Hello Everyone,
I've been trying to set up 2 810 cores, but during the pre-install-from-repo.sh script it gets package errors.
First it has trouble when fetching sources:
W: Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-updates/restricted/source/Sources.gz 500 Server reports illegal range
Err http://au.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid-updates/restricted Translation-en_AU Could not connect to localhost:3142 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
W: Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/restricted/il8n/Translation-en_AU.bz2 Could not connect to localhost:3142 ( - connect (111 connection refused)
W: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
These are just an example, there same error is coming up on a dozen different ones & obviously the packages the script tries to install fails.
It also does it on a manual apt-get dist-upgrade, but only after running the pre-install-from-repo script the first time.
Any Ideas?
I looked at the au mirror site and all looked OK.
Just to verify...
You did your wget, did tar xvf new-installer
you did "cd new-installer" and then "./pre-install-from-repo.sh"
... then, if so, change your locale to uk, us or ca and try another mirror.
yep, that's what I did.
I have also tried changing mirrors, didn't make a difference.
I don't have any trouble running apt-get update & apt-get dist-upgrade before running the pre install script
apt-get update and dist-upgrade would have been done on Kubuntu sources list.
If I'm not mistaken pre-install does some changes to the sources list.
Quote from: lemming86_au on September 09, 2009, 02:40:41 PM
I don't have any trouble running apt-get update & apt-get dist-upgrade before running the pre install script
Your eth0 is your outside NIC? The other way the install does not work ATM...
Nope, eth0 is external interface.
Earlier alpha releases installed on them without a problem.
I did a complete rebuild on Wednesday evening thinking I might have an easier time getting my nokia 5800 to work and ran into this same issue. I re-ran the install scripts and evreything seemed to download, went thru the AV wizard but it booted into KDE instead of linuxmce. Rebooted this morning but didn't wait around to see what happened.
You may just want to do a complete rebuild. I may find myself in the same situation this evening.
same issue here.
playing now 2 days with setting up core. (from scratch)
same issue with booting into KDE not starting Launchmanager
today new setup from scratch with et0 external eth1 internal
let's see
I will report back if I am through...
I ended up getting around the issue by circumventing the new apt-cacher-ng.
I removed Acquire::http { Proxy "http://localhost:3142"; };' from /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02proxy
That got rid of the message, but I assume some sources are missing from the list as next script fails, couldn't find some pluto packages
my problem is solved
with a lot of manual steps
I also found the proxy entry to be one reason why the setup failed.
then pluto orbiter was missing
so I disabled the network settings in the mce-install script and restarted it
then manual cleanup of device list
that's in short how I made my core running fine
what I did not do is the update to a2.35 as I saw some messages that the orbiter problem reappeared
I really don't understand why you guys are having repository/troubles building a Core.
I've rebuilt alpha so many times and have never had a problem.
Sorry Hari about the bandwidth.
Just in case it's procedural, here's what I do...
Installation of LinuxMCE-0810 alpha2
1. Install Kubuntu 0810 (Intrepid Ibex).
2. After Kubuntu software has been installed perform a reboot (follow instructions on screen).
3. After login, open the K Launch Manager to Applications > System > Terminal.
Log in as root - enter...
sudo su -
[sudo] password for XXXXXX: (XXXXXX is your username -The password is what you specified during
the kubuntu installation.)
4. To see the active kernel enter...
uname -r
At the time of writing it is
5. Run aptitude update and aptitude dist-upgrade to get the latest Kubuntu updates.
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
6. If required (Nvidia card installed), enable the most recent NVIDIA restricted (video) driver.
This can be done by
a) selecting the hardware icon on the task bar and activating the recommended version.
b) navigating via the K Launch Manager to Applications > System > Hardware Drivers.
Enter your password (if required) and highlite the latest version.
Then select the Activate button to download and install the driver.
c) If your card can not be enabled from a or b open the K Launch Manager to
Applications > Add/Remove Software Adept Installer and search for NVidia.
Select the latest binary X.org driver.
(After doing the apt-get dist-upgrade in step 5, the latest nvidia driver should be 180.)
Restart the system to activate the latest nvidia driver.
7. After the reboot to see the active kernel enter...
uname -r
At the time of writing it is (The 180 nvidia driver should be active at this
point from step 6. Check the hardware icon in the task bar.)
8. After login, open the K Launch Manager to Applications > System > Terminal.
Log in as root - enter...
sudo su -
[sudo] password for XXXXXX: (XXXXXX is your username -The password is what you specified during
the kubuntu installation.)
