LinuxMCE Forums

General => Users => Topic started by: Che on April 26, 2009, 07:52:59 PM

Title: Orbiter on Nokia E71, and
Post by: Che on April 26, 2009, 07:52:59 PM
As some of you may know, I am planning out a Media Center for some point in the future, and whilst it'll initially be VistaMCE, as I don't have any need for the features( like Home automation, VoIP etc) yet, but I intend to build it so that when I do need those features, the upgrade (as it definitely is an upgrade) to an LMCE Hybrid is as smooth as possible.
I just want to check, however, that everything will work with LMCE, and then I can see about where to get the funds to buy the bits.
Currently, I'm looking at:

(Already have Motherboard, and case no idea what it's called though, but it has 3 PCI ports, and a graphics slot.)
CPU: AMD Athlon 3200+ (It might be a 3400+, not sure. No overclocking done or planned) (Already Got)
RAM: 1GB atm, and will probably get another 2GB, so 3 GB overall.
GPU: nVidea GeForce 8500 (Already Got)
TV Tuner: WinTV Nova-TD 500 (It's not a Diversity model, so I THINK it's supported :/)
SPU: either this (, or this (
Disk Drive: A cheapo DVD drive, connected via a SATA -> USB thing ( Does LMCE support this?

And of course, another NIC.

Another thing: how well does LMCE support the use of the E71 as an Orbiter? I want to get one, but will have second thoughts if it doesn't support it.

Thankyou all very much in advance!
Title: Re: Orbiter on Nokia E71, and
Post by: Kooma on August 19, 2009, 09:30:11 PM
Hey Che,

did you ever get an E71 to work as an orbiter? If so, would like to see some wiki instructions on that.. ATM I'm still struggling to get a BT connection with E71. But that's how it goes, slowly, very slowly any progress.
Title: Re: Orbiter on Nokia E71, and
Post by: cfernandes on August 22, 2009, 03:11:10 PM

   i use E71 as a orbiter , a have installed a Javamo  and  plutoMO ! The only insue  of use is a back button  "C" not work !

a have some blueetooth imcompatible devices ,  i have replace  4 blueetooth dongle to make orbiter work on E71.

Title: Re: Orbiter on Nokia E71, and
Post by: Kooma on August 22, 2009, 09:36:09 PM
Hey cfernandes, thanks for your reply.

I've been trying to get my phone connected via Bluetooth with now three different dongles(!). I can pair it in KDE desktop, but lmce just doesn't seem to detect it. I guess one more dongle is needed -- which one you have working?

I might also have messed up something in web admin. I wish there was a more thorough wiki page on adding BT + phone. But guess it normally "just works", so no need for that... although this thread shows it can be a bit annoying to get it working. Hopefully one day, with the next dongle and more experience with the lmce.

Still, any hints would be appreciated!
Title: Re: Orbiter on Nokia E71, and
Post by: Kooma on August 27, 2009, 08:46:06 PM
Anyone care to give some advice or perhaps make a wiki page for setting up this orbiter? Also examples of bluetooth dongles that work with 810 might help.

I'm starting to think that my phone has some restrictions on receiving files or something. It's a work phone..
Title: Re: Orbiter on Nokia E71, and
Post by: colinjones on August 28, 2009, 01:55:50 AM
Having difficulty remembering... but I do recall that there are basically 3 main manufacturers of the chips for BlueTooth devices, and at least one of them produced a chip that was incompatible with 0710, and caused the device log to continously log attempts to start the device. Getting a device with a chip from a manufacturer that was compatible was essential. Perhaps do some research (google the device, or take a look at the product code on the actual chip or manufacturer name, if you can get to it easily) and then do some searches on the forums from about 1-2 years ago as I think the good manufacturers/chips were mentioned... perhaps even by me! I don't think that lspci actually lists the chip, but you could give it a go.

That being said, I have no idea what support is like under 0810... this could be old information....
Title: Re: Orbiter on Nokia E71, and
Post by: Kooma on September 09, 2009, 04:15:28 PM
Thanks colinjones for your suggestions.

I finally got to open two of the dongles I still have. First one has no info on the chips, they're covered with black glue. The other has the chip by CSR, also referred to in this wiki page: Yet still no luck.

I made a fresh install on an old PC. Now in KDE when pairing the phone, it finds the phone but says (something like) that the phone is not compatible.. can't remember what it was exactly. Now, it's not found at all.

This must be the thread discussing the radio chip amongst others, if someone is interested:

Some users do use E71 via bluetooth... help?