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Messages - methodus

Pages: [1]
Installation issues / Re: PXE-Boot hangs up, looping......
« on: June 20, 2008, 01:24:08 pm »

I have a Jetway J9F2-Extreme. I deactivated the second NIC but it is still looping all day long. I also tryed to set up BIOS boot order and switching between both NICs....

How can I fix it?


Edit: actually I just deaktivated PXE. Is this all I have to do?

Hmmm... you must have PXE boot enabled in BIOS otherwise your MD wont.... well PXE boot!


Thank you Andrew, but actually this is not what I asked for. I have two nics and it keeps cycling as described in the first post. So I want to know how to deactivate one of the two devices, not both!

Installation issues / Re: PXE-Boot hangs up, looping......
« on: June 19, 2008, 12:47:09 pm »

I have a Jetway J9F2-Extreme. I deactivated the second NIC but it is still looping all day long. I also tryed to set up BIOS boot order and switching between both NICs....

How can I fix it?


Edit: actually I just deaktivated PXE. Is this all I have to do?

Users / Re: Intel 945GM out of the box?
« on: June 19, 2008, 11:35:56 am »
Do you have a graphical text editor? Actually you should have, because there is one installed in Kubuntu (kedit or similar)

As far as I know, you just have to change the xorg.conf and restart the x-server to use another driver. Usually the drivers are already included in the Linux kernel.

I want to try it now, and see what happens...

Edit: ok, DONT do this. DO NOT change the driver to i815. it will lead to a "Can not configure X server" error message when you try to reconfigure the screen using the wizzard of LMCE. It will automatically reset the driver to the intel driver as it set before.

I was wondering why nobody else have this problem.

Users / Re: Intel 945GM out of the box?
« on: June 18, 2008, 11:28:46 pm »
I have the 32bit version. I was using the CD version as I need to install the drivers for my Hauppauge HVR-4000 first.

Actually I thought it is a Intel driver problem, but it is not. The driver works fine so far and I am able to run the UI test over several minutes without crash. It just crashes inside the media director.

Edit: could you just post your xorg.conf? I mean its the same, obviously... however, I have read in some ubuntu boards to use the i815 driver instead of intel. Have you tried this?

Users / Re: Intel 945GM out of the box?
« on: June 18, 2008, 07:06:28 pm »
Hi b4rney,

I have built up two set top boxes with the J9F2 and got exactly the same problems you have.

When I try to use UI2 with overlay the hole machine crashes after some seconds.

UI1 works fine so far, but this is not why I spend 250€ for the board and another 250€ for a T7200...

I hope to fix this, but actually I see no future in LinuxMCE for these boards.

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