Hi All,
I have 0710 working on my machine. Recently I've added the LG Blu-Ray disc drive, but Linuxmce can't see it.
Please help. Thanks.
Bluray support within Linux is pretty sparse at the moment. Can you confirm if the drive is apparent within KDE? DO you have any other OS on that machine, it could just be a faulty drive.
I couldn't see the drive from the KDE. The drive should play BRDs, DVDs and CDs, therefore I am wondering if the device has a defect.
If the drive is not there in KDE the MCE does not stand much chance. You could try booting from the drive with a Linux live cd to confirm if the drive is working at all (burn kubuntu, change bios to boot from cd and see how you get on). Clearly if you have another OS installed then it should be easy to confirm if the drive is working or not.
Tried booting it from the Kubuntu CD it opened the boot menu, but that was it. After the boot menu didn't move further. Maybe additional info can help. I replaced an old CD drive, originally used to install LinuxMCE/Kubuntu, with the new BD. Do I need to add/load/install drivers for the new drive? Or LinuxMCE/Kubuntu should do it on its own? Thanks.
not much sense of adding a bd drive in a linux box.... unfortunately win and anydvd is bets choice for BD.
It confuses me that I can't play DVDs or CDs. I don't understand why! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
apparently the bd drive needs drivers to work, whats so confusing about that? and there probably arent any drivers for it, nor will there be anytime soon. youre better off just getting a dvd drive.
You should be able to play regular cd's and dvd'd from it but why....BD is useless in it a linux box currently.
Does it show under manage drives?
It doesn't show up under managed drives, nor I can see it from the KDE. I understand that for playing the BD I need a driver, however I thought I'll be able to play regular CDs and DVDs. BIOS recognizes the drive model, but LinuxMCE and KDE don't see it. Kubuntu and LMCE were installed using the CD drive, but when I replaced it with the LG BD which is suppose to read and write DVDs and CDs, can't do it.
If it can't recognize the drive,
(1) replace the cable
(2) replace the drive.
Replaced cable - doesn't work.
Replaced drive(with DVD/CD) - doesn't work.
Replaced hard drive with Vista HDD - worked.
Just to mention that the BD is SATA and the LMCE HDD drive is IDE. Vista HDD is SATA.
The only drive that worked with LMCE was the IDE CD drive.
Any thoughts. Thanks.
Just as a note: I have been using a SATA BluRay drive for ages. no ide drives though.
Quote from: dexi on June 09, 2009, 12:27:35 PM
Replaced cable - doesn't work.
Replaced drive(with DVD/CD) - doesn't work.
Replaced hard drive with Vista HDD - worked.
Just to mention that the BD is SATA and the LinuxMCE HDD drive is IDE. Vista HDD is SATA.
The only drive that worked with LinuxMCE was the IDE CD drive.
Any thoughts. Thanks.
What is SATA setup to be in the BIOS ?
IIRC "AHCI" is a good choice.
EDIT: Can you boot from the CD/DVD drive (or the bluray) attached to SATA?
FWIW, I have a SATA blu-ray drive in my core/md. Bought it when preliminary blu-ray was working in linux with early blu-ray movies and progress was being made quickly. Blu-ray under Linux seems to have fizzled, but my drive works fine for DVD/CDs.
Tried to boot from Kubuntu Live CD 710 - after the initial menu load, starts loading the kernel and loops, so that eventually had to reboot it.
Tried to boot it from KLCD 810, Ubuntu 904 - both attempts worked well - I was able to see the drive.
So I guess, it's fair to say that the driver in Kubuntu 710 is incomplete?