Is there a way to share a pvr card with several MDs' at the same time, without using the floor plan?
The problem with the floor plan is if you switch one off or one room decides to watch something else it switches them all off.
The other problem is if you try to watch tv and someone is already watching it just gives you a strange failed error, it does not inform you that someone is busy watching and if you would like you can watch an inline recording.
I want to be able to stream live TV throughout my home, is the possible and if it is what hardware would I need????
Quote from: LmceCape on October 12, 2009, 07:03:33 PM
Is there a way to share a pvr card with several MDs' at the same time, without using the floor plan?
The problem with the floor plan is if you switch one off or one room decides to watch something else it switches them all off.
The other problem is if you try to watch tv and someone is already watching it just gives you a strange failed error, it does not inform you that someone is busy watching and if you would like you can watch an inline recording.
I want to be able to stream live TV throughout my home, is the possible and if it is what hardware would I need????
The TV integration we have currently does not allow you to use the floorplan to send a single TV stream to multiple MD's. You can do that however... but you need to use the TV app in question to achieve it directly.
Thanks for the reply but what TV app can I use??
Quote from: LmceCape on October 15, 2009, 01:01:11 PM
Thanks for the reply but what TV app can I use??
You can use either of the TV apps supported by LinuxMCE - vdr or MythTV
Choose the one you prefer in the SetupWizard and then look in the Wiki for config/setup info & instructions.
All the best