I am building a LinuxMCE system in my new house and at the moment I am looking into the things I need.
I live in Denmark (Europe) and plan on using Z-wave for doorcontacts and maybe also movement sensors.
I would like to have some smoke alams, but are there any good solutions ?
Is there any Smoke alarm that works with z-wave ?
I did not find anyone selling the GC100 in Denmark/Germany yet. And was also thinking if there is a cheaper solution ? The GC100 does also not have that many inputs.
I don't mind the smoke alarm to have cabeling as I can drill through the ceiling from the roof.
Thanks in advance :)
there will be a european model available in a few months.
best regards,
Hallo Hari,
good to hear :) any idea where that would be sold/infos could be found ? Did you alreadý test one ;)
hey, any news on this product?
not yet..
br, Hari
still no news on the z-wave product but I'm working on a ethernet detector.. The z-wave folks all want to implement the latest shiny zensor stuff, so i'd assume it will take some time until we see units on the market.
br, Hari
Any news here ? :)
Regarding GC100. Try this - http://www.comm-tec.de/englisch/GC.html?sid=Ss8bI9RXhCUAAEMewNY or on eBay.de (http://cgi.ebay.de/Global-Cache-GC100-Ethernet-IP-to-IR-Serial-Interface_W0QQitemZ150322928952QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Networking?hash=item22fff1dd38&_trksid=p3286.m63.l1177)
The pricing of the GC100 is so high that one could buy this z-wave detector and only use one of the imputs :
And then attach for example a smoke alarm to it. They cost around 50€ a piece last time i looked.
i've successfully used a smoke alarm with contact closures with the GC100.
Assume Hari refers to the Everspring SF-812.
It is out with all approvals etc.
I have bought 8 pcs, but can not get them to work with LMCE
Assume only some template tuning might be the needed fix.
If anyone would like to help, then please contact me.
Spec Sheet for the SF-812 can be found as a PDF on this page:
Nice, I would be very interested in the Z-wave detectors although the price :x I would need to start saving. How well does the Z-wave frequency work through concrete walls?
Price is not that bad. USD 100,- each for a smoke detector, wireless with battery and tamper alarm.. (Tamper alarm might be nice if you are renting out parts of your house)
I have included them in the Aeon Z-stick, but is too stupid to make a template and make it work.
Assume it would not be too much of a problem with concrete walls if you have several devices not too far away from each other... looks like good signal as I have installed a smoke detector in a small "building" next to my house as I have electricity and other stuff in there...
This needs a few lines of new code in the zwave device. Unfortunately I don't have a smoke detector..
Br hari
Once I saw an elegant solution based on EnOcean. The €12 module with binary input was connected to the ordinary smoke detector using dry contact. As result the author got cheap smoke detector compatible with EnOcean. Not sure that the same can be done with Z-Wave. But still.
nite_man, Believe the potentioal and possibilitites here are bigger...
Believe the following should be possible:
- Tamper alarm
- Smoke alarm
- Use it as a siren for a security alarm? Would be quite loud and awesome.
- Battery status on request
- One detector sets off all of them
- Assume the text to speach can give you a message of where the fire might be as well?
- Is it because of a new z-wave version/revision?
It is fully working in Homeseer..
Believe you need more than one to fully test the equipment.. as they are supposed to be connected to eachother.
5 units could be associated according to the spec.... believe we could connect and set of all with LinuxMCE? Will check with some other what is possible in Homeseer..
Quote from: tortho on December 29, 2009, 09:53:53 PMPrice is not that bad. USD 100,- each for a smoke detector, wireless with battery and tamper alarm.. (Tamper alarm might be nice if you are renting out parts of your house)
Yeah I didn't mean they were overpriced but that it's quite a difference going from a normal smoke detector that costs 3 bucks, especially in case one needs several of them. In any case, if there's anything you want to spend money on it's protecting your wooden house from fire.
