LinuxMCE Forums

General => Users => Topic started by: RayBe on April 04, 2010, 03:00:14 PM

Title: Help getting Ocelot working
Post by: RayBe on April 04, 2010, 03:00:14 PM
I have been using LinuxMCE for a month and been trying to get this working,
i am a complete newbie to LinuxMCE and in creating a GSD with or without Ruby.

From a friend i got this interface:
with 2 of these: (rs232)
and 1 of these:
and a X10 module connected to the Ocelot

could someone please help me out to get the Ocelot, 3 modules (including IR) and the X10 module completly working.
Or point me in the good direction.
Where and how do i start creating GSD, have been trying a lot.
thanks a lot,
Title: Re: Help getting Ocelot working
Post by: rperre on April 05, 2010, 04:21:48 AM
is there any linux support for this device, looks interesting.

You will have to create a new device to be able to control it with lmce.

The third post in this forum is talking about having some kind of linux software to talk to the ocelot, maybe a good start.

Title: Re: Help getting Ocelot working
Post by: RayBe on April 05, 2010, 11:52:42 AM
Thanx for the reply,
you are right, its a very interesting device.

i also discovered the links you are refering, problem is they don't seem to work anymore.

I am trying to add a new device, but thats the problem, i don't know how.
I am looking for someone who can help me step by step, dummie style :)

i tried for a month or so to add the device as GSD but i just don't get it working,
i don't know where to begin,
any help is welkom,
i saw that other people in the past also tried but i didn't find anybody who suceeded.
Also i tried the wiki but its to short of a discribtion for me.

Thanks Raymond
Title: Re: Help getting Ocelot working
Post by: nite_man on April 05, 2010, 01:38:28 PM
If you definitely need it then you should implement GSD ( interface between LinuxMCE and Ocelot. Sure you should know the Ocelot's protocol.
Title: Re: Help getting Ocelot working
Post by: RayBe on April 05, 2010, 02:04:38 PM
Hi nite_man, tx for your reply,
do you know how to obtain the ocelots protocols?
In the GSD wiki they talk about filling in the blank spaces, but with what?
Tx a lot for your help

Title: Re: Help getting Ocelot working
Post by: davidsmoot on April 05, 2010, 04:25:01 PM
I don't think the serial port does what you think it does... I went and looked at the product web page and this is an interesting device but not really a good fit for LinuxMCE (not like I am an MCE expert).  LinuxMCE expects to be the central "brain" that talks to a number of controllers and actuators and sensors.  This "Ocelot" device is not a controllable peripheral, it is its own "brain" that expects to be in control of one or more actuators and read one or more sensors.

The Ocelot is a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) so it is closer to an FPGA than a microcontroller or computer.  The serial port is for loading the PLC with your own custom logic that then responds to inputs with appropriate outputs.

Now you could make the Ocelot some kind of smart adapter / converter that took input in one form and created an output in another (for example, it could receive an IR command and then create an X10 message).  It can do very complex logic but it is not designed or suitable to be controlled over a serial port in real time from a host PC. 

All those other devices are peripherals designed to be controlled by the Ocelot over its proprietary RS485 system. 

Basically this is an "instead of" LinuxMCE system, not a integratable peripheral to LinuxMCE. 
Title: Re: Help getting Ocelot working
Post by: nite_man on April 05, 2010, 05:04:11 PM
Quotedo you know how to obtain the ocelots protocols?
Google search might help you ;)
QuoteIn the GSD wiki they talk about filling in the blank spaces, but with what?
With appropriate commands. For example, have a look interface ( to the Weeder I/O WTDIO-M. There is an example for Process Receive Command For Child section - the commands come to X10 devices via Ocelot, in your case. You should build them according to Ocelot protocol.  Process Incoming Data - calls when LinuxMCE receives data from Ocelot. You should parse it and update statuses of appropriate devices in the LinuxMCE database. As you may see this is no so easy. If you still would like to use Ocelot with LinuxMCE, read all articles in the Wiki with keyword GSD and create your own interface to the Ocelot.
Title: Re: Help getting Ocelot working
Post by: RayBe on April 05, 2010, 08:07:08 PM
thanks for your inside and ideas but the ocelot can act as a device controled by software, i know this because the HomeAutomation software HomeSeer uses the Ocelot as a controled device.

@nite_man thanks for the info i will be starting to try it as soon as possible.

