SOLVED::: MUCH MUCH better when using an IR source. IR bars are available lots of places for under $/£10 so worth the purchase.
I have just gone through the wiki entry on adding a wiimote to my Linuxmce system and am fairly happy with the result.I do have a question on the following entry to the daemon though;
#mouse acceleration, adjust to your liking
#see also: "man xset" and/or "xset -h"
# xset m 1/2 3
Can someone give me an idea what these figures actually mean for xset m and what is meant by see also manxset or xset -h?
I have been looking around on the internet and cannot really find much of a clue. From the way i have read the above the vaule is hashed out anyway?
The reason i ask is my wiimote seems to be giving slightly erratic movement, and whilst im not using an IR source i was expecting it to be less erratic than it is now.
(As an aside, i have been trying to get back in to edit the files i created from the wiki, but I am not able to, even with sudo kate for example. I have tried sudo /etc/init.d/wminputd stop but that comes back as failed as well. How do i get back into the files i created to edit them?)
put "man xset" or "xset -h" in a terminal and it'll print out the help file associated with xset
Quote from: geekyhawkes on July 08, 2009, 06:19:03 PM...
The reason i ask is my wiimote seems to be giving slightly erratic movement, and whilst im not using an IR source i was expecting it to be less erratic than it is now.
Without the "sensor bar" (IR-source) the movement will be erratic, no amount of tweaking the mouse acceleration is going to solve that.
Ok, im gonna have to grab an ir source then. It would appear that my wiimote isnt using the accelerometers at all though, no matter how hard i move the remote the cursor stays in one position until i point the remote out of the window (at the sun) and then tracking isnt too bad).
Does anyone have any experience of using only a single ir source? I was thinking of rigging a single IR led powered by usb and mounting it centrally under my tv.
How about this instead of single ir-led tweak:
Very good price!
Ive just been looking on ebay actually. Very suprised just how cheap the sensor bars are, so im just gonna grab one of those and see how i get on.