hmm, instead of trying to duct tape on MythTV plugins, MAYBE a few of us developers could get together and actually make Orbiter screens for this stuff that's provided by the plugins so it could actually be DISTRIBUTED across the whole smart home!
damn it fellas,
Where are the developers?
Where are the coders?
Where are the hackers?
Are you all really just a bunch of users?
For all the time wasted duct taping things on, that time could be better spent actually integrating this stuff into the system correctly!
If you just want mythtv, go use something else, that's not why I am here. This is a smart home, and the UI is supposed to be distributed house wide, and if you're using a VDR or MythTV plugin, guess what? that's not house wide!
I'm getting tired getting down on my knees begging for help, because me, Hari, Uplink, and Possy can't do it all.. Jondecker76 has a life, with a wife and many kids....
I know more than a few of you are developers in here that use this software. PLEASE STEP UP AND HELP!!!!
wheee i think his whole point was finding documentation on what things are supported in both mythtv and vdr..
not everyone has the time to invest to get to the point where they can be heavy into development..