Player_23 (03/31/2013 12:26:33 PM) (Detached)
6768.SimplePhone_22 (03/31/2013 12:26:33 PM) (Detached)
6501.OnScreen_Orbiter21 (03/31/2013 12:26:30 PM) (Detached)
6242.Slim_Server_Streamer57 (03/31/2013 12:26:21 PM) (Detached)
5765.External_Media_Identifier30 (03/31/2013 12:26:19 PM) (Detached)
2811.Disk_Drive29 (03/31/2013 12:26:13 PM) (Detached)
644.Text_To_Speech19 (03/31/2013 12:26:11 PM) (Detached)
31652.Asterisk18 (03/31/2013 12:26:09 PM) (Detached)
31428.HAL16 (03/31/2013 12:26:07 PM) (Detached)
31176.App_Server15 (03/31/2013 12:26:06 PM) (Detached)
13048.discovery (03/31/2013 12:16:29 PM) (Detached)
12946.DCERouter (03/31/2013 12:16:27 PM) (Detached)
5870.LMCE_Launch_Manager (03/31/2013 12:15:59 PM) (Detached) (03/31/2013 12:15:59 PM) (Detached)
5309.XWindowSystem (03/31/2013 12:15:54 PM) (Detached)
3942.GamepadRadar (03/31/2013 12:15:52 PM) (Detached)
3630.NFSRadar (03/31/2013 12:15:52 PM) (Detached)
3581.SambaRadar (03/31/2013 12:15:52 PM) (Detached)
3549.StorageStatusRadar (03/31/2013 12:15:52 PM) (Detached)
3401.VoiceMailMonitor (03/31/2013 12:15:51 PM) (Detached)
3388.NewMDinteractor (03/31/2013 12:15:51 PM) (Detached)
3375.DhcpdPlugin (03/31/2013 12:15:51 PM) (Detached)
26 Sockets in /var/run/screen/S-root.

So, I am a bit lost now.....

Installation issues / Re: Tellstick on 1004
« on: March 30, 2013, 01:42:47 pm »
Hi Posde, I am not sure what I should see in webadmin. The tellstick devices  show up as generic serial devices, which, I assume, is correct. Actually I have 2 of them, one that has a first line saying 'COM port on PC' and another one that has 'Serial Number' as a first line in the webadmin. Both identifie as 'Tellstick RF USB Controller' with device template 2169. see attached screen shot.
Pointman87: I have a hybrid core. Nevertheless, I will give installing on a separate MD a try.

Installation issues / Re: Tellstick on 1004
« on: March 29, 2013, 09:30:50 pm »
Thanks so much, Posde! Ran screen as root on core, where the tellstick is: no tellstick device in the list.
So might fail to start at boot up. any suggestions where to look for what happens?

Code: [Select]
root@dcerouter:~# screen -ls
There are screens on: (03/27/2013 11:40:52 AM) (Detached)
11485.VDR_32 (03/26/2013 05:42:36 PM) (Detached)
11473.Picture_Viewer_27 (03/26/2013 05:42:36 PM) (Detached)
11469.MPlayer_Player_26 (03/26/2013 05:42:36 PM) (Detached)
11463.LaunchPhoto_Screen_Saver.sh_25 (03/26/2013 05:42:35 PM) (Detached)
11458.Xine_Player_23 (03/26/2013 05:42:35 PM) (Detached)
11454.SimplePhone_22 (03/26/2013 05:42:35 PM) (Detached)
11110.OnScreen_Orbiter21 (03/26/2013 05:42:33 PM) (Detached)
10220.Slim_Server_Streamer57 (03/26/2013 05:42:23 PM) (Detached)
10114.External_Media_Identifier30 (03/26/2013 05:42:21 PM) (Detached)
6411.Disk_Drive29 (03/26/2013 05:42:16 PM) (Detached)
5075.Text_To_Speech19 (03/26/2013 05:42:14 PM) (Detached)
4943.Asterisk18 (03/26/2013 05:42:12 PM) (Detached)
4856.HAL16 (03/26/2013 05:42:11 PM) (Detached)
4774.App_Server15 (03/26/2013 05:42:10 PM) (Detached)
13531.discovery (03/26/2013 05:32:29 PM) (Detached)
13444.DCERouter (03/26/2013 05:32:28 PM) (Detached)
5633.LMCE_Launch_Manager (03/26/2013 05:31:52 PM) (Detached)
5439.XWindowSystem (03/26/2013 05:31:51 PM) (Detached)
4026.GamepadRadar (03/26/2013 05:31:49 PM) (Detached)
3922.NFSRadar (03/26/2013 05:31:49 PM) (Detached)
3868.SambaRadar (03/26/2013 05:31:49 PM) (Detached)
3837.StorageStatusRadar (03/26/2013 05:31:49 PM) (Detached)
3650.VoiceMailMonitor (03/26/2013 05:31:48 PM) (Detached)
3644.NewMDinteractor (03/26/2013 05:31:48 PM) (Detached)
3638.DhcpdPlugin (03/26/2013 05:31:48 PM) (Detached)
26 Sockets in /var/run/screen/S-root.

