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Messages - bostonnewbie

Pages: [1]
Installation issues / Re: Error: Orbiter failed to initialize OpenGL
« on: November 02, 2007, 01:11:32 am »
I saw the same issue.

Does anyone know if this is fixed in the new version coming out?  The recent post states something nvidia cards and HDTV support.

Users / Re: Audio and Video Card suggestions
« on: October 31, 2007, 10:41:17 pm »
Added question:

I have been looking at the suggestions in the Wiki and the one thing it states is that nVidia cards are the best supported.  But does that mean that the entire card is made by nVidia or just the chipset?  There seem to be a lot of companies that use the chipset in their own brand of card.

The other cards I'm considering are the Haupage branded ones for when I may want to use the DVR functionality.  But for those cards it looks like the HVR line (HD compatible) are not yet supported.

I'm not that much of a techie when you get to this level so help is appreciated.

Users / Re: Status of the LinuxMCE DVD's
« on: October 31, 2007, 10:24:20 pm »
I just got my DVD and the install went fine.....

Users / Re: Audio and Video Card suggestions
« on: October 31, 2007, 10:22:27 pm »
The TV is a Sharp Aquios LCD (HD compatible) so that shouldn't be an issue.  Right now, the only output I have from the video device is SVideo.  If I get a video card that could be fixed if that is the problem or if it is the card itself.  Any other thougths?

Users / A dumb login question....
« on: October 31, 2007, 07:13:30 pm »

I just got the core running on my system.  I clicked the "log out" button on the screen but now can't figure out how to log back in.  In windows you hit CRTL ALT DEL and the login box comes up, but that didn't work here.  How do I get the log in box.

Also, I was never asked what I wanted my password to be during the set-up wizard.  Is there a default for the system???

Users / Re: IR receivers
« on: October 31, 2007, 07:09:02 pm »
This is not exactly what you were asking for, but another option would be to use Bluetooth.  If you attach a dongle to the system, you should be able to use a bluetooth device to control it.  There is software for cell phones already and you may be able to find a bluetooth remote.

I'm not sure if this gives you the range you need though....


Users / Audio and Video Card suggestions
« on: October 31, 2007, 07:05:25 pm »
I had an old system that I figured could be fun to run LinuxMCE on.  After jumping through a few hoops, I got the software installed and it seems to be working well.  When I started, I wanted to make sure that everything would work before I invested any money into the system.  Now that things are working I would like to fix a few things, mostly the video and audio. 

The video card that was in the system is pretty old and to hook it to my TV, I just bought an adapter that converts the VGA signal to Svideo.  This does work but the screen is a bit blurry, and not the best quality.  I selected the VGA input (I think 1280 x 800 pix).  I am assuming that the issue is the crappy video card so I need to upgrade.  Can someone provide some suggestions of good, compatible video cards that they like?  I am currently just using the system as a media library and not currently recording video, if that helps.  I would like to spend about $50 - $80 for the card so it doesn't need to be "top of the line".

For audio, I just connected the computers headphone jack to the Red/White inputs on my tv.  I do get sound but it is very faint.  I would guess that this is also an issue with the sound card and could use suggestions here as well.  Can I get a card that is audio and video?

Thanks for your help and suggestions....

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