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Messages - sincityharley

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Users / Looking for a doorbell intercom solution
« on: November 09, 2008, 01:36:40 am »
I have read through all the ways in which you can use LMCE. The one most interesting was being able to have a guest ring a doorbell and LMCE letting you converse with them via your cell phone. I haven’t been able to find any solutions that would incorporate LMCE. Can anyone tell me what products are available to me so that I could set this up at home? Thanks

Users / Crappy video with PVR-150 & Crappier sound
« on: November 07, 2008, 07:50:51 pm »
I just bought the PVR-150. Video is coming through but its not very good or clear video. If I run the same cable into the TV it looks fine. Can anyone tell me if I missed some settings or what I might be able to do to get clearer video?

On another note sound seems to work ok while playing music but not so great when playing live TV. Any suggestions?

Installation issues / FreePBX Error - Failed to copy from module agi-bin
« on: November 05, 2008, 12:26:08 am »
I have posted on every forum that I can think of I have looked on every site for the answer to this error. If anyone knows how to fix this please help. I haven't made any changes. I just installed LMCE 0710 from scratch. When I open FreePBX I get a few errors. This one is the one that comes back most often.

Installation issues / Whats the best hard drive config for the LMCE?
« on: November 03, 2008, 05:36:23 am »
I have three 500gb sata hard drives and a 40gb ide hard drive as well. Currently I have my lmce setup with the OS installed on the 40gb. I was wondering though. If I setup the os on one of the 500gb drives would that drive also store media automatically as well? Should I just leave it so that the OS is on the 40

Everytime i do a asterisk restart I get an error that states:
/etc/profile: line 30: /dev/null: Permission denied

I have looked on the internet for an answer but couldnt find any that i was able to understand with my limited knowledge of linux and PBX.

LMCE core is definitely exposed to the internet. I am getting an internet IP address. There is nothing between my DSL modem and my LMCE core. I read somewhere that my asterisk need to be listening on port 4569. I am starting to think maybe its not. How would i go about finding out?

I know my LMCE is on and I know it has an internet connection. I am outside my home netowrk and I have my external IP address. I am not able to ping my external address. There are no other firewalls on my netowrk except the LMCE. Is there something that I need to do to allow ping requests? I am having issues with voip in as far as incoming calls. I just want to start troubleshooting my issue with trying to ping my lmce. Also can anyone tell me what ports I need to have open so that voip will work. Thanks

Installation issues / Is anyone using JavaMo sucessfully?
« on: October 31, 2008, 03:09:15 am »
I was just wonder if anyone had gotten the Java Mobile Orbiter to work with LMCE? It seems like a great idea. I was just wondering if anyone was sucessfully able to get it working and how?

But my STB or my Satellite box is not on the network. My Satellite box is where the channels need to be changed from. Since it has all the HBO's, Showtime’s and what have you. So for instance if I change the channel via my LMCE to Showtime how is the HDHomeRun going to relay that to my Satellite box?

I just want to make sure this is going to suit my needs. Cany someone please explain how the HDHomeRun Dual tuner is going to work with LMCE. How does it change the channels on my STB. I already know that USB UIRT is the answer or at least I think it is. I just need to know how this is all going to hook up before I spend $160 on this tuner. Thanks in advance for any advice.

Installation issues / Just wondering which tuner everyone likes
« on: October 26, 2008, 11:36:15 pm »
I am getting ready to pull the trigger on a tuner for my LMCE. I was looking and liking the pcHDTV HD5500. I have heard good things about the Hauppauge WinTV-PVR-500. I really like the dual tuner feature. Whats everyone else using and does anyone have any suggestions on what card will be around for awhile and also produce the best results in my LMCE. I would also like something thats not to difficult for a beginner to install. Thanks for any advice

I want to be able to just use one box to control everything. So when I am in LMCE watching TV and viewing guide data I want to be able to select  a program and have that guide send a signal to my STB as to what channel to change to. Please advise on what all is need to accomplish. Thanks!

Supposedly when you setup LMCE Teliax is among the supported carriers that LMCE will setup automatically. Well mine doesn’t work. I signed on to the Teliax website and it confirms that my account is active. I ran a couple of commands and the output was:

dcerouter_93254:/home/linuxmce# asterisk -r
Connected to Asterisk 1.4.10 currently running on dcerouter (pid = 8219)
dcerouterCLI> iax2 show peers
Name/Username Host Mask Port Status
teliax1 (Unspecified) (S) 4569 Unmonitored
teliax-out/sinc (S) 4569 OK (28 ms)
2 iax2 peers [1 online, 0 offline, 1 unmonitored]
dcerouterCLI> iax2 show registry
Host dnsmgr Username Perceived Refresh State N sincityhar <unregistered> 60 Rejected

Not sure if this helps or not. I could really use some help from anyone out there familiar with setting this up on a LMCE box. Your time would be greatly appreciated.

Also when I try to make a call I get “all circuits are busy” it also shows an error that reads: Call dropped. Reason: Facility not subscribed

Can anyone help me make sense of this?

Installation issues / How to share media from other computers?
« on: October 22, 2008, 11:12:24 am »
Ive finally got my LMCE setup and networked to all my other computers in the house. Its found them asked if I would like to use them. I indicated yes. It ran through the procedure to set them up and asked me to restart the router. which I did (and all the computers in the house for that matters) In the web admin it shows that they are attached however none of the media on any of my other computer is available on my LMCE. Did I miss a step or is my media supposed to be in a particular folder? FYI, before I ever started with LMCE I networked my linux box with my windows box using samba so i dont know if that is going to affect anything.

Installation issues / Re: LinuxMCE network configuration?
« on: October 22, 2008, 08:31:38 am »
Another thing I just noticed is my netowrk settings.

EXTERNAL_MAC    00:13:D3:C8:DF:31
INTERNAL_MAC    00:13:D3:C8:DF:32

If I am plugged directly into my DSL modem why am I pulling a for my external IP? If I am attached to my modem directly with no router, shouldn't that show a public address. Speaking of which how do I go about finding out what my public address is?

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