LinuxMCE Forums

General => Users => Topic started by: krippler on March 08, 2010, 07:06:40 PM

Title: MythTV_Plugin keeps restarting the backend (810)
Post by: krippler on March 08, 2010, 07:06:40 PM
I have a fairly minimal setup. A Hybrid and 1 MD.
The hybrid is a core 2 dual-core with 4GB ram and a nvidia 8800 GT video card.
The MD is a Athlon XP with 1 GB ram and and a nvidia 6800 GT.

I had been using this setup with lmce 710 for quite some time without issue.
Even 810 Beta2 has been fairly stable.

The problem is that mythtv_plugin continuously restarts mythbackend because it thinks something is wrong even though everything is running fine. I've spent quite some time trying to debug this on my own and reinstalled the entire system numerous times but no luck.

I've attached a portion of DCErouter.log. This pattern keeps repeating making mythtv unusable until the maximum restart limit is reached after which point mythtv_plugin stops restarting the backend and Mythtv becomes usable (although significantly less responsive). Basically, each time I restart the core, I have to wait until the limit is reached before I can use mythtv on the core or md. Also, if I navigate too quickly (changing channels, browsing the guide, etc.) the restarts begin happening again. I've tried seaching the forum and wiki for a solution and came up with nothing. I'm at my wits end about what exactly is wrong and what I can try next. Any ideas would be appreciated.

05 03/08/10 12:43:41.631 Socket::ReceiveData 0x8a5c2be8 failed, bytes left 0 start: 3090000 1: 0 1b: 0 2: 0 2b: 0 m_Socket: 114 Incoming_Conn Socket 114 <0x6ccc4b90>
05 03/08/10 12:43:41.631 Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Incoming_Conn Socket 114 <0x6ccc4b90>
05 03/08/10 12:43:41.631 TCPIP: Closing connection to -1003 (Router Dev #0) 0x8a5c2be8 m_Socket: -1 <0x6ccc4b90>
05 03/08/10 12:43:41.631 Router::RemoveAndDeleteSocket 0x8a5c2be8 -1003 <0x6ccc4b90>
01 03/08/10 12:44:16.027 MythBackEnd_Socket::SendMythString sent MYTH_PROTO_VERSION 50 but timeout getting response containing ACCEPT <0x9def8b90>
01 03/08/10 12:44:16.027 MythBackEnd_Socket::Connect couldn't send MYTH_PROTO_VERSION m_bConnected=false <0x9def8b90>
05 03/08/10 12:44:16.027 void ClientSocket::Disconnect() on this socket: 0x8a5c2be8 (m_Socket: 114) <0x9def8b90>
01 03/08/10 12:44:16.027 MythBackEnd_Socket::ProcessSocket error reconnect 0 <0x9def8b90>
01 03/08/10 12:44:26.035 MythBackEnd_Socket::SendMythString sent MYTH_PROTO_VERSION 50 but timeout getting response containing ACCEPT <0x9def8b90>
01 03/08/10 12:44:26.035 MythBackEnd_Socket::Connect couldn't send MYTH_PROTO_VERSION m_bConnected=false <0x9def8b90>
05 03/08/10 12:44:26.035 void ClientSocket::Disconnect() on this socket: 0x8a5c2be8 (m_Socket: 114) <0x9def8b90>
01 03/08/10 12:44:36.023 MythBackEnd_Socket::SendMythString sent MYTH_PROTO_VERSION 50 but timeout getting response containing ACCEPT <0x9def8b90>
01 03/08/10 12:44:36.023 MythBackEnd_Socket::Connect couldn't send MYTH_PROTO_VERSION m_bConnected=false <0x9def8b90>
05 03/08/10 12:44:36.023 void ClientSocket::Disconnect() on this socket: 0x8a5c2be8 (m_Socket: 114) <0x9def8b90>
01 03/08/10 12:44:36.023 MythBackEnd_Socket::SendMythString failed to reconnect <0x9def8b90>
01 03/08/10 12:44:36.023 MythTV_PlugIn::ConfirmMasterBackendOk -- lost communication with it.  Forcing it to die <0x9def8b90>
08 03/08/10 12:44:36.023 Received Message from 41 (MythTV Plug-In / Basement) to 15 (App Server / Basement), type 1 id 67 Command:Spawn Application, retry none, parameters: <0x9f6fbb90>
08 03/08/10 12:44:36.023   Parameter 13(Filename): /usr/pluto/bin/ <0x9f6fbb90>
08 03/08/10 12:44:36.023   Parameter 50(Name): killmyth <0x9f6fbb90>
08 03/08/10 12:44:36.023   Parameter 51(Arguments): mythbackend <0x9f6fbb90>
08 03/08/10 12:44:36.023   Parameter 94(SendOnFailure):  <0x9f6fbb90>
08 03/08/10 12:44:36.023   Parameter 95(SendOnSuccess):  <0x9f6fbb90>
08 03/08/10 12:44:36.023   Parameter 115(Show logo): 0 <0x9f6fbb90>
08 03/08/10 12:44:36.023   Parameter 120(Retransmit): 0 <0x9f6fbb90>
08 03/08/10 12:44:36.023   Parameter 126(Exclusive): 0 <0x9f6fbb90>
08 03/08/10 12:44:36.023   Parameter 241(Detach): 1 <0x9f6fbb90>

Thanks for reading and I appreciate any help.
Title: Re: MythTV_Plugin keeps restarting the backend (810)
Post by: chrisbirkinshaw on March 12, 2010, 07:41:21 PM
I'd suggest to check out /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log to see why it is not starting up.

