LinuxMCE Forums

General => Users => Topic started by: Viking on July 07, 2009, 10:50:53 PM

Title: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: Viking on July 07, 2009, 10:50:53 PM

I saw that there were added some changes to 0810 alpha2 to use Storage Groups. How is that usable ?

Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: merkur2k on July 08, 2009, 12:44:34 AM
The storage groups stuff seems to be in a bit of a flux right now, due to the developer that was working on it having gone MIA...
Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: Viking on July 09, 2009, 01:51:43 PM
MIA = Missing In Action ?

OK, so he is the one that did the changes here :

Storage group enhancements to use the new pvr directory, as well as addition of a new script to handle mythtv storagegroup creation nd maintenance. Hopefully this will also fix some stability issues. Mythtv auto expire set from 1GB to 10GB to match the LMCE low disk space nag.

The 10G part i saw in the myth logfile. But where is the rest :) Maybe I should take a look at the package, what is in there.

Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: merkur2k on July 09, 2009, 04:17:14 PM
so far as i can tell, that was never completed. which is the problem.
Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: donpaul on September 15, 2009, 10:37:45 PM
The problem with LiveTV recordings being scanned and added to the video list is still there. Could we seperate the LiveTV and Recording directories? We can then folderlock the LiveTV dir so it is never scanned.

Recording dirs: 

LiveTV Dirs:         
Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: donpaul on September 16, 2009, 01:04:52 AM
Here are patch files for changes I made, and it works well for me. Does anyone else see value or problems with doing it that way?
Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: Viking on September 21, 2009, 04:31:12 PM

could be a soultion :)

At the moment i have manually configured LiveTV to my primary disk with OS and the Default to "/home/public/data/pvr".

Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: chrisbirkinshaw on March 01, 2010, 06:26:16 PM
I didn't want mythtv to record to my small local drive (I have 2 big NAS drives for that), so I ran the following:

mysql mythconverg
delete from storagegroup where dirname='/home/public/data/pvr';

Is there a more elegant way of dealing with this issue that I've missed? I'm sure it's quite a common one.


Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: purps on March 04, 2010, 11:17:23 AM
I sorted mine out by going into mythTV setup through the computing menu in the main orbiter window, and selecting the appropriate path in the "storage groups" menu.

Definitely a vast improvement on 0710 - thanks devs.
Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: donpaul on March 05, 2010, 01:19:29 AM
Those changes will not stick. To make it permanent, edit /usr/pluto/bin/

Comment out the lines for the local drive path

Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: merkur2k on March 05, 2010, 06:28:06 AM
cmon guys, use the tools that are there the way they are meant to be used!
mythtv will only ever use a drive with little space if the larger ones fill up.
you can also set storage groups by recording profile in mythweb.
editing the file is also not permanent, the next time that package is updated your file will be overwritten.
Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: chrisbirkinshaw on March 16, 2010, 01:22:57 PM
Problem is that be default mythtv fills up my local drive first, then starts on my NAS. LMCE then complains constantly that my local drive is full. :-(

Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: merkur2k on March 16, 2010, 03:40:12 PM
you have changed something in mythtv's config then, or you arent running 0810.
Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: mythtified on March 16, 2010, 09:41:41 PM
Quote from: chrisbirkinshaw on March 16, 2010, 01:22:57 PM
Problem is that be default mythtv fills up my local drive first, then starts on my NAS. LinuxMCE then complains constantly that my local drive is full. :-(

create a folder on your nas and call it what ever you want.  Then go into mythbackendsetup and edit your default storage group to point at the folder you created on your nas or am I missing something.
Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: Viking on March 17, 2010, 10:39:10 AM
you are missing the automatic setup of storage groups that is done by Linuxmce (/usr/pluto/bin/ IIRC on each boot.
Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: mythtified on March 17, 2010, 11:33:22 AM
Okay.  I guess this is another case of open mouth insert foot disease.  ;D  I will go back to my corner and listen. ;)
Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: chrisbirkinshaw on March 20, 2010, 08:00:40 PM
Basically the auto setup adds the /home/public/data/pvr to the Default storage group each boot. Therefore nothing you change anywhere will make any difference.

In mythtv there is no way (AFAIK) to set a priority within a storage group, for different folders. Therefore mythtv always records to my local drive until it is full, then it starts on the NAS in the pvr folder there.

This is my issue...
Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: mathieu on August 17, 2010, 02:47:43 PM
Quote from: chrisbirkinshaw on March 20, 2010, 08:00:40 PM
Basically the auto setup adds the /home/public/data/pvr to the Default storage group each boot. Therefore nothing you change anywhere will make any difference.

In mythtv there is no way (AFAIK) to set a priority within a storage group, for different folders. Therefore mythtv always records to my local drive until it is full, then it starts on the NAS in the pvr folder there.

This is my issue...

Hi All,

Was this problem solved?

On my system Mythtv also records to the OS drive first. Now a message is regullary appearing on the orbiter: "system is running low on disk space" while there's still 300 gigs on the internal media hdd's. When scheduling a recording  I always choose "Default" for storage group  .

What actions are neccesary to prevent recording to OS hdd?

br mathieu

Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: bp5 on September 10, 2010, 09:06:06 PM
I have the same issue, has anyone figured this one out?
Title: Re: MythTV and 0810 - how to use Storage Groups ?
Post by: bp5 on September 12, 2010, 02:04:05 PM
OK, I think I have a solution but I see a flaw in it I hope someone knows how to fix.
My boot drive on the core where mythbackend is smaller than the second drive I added for user data. If I stop mythbackend, move the contents of /public/data/pvr to my second drive (say /mnt/device/144/pvr) and then put in a symlink from /public/data/pvr to /mnt/device/144/pvr and restart mythbacked then myth should start storing on the second larger drive. But then the process that populates the list of videos on media will find the myth files as well and try to add them to the list of videos, won't it?  Any way around this or another way to move the pvr directory to another drive?
