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Messages - richard.e.morton

Users / Re: iPhone/iPod Touch Orbiter?
May 03, 2009, 04:57:13 PM
similar thread started for Andoid phones. rational is that it will be supported by many more companies to meet more peoples needs.
Users / Android Orbiter
May 03, 2009, 04:53:16 PM
As per the iPhone thread...

How much would you pay (from the App Market) for an Android based Orbiter with full functionality?

remember, android phones will be on every carrier worldwide shortly.
The HTC Dream and Magic are excellent especally with Android 1.5
Samsung, Lenovo, Acer, Motorola, SonyEricsson have all committed to producing Android based phones.
Many other companies are also looking at Android for all sorts of things such as tablets and small netbooks & laptops
Users / Re: READ: Website Help Needed
May 03, 2009, 04:50:54 PM
Hi There,

Thanks for the encouragement... to just get stuck in.

However, I am not inclined to spend the time on a demo, when I dont know what the requirements of the solution are. If a demo has any chance of captivating the audience it is when it is targeted at solving the problems that the decision makers have. Anyway, demos tend to live and die on how it looks and the look and feel is personal preference and changable.

Who what where when why and how springs to mind

Are each of these requirements Musts, Shoulds, Coulds or Wants.

I am happy to do, but first I need to understand the problem, design a solution (hand in hand with picking a style) and finally implement and test.

So how exactly would you like to do this? Who are the project leaders, who are the decision makers, what are the problems that the decision makers are trying to resolve?



Users / Re: READ: Website Help Needed
May 03, 2009, 11:42:08 AM

I have built several dynamic websites; such as <a href="">NaFoF</a> for various organisations. I have looked at Mambo, Joomla, Drupal, Dot Net Nuke, PHPNuke etc... many many CMSs

My top two are Joomla and Drupal...

Joomla is great if you want to provide a very limited set of features to a set of users and if what you want is accomodated by the core product of modules; however those modules are designed to complete a simple task and not very configurable.

Drupal is a different type of CMS which is just incredibly powerful and configurable. It takes a little longer to learn, but CCK, Calendar, Views are modules which are just ridiculously flexible and configurable if your needs change it is usually straight forward to accomplish.

For the needs of the LinuxMCE community I highly recommend Drupal. It takes a little longer to learn, but it is worth learning.

I am happy to help out or even building the site (and of course completing a handover to the ongoing web-admins).

LinuxMCE is deeply integrated with specific components of the Kubuntu distribution. Each LinuxMCE release is aligned with a specific Kubuntu release and the next LinuxMCE release is planned to be aligned with Kubuntu 810 (Kubuntu 810 due later this year - LinuxMCE sometime after that - I am sure that there is quite a bit of work to complete the integration and testing for the final release.

Users / Re: Blu-Ray player problem
September 08, 2008, 12:06:06 AM
Users / Re: Blu-Ray player problem
September 08, 2008, 12:01:25 AM
thanks for the reply, on another topic.

I assumed that the .dvd file that the LinuxMCE system creates is an ISO image renamed to a .dvd; I haven't had much luck using it this way... is my hypothesis correct/


Users / Re: Blu-Ray player problem
September 07, 2008, 03:14:48 PM
Quote from: posde on February 11, 2008, 07:58:39 PM
Well, watching a DVD on  a (fairly) large screen really shows differences between a DVD rip on a regular single layer DVD disk, and the original. I want the best possible picture quality while watching a movie in my home theater. Watching on a regular TV set does not show much difference, but once to you go into larger sized screens you see a difference. And it annoys the hell out of me.

So, by going down from 3-8GB of data to a 4GB movie, I save about 1€. I am willing to pay this price to get the best quality possible.



Interesting point... but talking about regular DVDs not HDDVD or BluRay... standard DVDs use an old and now inferior compression technique, MPEG2. MPEG4 part 10, otherwise known as H.264 is much much more efficient and so in theory you should be able to transcode a DVD to h.264 with almost no loss of quality (there will be some due to the original loss of data; rendering back to full screen with a little loss of data; then recompression to h.264 - which unfortunately will toss out different data to the orginal compression)...

but with MPEG4 part 10 being around 50% more efficient I am very interested in techniques to transcode ripped DVDs to h264. I can't see how to do it within LinuxMCE currently.


Quote from: totallymaxed on September 05, 2008, 04:49:40 PM
Quote from: richard.e.morton on September 05, 2008, 01:34:41 PM
this seems to contradict the wiki...

Yep that page is out of date... I've updated it with a warning. As Zaerc says earlier in this thread the Via's GPU's will handle UI1 ok (but you will need to build your own OpenChrome oe Unichrome drivers).

On the other hand the new ATOM based machines like the ASUS Eee Box and other built around the Intel i945GCLF motherboard offer a good alternative (especially the ASUS... comes complete with a VESA mounting kit).

All the best


Well that's more than a little frustrating as I am building my system currently... I have just bought an SP-13000 which isn't now going to work... arrrggghhhh

Quote from: Zaerc on September 05, 2008, 03:46:37 PM

Hi, thanks...
has no-one been able to resolve this, does rebuilding fix it?

just posted this...

09-05-08 09:59

   I have same issue with GoMouse and Nvidia 8500 based graphics card.
When I installed the LinuxMCE system I had all USB devices plugged in, I noticed somewhere that someone said you should install Kubuntu and then LinuxMCE with no devices plugged in (which seem strange as it's supposed to be plug and play), and I have found no official documentation on this.

I would suggest that this is not a minor bug, it seems to be affecting quite a few users and pieces of hardware and makes the system unusable.


I have built my system on a Intel q6600 quad core processor and Asus p5q MB (which I have got working pretty much out of the box assuming you update the bios to 1004, change a couple of BIOS options, have no USB devices plugged in duing installation, and after installation of LinuxMCE manually install the LAN driver... I will post a wiki when I am happy it is stable.

I have a Nvidia GeForce 8500 based PCIe passivley cooled graphics card; works fine in Kubuntu... LinuxMCE automatically installed the drivers (although it didn't ask). and I am using UI2 without a-blending.

When watching TV (I have a NovaT500dual DVB-T card, but no media on the system yet), and (trying to) use the OSD for playback speed / volume... it appears when I press the button on the Gyration Go air mouse, but when I move the pointer it flickers, doesn't respond properly and looks generally unusable and unsightly....

the main menus work fine (vertical scroll of option selected within a single pull-up menu is seamless, horizontal scroll between pull-up menus flickers slightly).

I have read that I could install teh latest NVidia drivers, but there are no instructions that I have found about how to revert back to the LInuxMCE versions if it fails... it walso says some LinuxMCE files will be overwritten, but doesn't say if these are just driver files or much more important stuff (why would they mention it if it was just driver files)?

any ideas?


Yep, not working for me (I have a Gyration Go 2.4 air mouse).

ok, so I have linuxmce up and running, but jeez isn't there a lot of configuration and a lot to learn.!!!
At the moment all I want is TV, pictures, video, music... with multiple orbiters and MDs
no VOIP, automation, security, video cameras etc... well, not yet ;-)
Any help with this one as I have exactly the same issue with my new system.

