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Messages - dutler

Pages: [1]
Installation issues / Re: tiered core / multiple servers
« on: October 28, 2008, 11:35:15 am »
Hi, I never set up a LinuxMCE system. If it has has to be master of the users world and is so fragile and with so many wrappers... i deiced it was not compatible with me and stuck with my mythtv get up.

But, I recently have done some work with DHCP and thought I would report my new knowledge since is different than what I was told here and because it bothered me to be shut down by a community.

So, LMCE needs to run a DHCP:
Services could be relayed by a DHCP proxy, thus allowing my DHCP/DNS combo to function the way I wanted. But may not be good enough for LMCE for what ever reasoning or quircks of LMCE.

DHCP servers - such as the one in LMCE can be configured to operated on a non-standard port and clients can listen on non-standard port either mod the boot rom, chain ether boot.... what ever your hardware needs. Some extra work, but scalable.

DHCP server - such as the one in LMCE can be configured to only service certain MACs - aaah since my household (and likely many others) have a finite number of LMCE devices this is prob the easiest. Just do static entries (mac + ip) for your dhcpd.conf.


Installation issues / Re: tiered core / multiple servers
« on: July 02, 2008, 05:30:22 pm »
Well, thank you. There still seems to be logical steps missing, but he the explanation of its a big deal is taken - just doesnt make since.


Installation issues / Re: tiered core / multiple servers
« on: July 02, 2008, 08:26:45 am »
Heres my confusion -
Documentation says that the DCE is socket based messaging system, well then the diff software shouldn't have to be on the same machine.  It still may not scale to a service provider fashion, but should be limited to one machine.

Maybe most of the software such as Asterisk doesn't use the DCE and uses wrappers instead?

Installation issues / Re: tiered core / multiple servers
« on: July 02, 2008, 07:34:06 am »
before commenting on this any further
right, this isnt about the DHCP, but about decentralizing the core services to multiple servers. DHCP/PXE booting was just an example.

I appreciate the replies - especially standing on the shoulders of giants, but colinjones, "because I said so" doesnt do any one any good.

Maybe the proper way to go is to start a wiki page and invite the more experienced users to participate with the documentation? Just seems like a bad plan for someone like me to have to RE it.

Andrew, can you point me to some threads... I must be searching for the wrong stuff.

Installation issues / Re: tiered core / multiple servers
« on: July 02, 2008, 06:44:36 am »
Thanks for the help thus far. This question is just about use some of my old computers (20 headless 1U servers != MD), but about understand the the archetechture.

I dont understand what makes it so tightly coupled. Take Asterisk for an example. For LinuxMCE to make a phone call it should speak with Asterisk over and AMI via IP address right? FreePBX can even run on a different server than Asterisk and it has a lot of business logic (not just a GUI).

I would rather keep my m0n0wall firewall, dhcp and dns cache .... I know for the MD's to work diskless they need the proper tftp server, but lots of dhcp servers can serve up a different ip address for the tftp server.

So is it really that tight or is that just the rule of thumb?
thanks, tom

Installation issues / tiered core / multiple servers
« on: July 01, 2008, 09:26:02 am »
Hello: I do not quite understand the need for ONE super server as the core. (besides I have a handful of dual p3 i want to use) :)
Has anyone set up the core services crossed several machines? I would rather have my LinuxMCE talk to my asterisk/freepbx and to my nas. This seems simple enough with the nature of Linux, but what about distributing encoding and decoding, dvd ripping, DTV sources, and what not?

Thanks, tom

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