Since this is my fist post, I want to say thanks and to the development team, this is one hell of a project. I do have two questions that I have not been able to resolve from searching the form or wiki.
Is there a way to change the baud rate of the serial port for a GSD from the one specified in the template, send a command and then back to the template default baud rate. I need to do something like this for my on command.
Set baud rate=110
Set baud rate=115200
My second question is how can I get My MD to turn on devises then it finishes loading. I turn off all MD and computers every night except the core, when I come home and I turn a MD on I want the MD to turn on my TV and stereo after it finishes loading, I can't figure this out, and I know there has to be a way.
on Question 2: if the device is set up as an audio or video pipe, as soon as you try and play an audio or video file it will turn on. Also depending on what remote you use, i believe if you hit the media button it will fire up your display (which if you have a TV as a video pipe it will turn the TV on)
That is not exactly what I need; I will try and be a bit clearer. The TV is the only monitor attached to the MD and I amusing a wii remote so I have no way of seeing what media scenario I am activating, I also enabled ignore on/off because it was turning the TV off and I think on when I changed media scenarios. Even if it was turning it on again, I still don't want it to turning the TV off then On again, and maybe I am seeing this problem because I do not have the on command implemented yet because it has to be sent at a baud rate of 110. Once I manually turn on the TV, it changes inputs correctly and works great. I am looking for something like a start up media scenario that you can edit just like the other media scenarios?