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Messages - mduno

Pages: [1] 2
Users / Re: E-mailing Voicemail - LinuxMCE 7.10
« on: May 13, 2010, 03:44:52 am »
Bulek -

Thanks for the feedback and offer of help.  Currently I am using sSMTP, and it seems to be doing the trick. 

I do like Adam's mailx approach and am curious to see it in action.


Users / Re: E-mailing Voicemail - LinuxMCE 7.10
« on: May 11, 2010, 04:37:16 pm »
Adam -

Sorry for the slow follow-up.  I've been distracted with some other LMCE issues, plus I am new to working with subversions.  I hope to get to sooner rather than later.


Users / Re: E-mailing Voicemail - LinuxMCE 7.10
« on: April 30, 2010, 04:16:35 pm »
Adam -

Thanks for the heads-up regarding your mailx device.  I'll try and check it out.



Users / Re: E-mailing Voicemail - LinuxMCE 7.10
« on: April 23, 2010, 12:46:03 am »
Techstyle -

Thanks for your feedback, as well as delving into the history of the page.  I'll take a closer look and probably give it a try.


Users / Re: E-mailing Voicemail - LinuxMCE 7.10
« on: April 22, 2010, 04:22:09 pm »
I am glad to hear that 8.10 works well for you and agree that it is important to contribute where possible.

Having said that, any feedback to my original inquiry would be appreciated.


Users / Re: E-mailing Voicemail - LinuxMCE 7.10
« on: April 22, 2010, 03:40:33 pm »
To date 7.10 has been working fine.  Once there is a stable RC of 8.10 I'll look into making a transition.

Users / E-mailing Voicemail - LMCE 7.10
« on: April 22, 2010, 03:29:08 am »
I've gotten the telecom portion of my LinuxMCE 7.10 setup working, with the exception of being able to e-mail voicemail.  Does this feature work in 7.10?  If yes, then is there any thing else beyond the LinuxMCE web admin settings for users and voicemail that requires setting.

In searching the wiki, the following page seems to imply that there is an e-mail server:

However, the following page seems to imply a fix is needed (at least for 8.10):

Any help with how to make e-mailing voicemail in 7.10 work would be greatly appreciated.



Users / Re: Adding Phone Line Provider
« on: June 19, 2009, 02:12:21 am »
Thom -

Thanks for your help.  Hopefully I'll have a chance to test in the coming days.


Users / Adding Phone Line Provider
« on: June 16, 2009, 04:08:08 am »
I’ve had success setting up FreePBX with Callcentric and was considering using them with a LMCE setup.  It appears that the primary file that would require editing/creating is:


I also noticed:


Are there any other files that I would need to edit and/or create?

Once I’ve tested, I would be more than happy to share with the community.



Users / SNOM M3
« on: April 09, 2009, 04:11:42 am »
Just curious if anyone has tried the SNOM M3 with their LinuxMCE setup and what they thought (or think) of the SNOM M3.  I have seen postings regarding other DECT units (i.e. Siemens' Gigaset), but not SNOM's M3.

Thanks for your help.


Users / Core Booting Issue
« on: January 02, 2009, 02:33:28 am »
I am getting the following prompt when booting my Core:

"/dev/sda1 contains file sys errors, check forced."

The unit is running some sort of check, as you can see it counting from 1% up to 100% (complete).  Once this has been completed the following has been popping up:

"/dev/sda1 Duplicate or bad block in use!"

Any thoughts on how to resolve?



Help Wanted / Boston Based LinuxMCE Expert Needed
« on: November 17, 2008, 04:12:05 am »
Immediate need for an experienced LinuxMCE individual for getting a demo system up and running. This individual would then be instrumental in client system configuration and installation.

Interested individuals can email me directly detailing their LinuxMCE experience. Only applicants residing in the Greater Boston area will be considered.


Users / Re: Prebuilt LinuxMCE Products
« on: August 12, 2008, 02:02:06 am »
Andrew, you are correct.  I called Pluto after posting and the individual I spoke with did say that they're currently not selling hardware.


Users / Re: Prebuilt LinuxMCE Products
« on: August 11, 2008, 06:36:05 pm »
Thanks for everyones input.  Based on this feedback it appears that Fiire is the only authorized source for prebuilt LinuxMCE products in the US market, unless one includes Pluto.  Any reasons for going (or not going) with Pluto vs. Fiire?  Presumably Fiire is a cheaper option.



Users / Prebuilt LinuxMCE Products
« on: August 10, 2008, 03:38:51 am »
Who offers prebuilt LinuxMCE products?  I am familiar with Fiire and Convergent Home Technologies.  Are there any other authorized prebuilt LinuxMCE products?


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