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Messages - yoda2nd

Pages: [1]
Feature requests & roadmap / System Too Complex
« on: December 10, 2007, 06:34:43 am »
I originally looked at LinuxMCE because I needed a media center that was cheap, reliable and not M$.  However after my horrendous installation experience, I am only left with the option to use a windows based media center app.  I thought I should provide some feedback, in the hopes that maybe something can be changed in the future.

1.  The User Manual is horribly generalized, and provides no detailed information on may of the features.  This left me to pretty much experiment with trial and error to get things to work.

2.  The system is too damn complicated.  If you are just trying to setup a standalone media center on a network, your in for a heck of a time trying to get it to work.  Perhaps during the installation process it might be a good idea to allow users to configure the media center as a purely standalone machine running on a network.  Both the DHCP Server and the Firewall would not be needed in this case.

3.  If I do not have any Lighting, Climent Control, VoIP or Security System why does it appear on the home menu?

4.  I am not sure why but I could only get MythTV and Firefox to work about 50% of the time on my first install and not at all on my second install.  Very difficult to get the system to work when you can not get to the administration interface.

I hope that some of these suggestions help, and in the future I can come back to LinuxMCE.

Installation issues / Re: Installating Nightmare...
« on: December 10, 2007, 06:19:42 am »
This is where I am confused...

Once I disable the DHCP Server and the Firewall the system, the system stops trying to act as a router and automatically detects the file server and all of the network shares (behaves as a normal computer on the network).  What it does not show/detect are any of the files and directories on the shares, which it appears that I have to list all the directories manual in the web config (When I can actually get into it).  I have yet found no way to just list the ROOT directory on the share.  The only reason I should need the DHCP server is if I had remote media stations that I wished to do a diskless boot from the network.

I am sorry about the difficulties you are experiencing, however. Your issues with the system are because of the fact that you are trying to bypass the DHCP server that runs on the core. The reason it is there is PRECISELY the reason that the system can automatically detect file shares and use them.

Installation issues / Installating Nightmare...
« on: December 09, 2007, 10:17:09 pm »
1.  MythTV only starts about 75% of the time.  No idea how to fix this.

2.  The Pluto Admin link only works about 50% of the time.  I have been forced to access it remotely from my desktop.  No idea what is causing this.

3.  All my media is stored on a network file server.  I have read on the forums here that this is supported out of the box.  I wish this was correct.  In order to even get the MC to even detect the file server, I had to disable the DHCP server and Firewall (already have one, at a loss as to why there is one installed by default).  Now the MC detects the server and the shares, however I am unable to access any of the media on the file server.  From some experimentation I have discovered that I need to add each directory I want available on the web admin pages.  However there has to be a better way than manually listing all of the directories in the root folder.  The user manual has just the basic information, nothing detailed.  I am at a loss as to how to fix this.

Any help would be appreciated.

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