Quote from: Schmich on December 30, 2009, 04:25:22 PM
Quote from: tortho on December 29, 2009, 09:53:53 PMPrice is not that bad. USD 100,- each for a smoke detector, wireless with battery and tamper alarm.. (Tamper alarm might be nice if you are renting out parts of your house)
Yeah I didn't mean they were overpriced but that it's quite a difference going from a normal smoke detector that costs 3 bucks, especially in case one needs several of them. In any case, if there's anything you want to spend money on it's protecting your wooden house from fire.
There are also low priced alarms available that can be linked via RF. If one fires, others do too. Then it's only a matter of (testing the whole setup and) connecting physically only one of the alarms to gc100 or something similar. One very interesting alternative can be found here: www.jeelabs.org. I hope to learn GSD and such to a degree that I can use JeeNodes with LinuxMCE. Anyone using those yet..?
Hi Viking and everyone else ;-)
Have you seen this Danish site??
It seems like Silvan is also starting to sell zwave devices :-)
However, I'm still thinking about going with KNX and KNX-RF...
The Flexcontrol Smoke Detector = Everspring SF-812
Mine has the Flexcontrol sticker on the front and everything else refers to Everspring SF-812 which is the manufacturer.
The siren as well is the Everspring brand.
Somehow I missed out on this.
Now the question is - how can we get Hari one of these smoke alarms ?
Quote from: Viking on January 14, 2010, 06:18:31 PM
Somehow I missed out on this.
Now the question is - how can we get Hari one of these smoke alarms ?
Step 1: Buy one.
Step 2: Send it to him.
Step 3: Success!
I'm also wanting to get a smoke detector system setup through the house. Z-Wave is pretty much out of the question for me at this stage if my understanding of the system is correct (all products on forums are not allowed in NZ due to frequency). I'm in New Zealand and there seems to be only selected few products around from place in Australia (USB hub and appliance controllers).
GC100 looks to be great product but the cost seems very high and as mentioned the Z-Wave $100 detector if needing 4 or 5 is not an option for a lot of people.
Hari how did you get on with the ethernet solution?
Looking for something readily available, affordable solution that won't break the bank! :)
the ethernet thing works fine. The smoke detector talks to the ethernet base unit via RF. Unfortunately the base unit is not on the market yet.
br Hari
I see this smoke detector was being discussed on this thread http://zwave-products.co.uk/shop/article_121/Everspring-SF812-Z-Wave-Smoke-Detector.html?shop_param=cid%3D29%26aid%3D121%26
Is it working/PnP with LMCE yet? If not, who would like to chip in with me and buy one for Hari, providing he is willing?
Was also looking at this http://zwave-products.co.uk/shop/article_119/Everspring-SE812-Z-Wave-Indoor-Siren.html?shop_param=cid%3D29%26aid%3D119%26 but as someone else mentioned, it would nice if the smoke alarm could double as a siren, when a window sensor is tripped for example?
Count me in on the SF-812
Hi guys,
I just bought one of these, they actually ship from Germany and I'm in Poland so they will send anywhere. I haven't tried it out yet, as the new apartment is still full of builders, and plaster dust, but it wasn't overly expensive and certainly can be used with other z-wave devices.
Are you in for the task?
If so could you either check how much the cost is in your country or let us know where you live to possibly supply a unit to avoid customs issues
Quote from: tortho on November 21, 2010, 10:05:34 PM
Are you in for the task?
If so could you either check how much the cost is in your country or let us know where you live to possibly supply a unit to avoid customs issues
Germany or Austria is fine..
br Hari
Fantastic! Anybody else (come on Users!) want to chip in? PM me if you would rather not post here.
gtsupport, did you want to be included in this? My understanding is that this device is not currently supported under LMCE (please correct me if I'm wrong).
I need to write some code to support this device.
br Hari
Hi Purps, yeah I'm in, if we need to donate a little of our hard-earned, for Hari to donate a little of his time, thats the way that open source is supposed to work eh? Each doing what they can to further the cause. Let me know what you're thinking.