Installation issues / Tellstick on 1004
« on: March 29, 2013, 11:07:26 am »
Hi Folks,

I have used a tellstick USB lighting controller for quite while on 8.10. Changed recently to 1004.
Tellstick installs automagically when the USB device is connected. That's great.
However any lights created in LMCE fail to switch anything at all.
LMCE says this to me:
Code: [Select]
Message Sent succesfully.
/usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend localhost -r 0 83 1 192 97 "" 98 ""
Response was:
RESP: Delivery failed

I tried learning and switching devices on and off from the command line with the 'tdtool'. That works flawlessly, so it seems like the messages from LMCE don't reach the Tellstick software.
Has anybody encountered this too? And if so, has it been solved?

Users / Re: Asterisk no in/outbound route in 1004 with SPA3102
« on: March 25, 2013, 10:12:58 pm »
Better reply to my own question. It appears that everything actually works as described in a couple of posts in the forum.
The main misunderstanding was on my side:


I discovered, after having left the whole thing overnight, that the little 'line light' on my SPA3102 was on, while it previously was off. That light means to say that the PSTN line of the SPA3102 is registered. I checked this in the SPA webconfiguration, and there the PSTN line was indeed 'registered'.

To wrap up, you HAVE to fill up the fields in the WEBADMIN for the phone line, all of them, as follows:
1 Name: give it any name you like, but do not leave the field blank
2 Enabled: check this box
3 prefix: choose a numeric prefix, 0 or 9 or whatever you like. Don't leave it blank.
4 User Name: put in the full phone number of your line, for instance 0301234567
5 Password: the password you have entered in the SPA3102 for the PSTN line
6 Phone Number: the same as under 4, so the full phone number
7 Host: the (fixed!) IP address of your SPA3102
8 Protocol: set it to SPA.

Then go do something else for the rest of the day. Once you think everything should have settled, check the mysql tables ( note that I have another outbound route with prefix 9 as well...):

Code: [Select]
# mysql
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 10294
Server version: 5.1.67-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (Ubuntu)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> use asterisk
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> show tables
    -> ;
| Tables_in_asterisk |
| ast_config         |
| buttonconfig       |
| cdr                |
| extensions         |
| fax_list           |
| iax_devices        |
| phonelines         |
| sccpdevice         |
| sccpdeviceconfig   |
| sccpline           |
| sip_devices        |
| view_lmce_phones   |
| voicemail_users    |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from phonelines
    -> ;
| id | enabled | isfax | prefix | protocol | name | host       | port | phonenumber | username   | password | faxmail | channels | faxheader    |
|  1 | yes     | no    | 0      | SPA      | een  | | 5060 | 030879XXXX  | 030879XXXX | linuxmce | 2       |        5 | LinuxMCE fax |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from extensions where context like 'outbound-allroutes';
| id    | context            | exten | priority | app   | appdata                                   |
| 27248 | outbound-allroutes | 112   |        1 | Macro | dialout-trunk,SPA/030879XXXX,${EXTEN},,   |
| 27249 | outbound-allroutes | 112   |        2 | Macro | outisbusy,                                |
| 27250 | outbound-allroutes | 911   |        1 | Macro | dialout-trunk,SPA/030879XXXX,${EXTEN},,   |
| 27251 | outbound-allroutes | 911   |        2 | Macro | outisbusy,                                |
| 27252 | outbound-allroutes | _0.   |        1 | Macro | dialout-trunk,SIP/030879XXXX,${EXTEN:1},, |
| 27253 | outbound-allroutes | _0.   |        2 | Macro | outisbusy,                                |
| 27282 | outbound-allroutes | _9.   |        1 | Macro | dialout-trunk,SIP/030879XXXX,${EXTEN:1},, |
| 27283 | outbound-allroutes | _9.   |        2 | Macro | outisbusy,                                |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

If you see something similar to this (note the _0. entries!), you are done, and SPA or any other similar FXO device should work.
May be someone will allow me to make a wiki page for this.......