9. Enter...
wget -c http://deb.linuxmce.org/ubuntu/new-installer-alpha-latest.tar.gz
10. Unpack the tar file. Enter...
tar xvf new-installer-alpha-latest.tar.gz
11. Then change to the just created new-installer directory.
cd new-installer
12. Run the following scripts (in order): pre-install-from-repo.sh, mce-install.sh, post-install.sh.
13. When completed reboot the system.
After the restart wait for the system activity to stop.
The A/V wizard will appear.
14. Setup your requirements using the A/V wizard.
When you have finished the A/V setup the X window will restart.
The system will start various processes. Please be patient as this will take a while.
Personal System Changes (edited)
To get the Core to play decrypted and encrypted DVD's.
1. Install extra packages.
/usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh (this installs libdvdcss2) [may need to install libdvdread3]
apt-get install w32codecs
apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras
I hope this helps to avoid issues.
Hello pigdog,
I also do not understand yet (because I had not yet the time to go deeply into the scripts)
but up to point 12 everything is ok
even the ./pre-install-from-repo.sh runs without problems.
problem starts with ./mce-install.sh
after manual problem solving (it seems to be mainly networking issue)
the ./post-install.sh again is ok
- Peter
Just another thing...
You did a md5sum check on your Kubuntu download?
Also, try changing your locale in Kubuntu. I've been using Toronto, Canada therefore the .ca archives in the sources list.
Quote from: pigdog on September 16, 2009, 10:29:34 PM
I really don't understand why you guys are having repository/troubles building a Core.
I've rebuilt alpha so many times and have never had a problem.
Sorry Hari about the bandwidth.
Just in case it's procedural, here's what I do...
Installation of LinuxMCE-0810 alpha2
1. Install Kubuntu 0810 (Intrepid Ibex).
2. After Kubuntu software has been installed perform a reboot (follow instructions on screen).
3. After login, open the K Launch Manager to Applications > System > Terminal.
Log in as root - enter...
sudo su -
[sudo] password for XXXXXX: (XXXXXX is your username -The password is what you specified during
the kubuntu installation.)
4. To see the active kernel enter...
uname -r
At the time of writing it is
5. Run aptitude update and aptitude dist-upgrade to get the latest Kubuntu updates.
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
6. If required (Nvidia card installed), enable the most recent NVIDIA restricted (video) driver.
This can be done by
a) selecting the hardware icon on the task bar and activating the recommended version.
b) navigating via the K Launch Manager to Applications > System > Hardware Drivers.
Enter your password (if required) and highlite the latest version.
Then select the Activate button to download and install the driver.
c) If your card can not be enabled from a or b open the K Launch Manager to
Applications > Add/Remove Software Adept Installer and search for NVidia.
Select the latest binary X.org driver.
(After doing the apt-get dist-upgrade in step 5, the latest nvidia driver should be 180.)
Restart the system to activate the latest nvidia driver.
7. After the reboot to see the active kernel enter...
uname -r
At the time of writing it is (The 180 nvidia driver should be active at this
point from step 6. Check the hardware icon in the task bar.)
8. After login, open the K Launch Manager to Applications > System > Terminal.
Log in as root - enter...
sudo su -
[sudo] password for XXXXXX: (XXXXXX is your username -The password is what you specified during
the kubuntu installation.)
9. Enter...
wget -c http://deb.linuxmce.org/ubuntu/new-installer-alpha-latest.tar.gz
10. Unpack the tar file. Enter...
tar xvf new-installer-alpha-latest.tar.gz
11. Then change to the just created new-installer directory.
cd new-installer
12. Run the following scripts (in order): pre-install-from-repo.sh, mce-install.sh, post-install.sh.
13. When completed reboot the system.
After the restart wait for the system activity to stop.
The A/V wizard will appear.
14. Setup your requirements using the A/V wizard.
When you have finished the A/V setup the X window will restart.
The system will start various processes. Please be patient as this will take a while.
Personal System Changes (edited)
To get the Core to play decrypted and encrypted DVD's.
1. Install extra packages.
/usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh (this installs libdvdcss2) [may need to install libdvdread3]
apt-get install w32codecs
apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras
I hope this helps to avoid issues.
These steps are really amazing. It worked just perfect for me. Its just you have to be extremely patience. It took me whole night. but at the end system was working just fine. Thanks.
i an getting the similar problem my 6th attempt and am still getting stuck on a repository http//au.archive,ubuntu.com intrepid/universe gnome-osd 0.12.2-1[81.9kb]
i am now going to try a new mirror and will post if it work