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Messages - bulek

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Users / Which Lowpower medium strength HW to start with ?
« on: September 15, 2017, 11:21:02 am »

my Dianemo is slowly fading (unsupported destro, lack of support, ...) and I'm thinking what to do for replacement.

Probably I'd like to try LMCE again, but would love to run it on cost efficient server - lower power, no video surveillance anymore, media just through DLNA players (1 or 2) etc...

What HW would be suitable to run such system ?
What would your system look like if you'd start from scratch ?

Another alternative would be OpenHab, but it seems that it doesn't have media, phone and other extensions that LMCE has...

Thanks in advance,

Marketplace / Re: HAC's ESS Speaker Selector 10 ZONES
« on: September 15, 2017, 10:42:54 am »

I have ESS system at my home and I'm the author of that wiki page...

I'm interested in expanding my system, but I'm not sure how to add new zones... I've bought system with 4 zones and they were already built together...

Do you know how expansion zones can be attached to existing system ?

I'm interested, send me an offer...


Users / Running LinuxMCE on low power system (Odroid and similar) ?
« on: February 07, 2016, 12:05:38 pm »

I'll probably try to establish LinuxMCE core for my home - currently I'm running Dianemo, but that's another story... My plan is to do it in low power sense...

I've got pretty interesting suggestions from users running core on ODROID devices. These really seem to be interesting option. But I'm also curious about other lower power options.

I've failry complex system in my house - have 3  Cisco 7970 phones, doorphone, lower automation layer from Cybrotech with integrated heat pump, ventilation, lighting, irrigation, sauna, bathtub, almost any other existing device,..., video surveillance with 4 analog cameras, whole house media&audio with two channels via Marantz SR5600 and speaker selektor, few MDs, one on main TV and 17 inch touchscreen in living room as a main system control)... Over 300 variables flowing between lower layer automation from Cybrotech and LMCE. Currently integration is made via Perl implementation of LMCE device.

ODROID suggestion is really interesting to me, but I'm curious how this fits complexity stated above ?

I'd be really happy to read more details about those setups... In the mean time I have few quick questions :
- how do you cope with video surveillance, large media disk, asterisk, large SQL database, ... ?
- do you have also MDs on cores (I'm quite happy with simpler MD on core - using UI1 on main touchscreen) ?
- I guess you use RPis v2 for MDs - are they full blown MDs? Can you start media on them from Orbiters ? Is RS232 TV control supported ?

One idea is to divide system and have video surveillance on separate system (one of chinese good products) and lessen the burden on those cores...

Maybe there is also option of full blown PC, but still on lower power side ? Any suggestions ?

Thanks in advance,




Posde, Phenigma, thanks for info....

It seems really interesting option. Will start another topic about it...

Thanks ,




it seems that Dianemo is passing away  :'( .

I have to fix things by myself. First, I'll see if I can do something with existing system, then I'll probably switch the home automation system...

I like the idea of lighter systems that could run on RPis. So will probably evaluate those... Currently, OpenHab or Agocontrol seem to be top choice... Any other thoughts, ideas ?

How near is LMCE core running on RPis or going in more light direction ?

Thanks in advance,




as a long time Dianemo user (I think right from the start of Pluto system) and getting more and more dissapointed with Dianemo system.

I'm not sure what is happening with the company, but for quite some time I cannot use Dianemo to efficiently control my house anymore...

We have UI1, newer UIs, HTML5 Orbiter but none covers system completely and they all seem to be in some kind of half working state - the main point is that I cannot access all features of the system using any of them (I could use UI1 on main touch screen to access custom scenarios, then HTML5 Orbiter for audio control, but it seems kind of silly to do so).

Short description of my system :
- i have full blown home automation system using system from Cybrotech on lower (home automation) level. I've written my own integration interface that works perfectly and connects to Dianemo bidirectionally. Beside common devices (lighting, ...), system also integrates heat pump, AIR ventilation, Sauna, whole house music (two channels using Marantz SR 5600), whole house internal phone system (3x Cisco phones with color touchscreens). There are around 400 parameters flowing bidirectionally between higher and lower level of the system.

We have main touchscreen that runs UI1. Why? Because this was one of the first UIs available and concerning access to custom scenarios is the only one allowing access also to HVAC, Media, Phone and Security scenarios and also all floorplans. But for quite some time, control of Audio doesn't work anymore in UI1. It's hard to explain to my family (wife), why audio system cannot be controlled from UI1 (this happend when Dianemo has changed music server).

