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Messages - lukenn

Users / Network file sharing with mac os x
April 03, 2008, 08:58:07 PM
Hi guys,

Been getting used to Linux (and MCE) in general for a few days now, but i want to set up file sharing with my MacBook (running Tiger) so i can just drag and drop music, photos and videos from my macs hdd and into the public folder on my linux machine. Im a complete newbie (and very nervous) when it comes to network sharing and setting it i dont want to end up checking the wrong box and find out i've just granted permission for the rest of the World Wide Web to access all my files. So....i was wondering if anyone would be able to give me a step by step guide to getting this running? Would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

Users / Re: Few questions if anyone can help??
April 01, 2008, 11:55:13 PM
Quote from: Zaerc on April 01, 2008, 11:28:54 PM
Quote from: Michael on April 01, 2008, 08:23:40 PM
sudo vim /etc/group
find row
and add there linuxmce

Here is an easier way to do that: sudo adduser linuxmce public

Thanks. Think i ended up doing both methods in the end because after doing the first method it didnt seem to work, so i tried the second, then thought "maybe i need to reboot", so i did that (using a command, :p getting the hang of this! lol) and all is good. copying as i speak right now.

Thanks for your help guys.
Users / Re: Few questions if anyone can help??
April 01, 2008, 09:57:33 PM
Quote from: Michael on April 01, 2008, 09:39:10 PM
You have to read about Linux. At least basic commands. vim is a console editor. So, when you run sudo vim /etc/group you should see content of the file. To be able to edit it you need to know basic command of vim. You can use GUI editor - kwrite:

sudo kwrite /etc/group

ohh i see. i never realised it was this complicated. Bit like learning a whole new language. Would you be able to point me at some appropriate reading? I've searched but to be honest im not sure what to look for.
Thank you for being so patient with me.
Users / Re: Few questions if anyone can help??
April 01, 2008, 09:24:02 PM
Quote from: Michael on April 01, 2008, 08:23:40 PM

Both your problems are related with permissions. By default user linuxmce doesn't have write permissions to directory /home/public/data/videos. To add it you can do following. Run command
sudo vim /etc/group
find row
and add there linuxmce

After that you should be able to add or manage files there.

Ok, so i just tried running the command for the first time in my life (this really is the first time i've ever used Linux)
I typed in what you said and hit run then nothing happened. The command window closed and nothing happened afterwards. Am i doing something wrong? I used 0710Beta4-i386 version of Linux MCE with the quick install DVD if that means anything?
Users / Re: Few questions if anyone can help??
April 01, 2008, 09:14:39 PM
Quote from: Michael on April 01, 2008, 08:23:40 PM
Quote from: lukenn on April 01, 2008, 08:06:36 PM
3) I found a TV tuner that i had lying around. Is anyone able to tell me how to install it and get it running MythTV? Its a Hauppauge WinTV NOVA-T-USB2. Is this compatible? I've read about the NOVA-T being compatible, but havnt heard anyting about the NOVA-T-USB version.

Have a look this -

Thanks for the quick reply! Really great info. Now i've just got to do some research to turn the instructions on that page into english  :P
Users / Few questions if anyone can help??
April 01, 2008, 08:06:36 PM
Hi guys,
Linux newbie im afraid so bare with me.

A few quick questions if you dont mind,

1) I have a number of DVD discs which i have used to store avi videos on in data format, so no DVD type encoding. How can i go about adding these to my media library? When i insert the DVD it isnt acknowledged in MCE, but on the KDE desktop i can open the DVD and play the avi video files inside. I tried copying the videos into my public movie folder but it wont let me. is there any way i can go about doing this?

2) Can i rename movies once i have put them into my media library? Again, it wont let me rename them when i navigate to the folder on the KDE desktop, and i cant seem to find a way to do it when in the orbitor.

3) I found a TV tuner that i had lying around. Is anyone able to tell me how to install it and get it running MythTV? Its a Hauppauge WinTV NOVA-T-USB2. Is this compatible? I've read about the NOVA-T being compatible, but havnt heard anyting about the NOVA-T-USB version.


4) On a different thread i found this link: and some of that additional software looks very useful. But, when im in the Pluto Admin Website section there is no option to install new software that isnt already on the list. The thread i found that link in was from 2005, so im guessing the method has changed? If so, would anyone be able to give me instructions as to how to go about installing some of that stuff?

Thanks again and sorry if some of those questions have obvious answers (im still learning  :P ).
Hi guys,
Im very new to all this.....thinking of putting Linux MCE onto a server i have at home so i can distribute my media around the house, but i have a quick question: Can i access the media on my Linux MCE machine from a standard wireless laptop running XP, or a MacBook running OS X 10.4. I want to be able to store all my media on the Linux machine and then stream (is this the right term to use?) the media from this onto my MacBook or XP machine when i want to watch the media on them. How easy/possible is this? How would i go about doing it?
Sorry if this is a stupid question.
Thanks in advance,

yeah that helps a lot, thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed reply :-)

guess i need to think about whats more important now....linuxMCE's setup and functions, or playing games with my friends on the internet :-p
Users / Linux MCE Windows MCE or just a little help
March 08, 2008, 07:08:47 PM
Hi guys,

Firstly....i hope i've posted this in the right section, forgive me if i havnt. i used to be a PC user, recently got a mac, and now im looking into making a linux based home media centre....however, i have a few questions if you wouldnt mind me asking.

I managed to get hold of a HP ProLiant ML110 server thats never been used before. All i need to do is install RAM and a HDD (i have a 250Gb SATA drive waiting to go in).....initially i wanted to just install linuxMCE on this machine, and use it to host all my music, photos and home movies etc, but now me and some friends have got into online gaming, and are looking at buying Call Of Duty 4 so we can all play online.....i cant run this on my macbook, because it simply wouldnt handle it, and the only PC i have is this HP that im going to be using for Linux. Can i partition the drive and install linuxMCE on one section and XP on the other? That was only question number one :p . Next, i'll need to upgrade my graphics card in order to run COD4, are nearly all graphics cards nowdays compatible with linux? Will i be able to find the necessary drivers? Specifically im talking about a NVIDIA Geforce 6600 or 7800. The same question regarding a wireless setup. Because of where i'll be placing the PC, it will be running on a wireless connection. Are there any wireless receivers i need to stay away from due to incompatibility with linuxMCE? Lastly, is there anything else i need to know before going ahead with this? any other hardware im missing out? I want to run MythTV so will be buying a TV receiver to go in the back of the PC, so im assuming that should all run smoothly. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks,
