Here are my symptoms:
Go to MythTV frontend from KDE. Select Watch TV. Screen goes black. I can hear sound. I can change channels.
If i press escape to get out sometimes it will exit Mythtv some tomes locks up and I must power off.
I configured Mythtv this way.
1.General: accepted all defaults, format = NTSC
2. Capture card: selected Mpeg2 encoder card (PVR-x50, PVR-500). Probed Info: showed my PVR-350.
3. Video source: added new source, entered my SD account info, retrieved lineups (worked)
4. Input source: connected my video source to tuner input-1
exited back to KDE and ran database update. I also ran the channel scan somewhere along the line.
I am using a Geforce FX5200, saw that it was on the supported list and I had it laying around. I am running a gateway GT5458e I got on ebay just for this purpose to play around before I spend and big money. Machine came with UBUNTU loaded and worked fine. I wiped it out when I loaded LINUXMCE from DVD 64bit version. KDE or MCE did not like the integrated graphics so I put my FX5200 card in . I tested the tuner card in my windows machine and it worked fine.
Anyone have any ideas what is wrong? Would appreciate it.
Just thought of this one: I am using a KVM switch between my LinuxMCE machine and my windows machine. It is a trendnet TK-210. Could that be an issue? I will test removing it later today>
You might want to try the 810 alpha. It should be going into beta very soon. Did you try adding the tuner through the wizard or just manually?
I have successfully used this card in the past with both 0710 and 0810. In 0810 it is autodetected as a pvr150 and just works, no manual config necessary. in 0710 I believe I did the same manual mythtv setup as you did and it worked fine, and i think i added it as a "ivtv capture card" and it also worked fine.
I just installed Mythbuntu in a new partion. It detected the card but I had to do some setup, but it worked fine. Sorta fine, reception was very poor but it worked. I did use the wizard but towards the end of it I saw a message flash for a second that said "not available" . found later it was not installed so I did it maual and perhaps not correctly. Atleast now I know all the hardware pieces together work.
One other oddity. Afetr card setup when you populate the database, it took 42 mins. surely that is not right. It only took 3 mins on MythBuntu to populate the same program information.
I am doing a fresh install now. Mybe that will clean up what is wrong. If not, I will try 8.10
Did a complete re install of LinuxMCE. Card was still not recognized by the wizard. I had to configure manually. But this time the TV now works. Seems like some backend issue was clear. Just need to get the SD programing connection working again..