Users / Asterisk no in/outbound route in 1004 with SPA3102
« on: March 24, 2013, 04:51:20 pm »
install 1004, connect some supported phones and wait for the phones to be recognized and get an extension assigned.
Calling from phone to phone will work then. Now add a phone line with the wizard, and  fille in the blanks. Protocol SPA. username and phonenumber the same.
click  'Save'. Nothing seems to happen, this is becuase the apache session is killed. restarting apache brings you back and the phone line is created.
Try making incoming call. Call reaches the core, and 'The number you have dialled is not in service' is played.
Made ring all phones setting for all states of the house: still the same.
Checked on outgoing calls. No luck, error 503. Asterisk cannot find an outbound route.
checked the mysql db:
Code: [Select]
mysql> select * from extensions where context like 'outbound-allroutes';
| id    | context            | exten | priority | app   | appdata                    |
| 12240 | outbound-allroutes | 112   |        1 | Macro | dialout-trunk,/,${EXTEN},, |
| 12241 | outbound-allroutes | 112   |        2 | Macro | outisbusy,                 |
| 12242 | outbound-allroutes | 911   |        1 | Macro | dialout-trunk,/,${EXTEN},, |
| 12243 | outbound-allroutes | 911   |        2 | Macro | outisbusy,                 |

No outbound routes for anything else than 911 and 112. ( and even those don't work)
So would the trunk and SPA3102 then be known at all to Asterisk? Check the db:

Code: [Select]
mysql> select * from phonelines
    -> ;
| id | enabled | isfax | prefix | protocol | name | host    | port | phonenumber | username   | password | faxmail | channels | faxheader    |
|  1 | yes     | no    | 0      | SPA      |      | dynamic | 5060 | 030879XXXX  | 030879XXXX| linuxmce | 2       |        5 | LinuxMCE fax |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

So the line is there... Had already changed the port in the SPA to 5060 to match LMCE.
The SPA tries to register with the core, but is rejected becuase the user is not known. May be the SPA should not at all register with the Core when used as a FXO ( phone line ) device?

Then on inbound calls, Asterisk really tries to deliver the call, but to no avail:
Code: [Select]
    -- Executing [0308793512@from-sip-external:1] NoOp("SIP/", "Received incoming SIP connection from unknown peer to 0308793512") in new stack
    -- Executing [0308793512@from-sip-external:2] Set("SIP/", "DID=0308793512") in new stack
    -- Executing [0308793512@from-sip-external:3] Goto("SIP/", "s,1") in new stack
    -- Goto (from-sip-external,s,1)
    -- Executing [s@from-sip-external:1] GotoIf("SIP/", "0?from-trunk,0308793512,1") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@from-sip-external:2] Set("SIP/", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=15") in new stack
Channel will hangup at 2013-03-24 15:25:01.809 CET.
    -- Executing [s@from-sip-external:3] Answer("SIP/", "") in new stack
Audio is at 14602
Adding codec 0x8 (alaw) to SDP
Adding codec 0x4 (ulaw) to SDP
Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP
 -- Executing [s@from-sip-external:4] Wait("SIP/", "2") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@from-sip-external:5] Playback("SIP/", "ss-noservice") in new stack
    -- <SIP/> Playing 'ss-noservice.gsm' (language 'en')
    -- Executing [s@from-sip-external:6] PlayTones("SIP/", "congestion") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@from-sip-external:7] Congestion("SIP/", "5") in new stack
  == Spawn extension (from-sip-external, s, 7) exited non-zero on 'SIP/'
    -- Executing [h@from-sip-external:1] NoOp("SIP/", "Hangup") in new stack
Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '837f2e5f-800dbcd5@' in 32000 ms (Method: ACK)

Has anybody got this working? And if so how?

Users / Re: tellstick core update: breaks previous functionality
« on: November 02, 2011, 10:47:16 pm »
Hi Pointman87,
Yes I did check on the tellstick.conf. Still there, no changes to it either.
And yes, Posde, you're right, I am just paying the price for being lazy I suppose...
Joakim, I am very interested to learn your experience. Did not mention it probably, but I am running 8.10, not 10.04.



Users / tellstick core update: breaks previous functionality
« on: November 02, 2011, 10:09:19 pm »
Since October 25 Tellstick has released a new Tellstick core version to control the the Tellstick wireless usb device for lighting control of various wireless lighting systems. I tried to solve this by reinstalling the Tellstick device, but to no avail. Would probably have been better not to upgrade, but well, apt-get is so nice in offering to update everything at once...
JoakimL did you experience the same?


Installation issues / Re: upnp server: 500 Internal Server Error
« on: February 07, 2011, 10:13:11 pm »
I found that this just happens because mediatomb is not started in the current 0810 snapshots.

You can easily solve that by logging into the core with a terminal, and type

Code: [Select]
$ sudo mediatomb
then authenticate with your password and you will see that mediatomb is started.

Developers / Re: Building for 0810
« on: December 02, 2008, 10:25:54 am »
Alpha1 works for me on a virgin Kubuntu 0810. takes a long time to do everything, but after reboot and some more waiting UI1 comes up without a hitch. Have to try with UI2 still. Issues so far: WMCE uirt is not recognized. Audio CDs don't play: 'Unrecognized Disk'. DVD does the same., but could be related to absence of libdvdcss2. All internal hardware is recognized and in working order, including the built in ethernet ports, the Nvidia DVI, SATA, etc, etc. That is a big improvement over 0710!

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