Does anybody know where the code is that detects new BlueTooth devices and sends the necessary pnp events to add the device? Is it Bluetooth Dongle? I am curious as to how hard it would be to add a configurable delay to the detection before it triggers the pnp.
Shortly after 5pm each work day, people start walking home to their houses, and as they walk past my place, if their Bluetooth is turned on my core keeps detecting them! Its annoying :) I thought that adding a delay of, say, 30 seconds that the device had to be in range for before triggering pnp might ease this problem :)
the phone detection itself happens in Bluetooth_Dongle.
br, Hari
i forgot, why don't you just disable the detection after you've added all mobile orbiters? That is what we did at the LinuxTAG booth. And we had to be quick, hundreds of phones there :-p
br, Hari
Quote from: hari on July 03, 2009, 12:17:59 AM
i forgot, why don't you just disable the detection after you've added all mobile orbiters? That is what we did at the LinuxTAG booth. And we had to be quick, hundreds of phones there :-p
br, Hari
I could do that.... OK I admit, I want it on to show off! When people come to my house, I can just say "turn on your bt" and go from there :) watch their faces... its a little thing... but...
Haha... remembers me of the good old time, living downtown... and you have to click away like hundreds of BT-Detection before you could use your LMCE ;O) Good Luck Colin!