@ all of you:
i know now that the Ocelot can control stuff on his own, but thats not the way i wanna use it,
i wanna use all features of LinuxMCE as a complete and totall control system for my house, using the Ocelot as an interface,
there are a lot of connections that can be made with the Ocelot (rs232, humididy sensors, ir sending/recieving, X10, i/o-boards, etc..)
other Home Automation software does succeed in using the Ocelot as a controled by software device (but the software isn't neer as good as LMCE) so i am thinking LMCE must be adaptable to using the Ocelot.

once again super thanks for all your replies,
any help is greatly apriciated,

if someone is willing to help me get this GSD programmed in any way i would be very greatful,

thanks Raymond
Title: Re: Help getting Ocelot working
Post by: RayBe on April 05, 2010, 08:08:18 PM
by the way u are a apple fan too :)
Title: Re: Help getting Ocelot working
Post by: RayBe on October 18, 2010, 10:21:36 AM
after reading and studying a lot on GSD-divices,

basically i want to use my ocelot and add-on modules as a USBUIRT.
i found the protocols here:
what ruby commands must i use to be able to send/receive ir?
cmdId           = cmd.id_                                   # Command ID: ON, OFF, SET LEVEL
cmdTo           = cmd.devidto_                              # Device ID in LinuxMCE
devPort         = device_.childdevices_[cmdTo].devdata_[12] # 12 contains a port/channel
childType       = device_.childdevices_[cmdTo].devtemplid_  # Template ID to know type of device: switch or dimmer

case cmdId
     when 192 #192 is ON                    
          command = '<your ON command format>'          
     when 193 #193 is OFF                        
          command = '<your OFF command format>'
     when 184 #184 is Level of dimmer
          command = '<your SET LEVEL command format>'                  


in other words #192 is the command for ON is there a command for sending/receiving ir or am seeing this all wrong here?

anybody who can help me in the right direction is much appreciated, been trying to wrap my head around GSD for a long time and not being able to fully understand it yet, but more than willing to learn  ;)

thanks a lot,
Title: Re: Help getting Ocelot working
Post by: Marie.O on October 18, 2010, 12:00:57 PM
I don't think you can utilize GSD easily for your type of device.
Title: Re: Help getting Ocelot working
Post by: RayBe on October 18, 2010, 01:06:43 PM
Quote from: posde on October 18, 2010, 12:00:57 PM
I don't think you can utilize GSD easily for your type of device.

could you explain more?
according to this link there are other domotica software packages that use their software to control the ocelot.
Misterhouse ( has implemented ir sending,
basically this is what i want too, only i do not want to send learned codes, i want to send ir codes from LinuxMCE (use it as a USBUIRT), just need help getting this the right way in GSD.

i got all the hardware for free from a friend and i just want to turn all of this in a sort of USBUIRT.

EDIT:found a update of ocelot protocol,

Title: Re: Help getting Ocelot working
Post by: DragonK on November 05, 2010, 09:16:49 AM
Hi Raymond,

Any success in getting the Ocelot working?

Title: Re: Help getting Ocelot working
Post by: RayBe on November 05, 2010, 10:26:19 PM
Not yet, but i am still investigating how to get it working!

The route that i am investigating at the moment is using the Ocelot as a sort of GC100 or USBUIRT,
the way this should work is,
there must be code written in Ruby in the GSD-device on the linuxMCE site,
and there must be code written on the Ocelot site.
This idea was brought to my attention by a very helpful person over at the Ocelot-forum.

the way that this all should connect is (as far as i can see it):
the AV-device-templates in LinuxMCE must be controlled by the ocelot-device-template (GSD).
the AV-device (say TV) sends a ir-command (say TV-on) and a device-id (say 54) to the Ocelot-GSD,
in the Ocelot-GSD the device-id gets transformed (recalculated if you want) into a ir-portnumber of the Ocelots (this is how you can determine which port is where in the house and connected to what AV-device) 
the Ocelot-GSD sends these 2 variables (ir-code and ir-portnumber) via the serial-port to the Ocelot.
the internal program of the ocelot picks these 2 variables up and puts them into a send-command to the appropriate ir-port(emitter)

at the moment i get much appreciated help from someone over at the Ocelot-forums.
but i still have much to learn since i don't know Ruby or the program language of the Ocelot.
but i am more than willing to learn!

so far i got the Ocelot up and running with my MacBook Pro which is a good thing and got a ir-emitter blasting, now i am trying to learn the two languages.

any help is very welcome, especially in the GSD-section!
at the moment i really don't know where to start with GSD, i don't have a clue what to put in the Ruby-section and what commands to implement.
i did a lot of reading on the wiki but still can't wrap my head around it.
