Ok, I know I must be doing something wrong. From 7.10 to 8.10 Beta, I have not ever managed to consistantly had IR working for more that a brief time. I have tried a USB-UIRT and a GC-100.
Let's start with the USB-UIRT. How simple, just plug it in and poof it's available! If I use an exiting Sony TV template, I can manage to get it to transmit something (lovely blinking light). But, I cannot seem to get it to do more than correctly send a channel change command. I know what you are thinking, perhaps I am using the wrong set of Pronto codes. Nope. If I plug int that very same USB-UIRT into my laptop and use a program called EventGhost, I can get the Sony TV and Sony receiver to dance a jig with the very same Pronto codes! What is the difference?
In my frustration, I tried my old GC-100. Plug it in and voila, LMCE sees it enought to install software for it. Buuuuut! I see no individual IR out interfaces like I did in 7.10 so no warm fuzzy. I tried sending codes after making my Sony TV template use the GC-100, but not a single blinky blinky on the GC itself or at the emitter end.
Please slap me. Ask me for more details (I am at work at the moment).
All I need to be a happy person again is the ability to turn on/off my TV and receiver...