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Messages - negus

Users / Re: Changing the standard ui
February 05, 2008, 09:17:46 PM
hi again guys. finally i have my media center again and are now building my menu.
Can i change the name of the baseline buttons with the web interface?

Users / Re: Changing the standard ui
January 26, 2008, 01:54:09 PM
Thanks for the manual.

And also thanks for the hint with adding/removing buttons with the Webadmin page. Redefining there names and adding the buttons i want to the wright base buttons would be a easy "workaround" to recreating the whole gui with HA Designer.

thx guys.

u are running the xserver with the x86 driver. (nv). This driver has some problems with the glx/opengl.
Thats why lmce installes the nvidia-glx package of the kubuntu sources.
sh :/ should work but it seams that your xorg.conf isn't updated correctly.

Backup it
  1) cd /etc/X11
   2) cp xorg.conf xorg.conf_backup
and than change
QuoteDriver      "nv"
QuoteDriver      "nvidia" 

If you still get problems with the driver try to find a howto in a kubuntu/ubuntu forum.
Would give you a link but i only know the german ubuntu side ( maybe it helps anyway :

Users / Re: Changing the standard ui
January 25, 2008, 10:42:26 PM
y i tried with mono. i opens a screen and after 2sec recognizes that no odbc classes are present.
In the worst case i will run it in vmware. shoudl be no problem.

a answer to my question about manual/How-To/Tutorial would be more importend.
The wiki article worried me a little bit. But i think changing the existing gui should be done easy
no matter how bad Designer is

Users / Re: Changing the standard ui
January 25, 2008, 06:30:12 PM
because of the wiki.

QuoteDesigner is very poorly written, and we do not recommend any developer puts much effort into this code.
It needs be completely re-written from scratch

maybe the designer article makes people afraid of using it.

I just thought that changing the menu (delete some points, move a sub menu to top) could be made without using designer because the articles says u have to rewrite the whole code anyway.
So i got to search for a M$ System.

is there any manual / tutorial for it? Rewritting the whole code without help would be a lot of work.
Users / Changing the standard ui
January 25, 2008, 04:50:41 PM
i have build a lmce box and now want to change the ui.
I read in the wiki that this can be done using "designer". But designer is a win prog, has problems with the db.....

I just want to remove the Buttons for "ligthning", "alarm" and "phone" and show the
subelements of the "Media" - menu instead.

can i do this without messing around with desinger and rewriting all the code it generates?

best regards
Installation issues / Re: Can't change UI
January 15, 2008, 11:04:15 PM
y i also read this in the wiki but the nvidia-glx driver doesn't work
don't know why.
i will test the nvidia-glx driver again when i can get to my mc again

Installation issues / Re: Can't change UI
January 15, 2008, 11:10:27 AM
i also tried to change the ui with the admin page.
mine is also not selectable. maybe u have to generate the ui2 images with the av wizard before u ca
select it in at the admin page.

thx for the hint with envy. will try this at the weekend
i had the same problem with my geforce 7050pv.
The problem is the card doesn't work with the ncvidia-glx driver which is installed from the
kubuntu sources. lmce checks if they are installed and installs them if they aren't.

i solved this problem by reinstalling the nvidia driver (sh aftere lmc was installed.

Then i run into the problem that modprobe nvidia didn't work. So i messed around with the
modprobe config files. The probmlem was in /etc/modprobe.d/lrm-video.
There is a entry like "install nvidia: lrm-video nvidia".
so i tried lrm-video nvidia and nothing worked. seems like lrm-video only works with the nvidia driver
of the kubuntu sources. I commented this line by adding a # at the beginning and the nvidia was loaded
and the xserver started without probs.

but u are right the flickering is really annoying. bad that i didn't realised that "sudo telinit 1" will stop it.
but killall xinit also did fine :)
Installation issues / Re: Can't change UI
January 13, 2008, 07:52:05 PM
sry to just start a new thread.
i think the av-wizard will do what i want.

But there is still the problem with the nvidia driver. Anyone knows how to fix it?
Would be nice to get it running with nvidia-glx, so lmce would automaticly include the updates.

anyone has experiences with the 7050pv or the abit board? i choosed it because
i read in the wiki that it is running just out of the box. so there must be people who got it
running wiithout probs.

Installation issues / Can't change UI
January 13, 2008, 07:39:59 PM
i am trying to build a lmce box.
i ordered some hardware and now try to run it as a hybrid because i have only one room at my flat :)

Abit An-2MHD (GEforce 7050pv , nforce 630a Chipset)
2x 1GB DDR2 800 RAm
CPU Athlon64 LE1620 2,4GHz AM2
750gig Samsung hdd :)

I ran into some Problems when i tried to install with the DVD Installer.
So decided to install Kubuntu 7.04 first and then add LMCE to the installation.

It took my a lot of time to get the geforce 7050 supported. (nvidia-glx /glx-new didn't work) so i
installed the driver with the .sh file from nvidia and everything worked fine. (just 5 hours work to
realize that the kubuntu modprobe.d/lrm-video blacklists the nvidia driver...)

Anyway.... finally i got it working and installed lmce.
Then the bad surprise. LMCE installes the nvidia driver out of the sources. which don't work with the abit board.
So i edited the xorg.conf to the vesa driver and the xserver started without problems. (1)

Because i was sure UI2 would not work with the vesa driver i choosed "basic UI" at the wizard that came up.
Sure to be able to change this after i installed the nvidia driver again.
And then yet another bad surprise. I can't change the UI with the help of the admin web site.
I switched to the orbiter side at the admin side and searched for the drop-down menu but unfortunatly it seems,
that it is disabled.

Is there a way to restart the wizard which is shown at the first boot? I tried to set the "frist_boot" entry in the pluto.conf
to true but that didn't change anything @ the next boot.

(1) LMCE switches between vc/1 and vc/8 (maybe its 7 don't remember) all the time when the xserver can not be started.
Thats really annoying! Maybe there is a better way to show that the xserver can not be started.

LMCE runs fine. But only with the UI1 and i really want to use UI2.

thx for your help and have a nice day :)

PS. sry for my english