I bought it for the idea that you can get the alarm to switch on all the lights when its triggered by smoke, a very neat idea, even without including it in the LinuxMCE control, but even better if its all integrated.
Ok great, thank you.
So that's 3 people so far. Anybody else interested?
Okay the thread went to sleep.
Can I suggest the following:
1. Hari finds the shop he prefere and give us the price for ordering/shipping the unit.
2. We split the invoice in 3 (or more if someone else is interrested)
3. Hari PM us a bank account so we can transfer the money
Or if Hari wont expose his account then let me know when where and so on and I'll do the ordering.
http://www.zwave4u.com/products/de/Sensoren/Z-Wave-Rauchmelder-SF812.html - 69,02 EUR
you can paypal to hari@vt100.at
br Hari
1 payment done, 2 to go Gents, :)
Payment sent.
hari, does 69,02 EUR cover the postage costs?
According to the web page it does.
Did transfer 25 euro.
If there is any increased cost let me know.
48EUR received, thanks to Matt and Tor
fyi, postage is 14,28 EUR
€25 sent to Hari today :)
Added another 5 EURO to cover my share of the detector.
Total 30 EUR Sent
received 25 EUR from gtsupport. Device is ordered and should arrive in a few days.
br Hari
the code to support this device is in the next 0810 snapshot (to be released by possy soonish). Be aware that this is untested as I did not receive the device yet.
br Hari
Any way to include this with apt-get or updating of devices from the web interface?
Or do I have to install the snapshot?
device received, and confirmed working, it sends the proper DCE event (Fire Alarm):
07 12/17/10 20:57:29.776 Received Message from 226 (Smoke Detector / ) to -1001 (unknown / ), type 2 id 17 Event:Fire Alarm, retry none, parameters: <0xb03f9b70>
there was a small bug in the device template detection so it will be available with the next 0810 beta2 update.
@tortho: yes, apt-get update will be your friend..
br Hari
Thanks a lot Hari,
A couple of questions:
- Did you incorporate the tamper switch? (Can be usefull if you rent out a part of your house and want to make sure it is up and running on the part you rent out)
- Is the low battery warning incorporated?
- Is it possible to trigger the alarm/siren on the detector from the LMCE?
- Can LMCE receive the fire alarm and set off all the other detectors? (Know they can be grouped, but it is limited 6 detectors if I'm not totally off)
Did the update today, but assume I have to wait for the next update.. they were not detected now and I could not find everspring as manufacturer in the device templates.
Quote from: tortho on December 19, 2010, 12:38:47 AM
- Did you incorporate the tamper switch? (Can be usefull if you rent out a part of your house and want to make sure it is up and running on the part you rent out)
not yet
- Is the low battery warning incorporated?
battery reports work, but we need to handle them somehow on the orbiter (display popup, ...)
- Is it possible to trigger the alarm/siren on the detector from the LMCE?
no, the smoke detector does not support that
- Can LMCE receive the fire alarm and set off all the other detectors? (Know they can be grouped, but it is limited 6 detectors if I'm not totally off)
no, it is not a ZENSOR net device..
Did the update today, but assume I have to wait for the next update.. they were not detected now and I could not find everspring as manufacturer in the device templates.
it will use the gereric smoke detector template
br Hari
Did see after my last update yesterday that the detectors were recognized and automatically (silently) added under security devices.
However when I try to trigger them either by the test button or by smoke nothing pops up in the zwave log..
This system is intelligent, and can't be fooled by those tests. It knows that it is only a test.
When was real smoke defined as a test? :-)
You Need to enable log level 36 to see it in the logs.
Did you test it with a security scenario/event handler?
Br Hari
Log level 36 is enabled, but nothing seen from the smoke detector nodes.....
Have not added any events/scenarios, just wanted to see the node id to set the name on them...
(Have 8 pcs and want to set the room they are in)