« on: February 27, 2008, 02:50:56 am »
The problems you are encountering are not problems with Linux per se. Until recently Mac users have been up against the same obstacles.
Re:your USB cable modem - That's a decision by the manufacturers of the modems not to support the open source. It's really not realistic to expect a commmunity of largely unpaid developers to try and obtain development kits etc from manufacturers that have no interest in providing these or charge large amounts of money for such kits, or dedicate HUGE amounts of time "reverse engineering" drivers to adapt to the Linux kernel (which then treads on that legality line again). Mac support for USB cable modems only became a reality in the last year. Ethhernet cards that are well supported in Linux can be had for reasonable amounts of $$$ even gigabit LAN cards. Break down and buy one...
The DRM issue: The music industry is finally coming around and well on the way to abandoning this approach, however the MPAA in all of it's omnipotence and wisdom has decided that this is the way to go, and has effectively shut out the Open source. Micro$oft paid BIG $$$ for the supported cable card option in Vista, and it's not and won't be supported in earlier versions of Window$. As far as working out a deal for a recording card??? Do you really think Dish will do this out of the goodness of their hearts? Not as long as they sell Dish DVR's.
Such is the reality of our day and age where fair use is perceived by some as a threat.