LinuxMCE Forums

General => Users => Topic started by: donpaul on March 27, 2009, 09:20:29 PM

Title: Gyration Remote - F6 & F8 (roses) - **FOUND SOLUTION!**
Post by: donpaul on March 27, 2009, 09:20:29 PM
I followed these instructions:

Everything works except the F-key mappings. Is there a way to configure the device template for the F6-8 keys so I can pull up the ambiance and channel roses? I was able to get ambiance by mapping yellow to the volume buttons:

yellow,174,R (volume up button)
yellow,176,R (volume down button)

But how can I map the Channel/Chapter Fast Forward/Rewind and Pause functions (i tried blue, that that didn't do it).
Title: Re: Gyration Remote - F6/F7/F8 functionality??
Post by: donpaul on March 27, 2009, 10:48:11 PM
btw, I followed the intructions for Xmodmap, and all maps work EXCEPT the F keys. The volume up/down does not bring up the roses. I ran xev and verified that x translates the keypresses to F6/F8 and it does. For some reason, it doesn't work inside LinuxMCE.
Title: Re: Gyration Remote - F6/F7/F8 functionality??
Post by: donpaul on March 28, 2009, 08:07:38 PM
I was more wondering how to map a remote button to the roses. Other people have done it with .Xmodmap, and mapped to the F6/F8 buttons. I did the same but with no success. All mappings to letter keys work fine, but not the F- keys. Anyone know how to map the roses without using .Xmodmap?
Title: Re: Gyration Remote - F6 & F8 (roses) functionality??
Post by: tschak909 on March 28, 2009, 08:15:05 PM
Nobody seems to ever listen to me...

Those keys are DEAD KEYS

they are not dealt with by the kernel, THEREFORE, you have to parse the HID packets manually. This is done normally by Orbiter. Look at the HID* stuff in src/Orbiter/Linux . For the Fiire and Gyration mouse, the packets for the extra buttons are handled manually.

I will not talk about this again, you guys know what you have to do, and no amount of Xmodmapping will save you.

So please, stop bringing this up!

Title: Re: Gyration Remote - F6 & F8 (roses) functionality??
Post by: dlewis on March 28, 2009, 09:53:59 PM
Before Thom blows a gasket guys, please try what he suggests... If it doesn't work, then we can go another route.
Title: Re: Gyration Remote - F6 & F8 (roses) functionality??
Post by: krys on March 30, 2009, 05:45:19 PM
Thom already offered his services to _FULLY_ support this remote if we could pay him for 40hrs (iirc) of work. I can find the thread link but it was up to $500 the last time I looked at it. I think it would be very beneficial to the whole community to have a fully supported remote that is still for sale.
Title: Re: Gyration Remote - F6 & F8 (roses) functionality??
Post by: donpaul on March 31, 2009, 11:39:17 PM
Guys, I don't think you are reading my post. I AM NOT MAPPING THE COLOR KEYS ON MY REMOTE. I am mapping the volume up/down on my remote to the roses, but without using .Xmodmap. I followed the wiki, and modified the gyration GO template. How can I map them to the volume up/down on the remote WITHOUT using .Xmodmap (the duct tape method).

These are the UP/DOWN buttons I have mapped to yellow in the template config:


174 is the volume up button. 176 is the volume down button

Right now they both call the volume rose (as you can see by yellow) AND IT WORKS. I want the vol down button to call the chapter/ff/rew rose but I don't know what to map it to (I tried blue, but no go). I can try to calrify it even more if anyone thinks I am still asking for something that can't be done!

This is the wiki I followed:
The alternate config by glasswalker.

And I will update the wiki so it is less "Duct taped" if I can get this question answered! Come on people, one of the developers must know this!
Title: Re: Gyration Remote - F6 & F8 (roses) functionality??
Post by: donpaul on March 31, 2009, 11:42:43 PM
Quote from: krys on March 30, 2009, 05:45:19 PM
Thom already offered his services to _FULLY_ support this remote if we could pay him for 40hrs (iirc) of work. I can find the thread link but it was up to $500 the last time I looked at it. I think it would be very beneficial to the whole community to have a fully supported remote that is still for sale.

