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Messages - Esperanto

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Users / Re: ReceiveData failed error
« on: September 09, 2017, 08:03:44 am »
Code: [Select]
mysql> delete from PnpQueue;
Query OK, 36179 rows affected (0.25 sec)

Users / ReceiveData failed error
« on: September 08, 2017, 10:04:08 am »
Anyone knows how to fix this? I get the pop up for the HD all the time. Does not matter if I ignore it or add it as a HDD.

Code: [Select]
07      09/08/17 9:30:02.657            Event #65 has no handlers <0x7fd3a77be700>
07      09/08/17 9:30:02.657            Received Message from 1 (^[[36;1mCORE / Living Room/Family Room^[[0m) to -1001 (^[[36;1munknown / ^[[0m), type 2 id 65 Event:^[[32;1mDevice Detected^[[0m, retry none, parameters: <0x7fd3a77be700>
07      09/08/17 9:30:02.657              Parameter 5(Mac Address):  <0x7fd3a77be700>
07      09/08/17 9:30:02.657              Parameter 13(Text): 690.64 GB [sdb2] SAMSUNG_HD753LJ on dcerouter <0x7fd3a77be700>
07      09/08/17 9:30:02.657              Parameter 28(IP Address):  <0x7fd3a77be700>
07      09/08/17 9:30:02.657              Parameter 49(PK_DeviceTemplate): 1790 <0x7fd3a77be700>
07      09/08/17 9:30:02.657              Parameter 51(VendorModelID):  <0x7fd3a77be700>
07      09/08/17 9:30:02.657              Parameter 52(PK_CommMethod): 8 <0x7fd3a77be700>
07      09/08/17 9:30:02.657              Parameter 53(PK_PnpProtocol):  <0x7fd3a77be700>
07      09/08/17 9:30:02.657              Parameter 54(PNP Serial Number): e5712295-c412-4c51-81c1-095b10a4f4b0 <0x7fd3a77be700>
07      09/08/17 9:30:02.657              Parameter 55(DeviceData): 267|e5712295-c412-4c51-81c1-095b10a4f4b0|277|690.64 GB <0x7fd3a77be700>
07      09/08/17 9:30:02.657              Parameter 56(Category):  <0x7fd3a77be700>
07      09/08/17 9:30:02.657              Parameter 59(Signature):  <0x7fd3a77be700>
05      09/08/17 9:30:02.707            ^[[33;1mSocket::ReceiveData 0x7fd43c0986a0 failed, bytes left 0 start: 68930748 1: 0 1b: 0 2: 0 2b: 0 m_Socket: 125 Incoming_Conn Socket 125 ::ffff:^[[0m <0x7fd3a77be700>
05      09/08/17 9:30:02.707            ^[[33;1mSocket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Incoming_Conn Socket 125 ::ffff:^[[0m <0x7fd3a77be700>
05      09/08/17 9:30:02.707            ^[[33;1mTCPIP: Closing connection to -1003 (Router Dev #0) 0x7fd43c0986a0 m_Socket: -1^[[0m <0x7fd3a77be700>
05      09/08/17 9:30:02.707            ^[[33;1mRouter::RemoveAndDeleteSocket 0x7fd43c0986a0 -1003^[[0m <0x7fd3a77be700>

Users / Re: Thoughts on my system design
« on: October 14, 2016, 05:13:40 pm »
Is there any way to watch netflix or Hulu on the md with out rebooting to mint?

no need to reboot; netflix runs in a browser. Then you need a remote to control it. I suppose smoothness depends on the MD hardware.

Users / Re: Need some dedicated testers.
« on: January 06, 2016, 06:15:58 pm »
I am sure there are people who give even worse error description.

Sorry but that _is_ al the info that is showing as in the picture. Seems quite clear to me. The link I refered to:

which has:

then it shows that screen when running the app.....

Users / Re: Need some dedicated testers.
« on: December 10, 2015, 04:06:17 pm »
I saw there was a link on the main orbiter download page so I hoped it would be ready for plug and play but I got stuck at the  screen shown in the attachment where I only can enter a device name. Text on screen:

Setup as a new QOrbiter

Click to Change Name

nice post Jason. I also think that working together means better code and a better product for everyone. And probably more money for the commercial side.

Users / Re: howto remove mythtv storage directory
« on: March 28, 2015, 03:27:43 pm »
Until someone has the right way to do it I commented out line 343 in /usr/pluto/bin/ :


Users / howto remove mythtv storage directory
« on: March 28, 2015, 01:19:42 pm »
How can I remove a storage dir in mythtv? I still get some IO issues so I wanted to make sure that liveTV only uses the SSD as temporary storage. However when I remove it in mythsetup it automatically gets added again. What is the proper way to do this? thx.

Users / Re: mythtv
« on: March 28, 2015, 01:17:36 pm »
check the mythbackend and frontend logs for errors. Maybe you need to rescan transports or there is a version mismatch.

Users / Re: LinuxMCE suddenly rings
« on: December 29, 2014, 05:54:04 pm »
You could try to use 'netstat' and see where these connections are coming from.

If you dont have port 5060 forwarded, and you have a firewall rule, it must from somewhere in your internal lan, or from the core itself.

As intended by lmce I have the core as the router. As mentioned before, unplugging the internet cable stopped the ringing. I don't see anything special on netstat. what should I look for?

Users / Re: Video Standards.
« on: December 21, 2014, 06:06:18 pm »
I'd love to be able to play mythtv live tv&recordings on a rpi and occasionally on an android device.

Personally I don't care much about apple: android is getting most of the market share and since they are much more affordable anyone able to buy an apple should be able to get a simple android device.

That said being able to play everything on every device is the best of course but probably not worth the efforts.

Users / Re: LinuxMCE suddenly rings
« on: December 21, 2014, 06:00:22 pm »
Anybody a suggestion on how to stop this except pulling the wan plug? I tried adding a firewall rule to the input list:
ipv4    input            tcp & udp      5060          DROP      Edit Delete

that does not help.

I tried renaming /usr/sbin/asterisk and that also does not help.

Users / Re: Need some dedicated testers.
« on: December 15, 2014, 06:11:28 pm »

wise decision. Hope it helps you in your progress. Congrats on the work thus far.

Users / program control
« on: December 15, 2014, 10:07:01 am »
How can I hide the blue buttons and keyboard button when I start a program via computing? (added as described in )

Also is it possible and if so how can I have remote input on the program so that the pressing play/pause on a remote it gets translated to a space press. Is it also possible to have an orbiter show a play/pause butten and send that as well?

Users / Re: LinuxMCE suddenly rings
« on: December 14, 2014, 09:20:09 pm »
Anybody a suggestion on how to stop this except pulling the wan plug? I tried adding a firewall rule to the input list:
ipv4    input            tcp & udp      5060          DROP      Edit Delete

that does not help.

I tried renaming /usr/sbin/asterisk and that also does not help.

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