I've considered newer UIs for touchscreen, but as far as I know, none of them allows access to custom scenarios in Hvac, Media, Phone and Security scenarios. Audio works, but we cannot set blinds up/down, set Sauna on/off, Kids one touch call to grandma, etc... I've even write my own web based GUI to cover most of  defficiencies, but integration of multimedia control is harder.

I've also considered HTML5 Orbiter, but it seems restricted in similar way - not all (better said majority) custom scenarios are accessible and it still seems unfinished also on other features (e.g. audio volume control, video, floorplans other than media, ...).

I'd kindly ask if someone from Dianemo can explain to us, what is happening currently, what are plans for future development and how is Dianemo progressing ?

For now, (as far as I'm concerned) it's only usable for not so many devices and only for certain type (lighting is probably the only one supported properly - by access to custom scenarios and floorplan)...

I'm not sure how many full blown systems are running Dianemo, but I cannot imagine how to setup such whole house system with those restrictions in UIs. Other systems are progressing much and I feel restricted by using Dianemo. Sorry to say this, but it simply feels outdated, specially user interfaces that don't follow common progress anymore...

Hopefully, you're already working on system and all defficiencies are already solved or being worked on.... But please, let us know about it...

Thanks in advance,



Marketplace / Re: Dianemo Relationship with Andrew Herron (totallymaxed)
« on: November 12, 2015, 04:59:02 pm »

what is the rpi2 system suppose to do? The LinuxMCE Raspberry PI system provides a full blown media director (probably sans Game Player ;) ) - I've installed a couple of rpi1s at one of our sponsors sites and they work beautiful.

phenigma probably knows best what's needed in terms of configuration specialities he had to configure inside of LinuxMCE to make them work as good as they do.


if I remember right, it was supposed to be a "light" Nerve Centre... So also main server, not just Media Director...


Marketplace / Re: Dianemo Relationship with Andrew Herron (totallymaxed)
« on: November 12, 2015, 08:55:16 am »

thanks for info... Anyone has any information regarding Raspberry Pi2 Dianemo system ? Any users out there ?

Thanks in advance,

Marketplace / Re: Dianemo Relationship with Andrew Herron (totallymaxed)
« on: November 09, 2015, 10:49:15 am »

I've bought licence few years ago - is it ok?
As a Dianemo user I'm a bit concerned whether the development and fixing up current releases is going on beyond Andrew. I cannot get into relationship between Dianemo and Andrew, but on this forum we got a lot of actual informations about Dianemo and a lot of help from Andrew.

Are there any plans what will happen now - after Andrew ? Is there anyone continuing his work ? SW that is complex as LMCE (Dianemo) needs constant development and maintenance - so we well be really glad to hear about Dianemo ongoing activities and informations about announced products - as Dianemo on Raspberry 2 etc... (I was about to purchase a licence)...

I'm also willing to help - as a long time LMCE and Dianemo user - just let us know what you need and what you plan to do...

Best regards,


Marketplace / Re: Dianemo from CHT - Professional Home Automation
« on: September 25, 2015, 02:26:43 pm »

where are you? As a Dianemo user, I'm a bit worried...



I wonder if Zoneminder is integrated in same way as motion - that means that quad view and view camera screens work ?

Thanks in advance,



I'd like to ask regarding RPi2 :
- any chance to transfer whisperer interface devices to RPi2 system (I've written one for Marantz Audio Receiver) ?
- I 've also written Perl DCE device for connection to my home automation system from Cybrotech. Will it work also on RPi2 ?
- what are possibilities to code plugins for RPi2 ? Will the DCE device interfacing protocol remain also on RPi2 ?
- will RPi2 also be based around Mysql database ?
- any plans regarding connections between several NCs (for instance I'd like to connect to NC in our vacation flat) ? Obviously I'll also have to buy another license...

Thanks in advance,


Users / Re: How to deny certain MAC address for dhcp ?
« on: April 27, 2015, 10:00:41 am »
Hi bulek,

Would iptables help?

Something like this?

iptables -A INPUT -m mac --mac-source 00:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -j DROP

Where XX: etc is the MAC address.


I like this solution - it's even better cause it works immediately. I'll try it.

Edit: I had to change -A to -I (otherwise rule is appended at the end and doesn't get triggerred).



Users / How to deny certain MAC address for dhcp ?
« on: April 26, 2015, 11:56:44 am »

I'd like to add certain MAC address to be ignored by dhcp. Have two questions:
- what is needed to add to dchcpd.conf ?
- any way to add this change to  survive network settings change via admin page ?

Thanks in advance,


Quite some add-ons meant for touch screen friendliness of Firefox are not maintained anymore. But I found one quite useful tool -
Grab&Drag :

It solves the problem with small page slider on the right side... Now WAF has increased...

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