LinuxMCE Forums

General => Developers => Topic started by: Linux_da on March 05, 2009, 01:14:45 PM

Title: what is the relation between Hadesigner + Style + skin + design ID and the CORE.
Post by: Linux_da on March 05, 2009, 01:14:45 PM

I am not clear about how Hadesigner effects the skin of the core.
I have not been able to do that.
I changed the skin in HAdesigner which saves it in my sql but how the core gets the replaced image ofcource with the same name.

I was changing the exixting mnmenu i.e. design ID# 1255.
I added one skin too but again adding style was giving error on create.

what is the relation between Hadesigner + Style + skin + design ID and the CORE.

Title: Re: what is the relation between Hadesigner + Style + skin + design ID and the CORE.
Post by: tschak909 on March 06, 2009, 01:23:14 AM
The Style menus in Designer are broken. You must modify the database manually, changing the Style, and StyleVariation tables as necessary.

Title: Re: what is the relation between Hadesigner + Style + skin + design ID and the C
Post by: Linux_da on March 06, 2009, 06:58:02 AM

well need to go little more deeper...
nevertheless very interesting and different from usual windows...

Its a different world.

shall inform you after I do it.

Title: Re: what is the relation between Hadesigner + Style + skin + design ID and the CORE.
Post by: tschak909 on March 06, 2009, 07:13:54 AM
are you watching my screencasts?

Title: Re: what is the relation between Hadesigner + Style + skin + design ID and the C
Post by: Linux_da on March 06, 2009, 08:22:04 AM
yes one the main one...
and downloading further.... the link at our place is disruptive for the past few days...

'am doing it.

Title: Re: what is the relation between Hadesigner + Style + skin + design ID and the CORE.
Post by: tschak909 on March 06, 2009, 08:29:49 AM

Title: Re: what is the relation between Hadesigner + Style + skin + design ID and the CORE.
Post by: Linux_da on March 06, 2009, 09:14:47 AM
downloaded foobar 2000
and geting your .oog files...

well also do let me know in the mean while that how far the folder
"root/user/pluto/orbiter/skins/Basic" is important I renamed and even removed it but it still
gets the Basic Orbiter Design ID #20. I don't know how it gets the images.
I reg all the orbiters also from pluto admin but it still gets the old BAsic images.

I know default is Basic.

Title: Re: what is the relation between Hadesigner + Style + skin + design ID and the C
Post by: eNoodle on March 06, 2009, 02:55:38 PM
Hi Linux_da,

the Basic skin folder is very important, as it is the fallback folder for all skins. If OrbiterGen can not find a graphic file for a skin, it tries to get it from Basic. I recommend watching _all_ screencast from tschak, as it is essential to understand the logic behind HA Designer and OrbiterGen. There are a lot of pitfalls in designing skins for LinuxMCE, watching the screencast avoids the most.

Title: Re: what is the relation between Hadesigner + Style + skin + design ID and the C
Post by: Linux_da on March 07, 2009, 08:59:43 AM
right !!!

Thanks ... grtting those stuffs to study more.