I would chip in if the remote would be FULLY supported. I assume that means all buttons on the remote.
Title: Re: Gyration Remote - F6 & F8 (roses) functionality??
Post by: tschak909 on March 31, 2009, 11:45:32 PM
Yes, full support. Would you please listen to me?


The dead keys have to be handled at Orbiter itself.

Title: Re: Gyration Remote - F6 & F8 (roses) functionality??
Post by: colinjones on March 31, 2009, 11:57:03 PM
OK, at this point, I am going to start a new thread asking for people to post if they are interested in contributing to Thom's effort in getting this properly integrated with LMCE. For what it is worth, I think that it is a good idea, and Thom is the correct person to do the work. He also deserves to be appropriately remunerated for this effort. If we get a reasonable number of people interested, I will work with Thom to determine how much this will cost per person. All those who are concerned that they have limited ability to contribute meaningfully to this project, here is your opportunity! You will not only help yourself and Thom, but also leave a lasting legacy for others.
Title: Re: Gyration Remote - F6 & F8 (roses) functionality??
Post by: donpaul on April 01, 2009, 12:07:07 AM
Quote from: tschak909 on March 31, 2009, 11:45:32 PM
Yes, full support. Would you please listen to me?


The dead keys have to be handled at Orbiter itself.


BUT, in the meantime, how do I modify the template so the volume up/down buttons pull both roses? The volume up/down buttons are not dead buttons. I can map those to anything I want right now by modifying the gyration template. I can currently pull the volume rose with the volume up/down button right down.

Are you saying the roses are dead, or the volume up/down buttons are dead?

And do you agree with everything on the wiki page for the non-fiire gyro remote?
Title: Re: Gyration Remote - F6 & F8 (roses) functionality??
Post by: Dale_K on April 01, 2009, 12:17:22 AM
Quote from: colinjones on March 31, 2009, 11:57:03 PM
OK, at this point, I am going to start a new thread asking for people to post if they are interested in contributing to Thom's effort in getting this properly integrated with LinuxMCE. For what it is worth, I think that it is a good idea, and Thom is the correct person to do the work. He also deserves to be appropriately remunerated for this effort. If we get a reasonable number of people interested, I will work with Thom to determine how much this will cost per person. All those who are concerned that they have limited ability to contribute meaningfully to this project, here is your opportunity! You will not only help yourself and Thom, but also leave a lasting legacy for others.

You can count me in for $100 via paypal, CC, googlepay, whichever is most convenient.  PM me with payment details.
Title: Re: Gyration Remote - F6 & F8 (roses) - **FOUND SOLUTION!**
Post by: donpaul on April 02, 2009, 06:10:26 AM
I modified the device template for the Gyration mouse. All changes are to the template only- nothing is duct taped. The only buttons not working are the dead buttons (channels, 3 of the "color buttons", live tv, menu).

Everything works in media and myth.

I added this to #59 Configuration (yellow maps the volume rose to volume up button):
### Media Control ###

### Navigation ###

### Volume rose and mute ###

### Number Buttons ###

#MCE Button mapped to "green" for pulling up menu during playback

I used this for #60 mapping (maps the chapter/ff/rw rose function to volume dn button):

So if anyone wants a "mostly working" remote until Thom can roll out a fully supported code, there you go. And yes I'll update the wiki. :)
Title: Re: Gyration Remote - F6 & F8 (roses) - **FOUND SOLUTION!**
Post by: donpaul on April 02, 2009, 06:20:29 AM
For those who want volume up and down to both pull the volume rose, you can assign the picture button below volume to pull up the chapter rose.

Uncomment this in the#59 Configuration (also maps the volume rose to volume down button):

Use this for #60 mapping (to map the chapter/ff/rw rose function to the picture button):
Title: Re: Gyration Remote - F6 & F8 (roses) - **FOUND SOLUTION!**
Post by: krys on April 02, 2009, 03:30:22 PM
Thanks Donpual, that will be very helpful for the time being.
Title: Re: Gyration Remote - F6 & F8 (roses) - **FOUND SOLUTION!**
Post by: Ray_N on April 02, 2009, 03:56:55 PM
Very cool man!
   thanks... If I could, I would give you good karma...but I can' here's a thumbs up!