what nvidia driver is used for 0810 beta 2 ?
195.22 ?
That´s correct.
As of now 195.22 is used.
The reason is because 195.22 solve some performance issues with applications that use X11 composite.
According to nVidia 195.22 should support all 6xxx and newer cards.
My guess is that that statement is not 100% accurate.
OK, thanks.
And thanks a lot for you work on vdapu and linuxmce :)
I have normal video replay working with vdpau. Does the "Deinterlace Quality" setting in the web frontend below Media Director have any function at the moment ?
The only thing not playing nicely is HD channels. DR HD (I assume 720p/i as the mythfrontend has a 720 sign.) does stutter. And EinsFestival HD shows distortions.
Normal channels like RTL, Pro7 and others plays nicely. I noticed that the MythTV OSD fading out causes stuttering - might be a CPU problem (had no time to find out). Removing "OSD fade" in VDPAU Normal settings helps a lot :)
EinsFestival HD did also not pay with the previous 0.21 from avenard and 180/185 nvidia drivers. Did not get to try the 195 before upgrading. It played 2-3 seconds and then freezed.
But maybe another older driver is better ?!
One more thing, is OpenGL og QT (apperance) the better setting for drawing the OSD in MythTV ?