hi all
i can successfully install the 32bit version of 710 rc2 but when trying the 64bit version, after starting the installation i have no image. pressing "2" for VGA does not help.
any idea? need specific hardware information?
Hi Roberto,
Not really an answer to your problem, but why not stick to the 32bit release then? According to the guys who really know their stuff, there is no real benefit, performance wise, to run 64bit.
Speaking for myself: I have 2 AMD 64bit MD's, but both of them are installed as i386 MDs, and they work mighty fine, alpha blended and all!
Hi Reint
I want to install 64bit because I intend to run several diskless md's , but most of all I want to run virtual machines un the hybrid machine, and that means I need more RAM. So has anyone an idea what could be the problem?
Thanks and cheers
Does nobody have an idea on this?
I was able to install 32bit, but now i have new computer, which is 64bit and trying to set linux MCE on that one. I am unable to do. Here are pix. I have no clue what to do.(http://lh5.ggpht.com/_IZo3gjThXkw/SV3M0xRMZ6I/AAAAAAAAA6A/VdGAZIxZXoQ/Photo_010109_001.jpg)(http://lh3.ggpht.com/_IZo3gjThXkw/SV3M06KGgMI/AAAAAAAAA6I/qWIjvXAtG0I/Photo_010109_002.jpg)(http://lh5.ggpht.com/_IZo3gjThXkw/SV3M1P235nI/AAAAAAAAA6Q/KmQvjPEjZEQ/Photo_010109_003.jpg)
What should i do to install this OS
Zaerc's right, that link is really helpful. You may also find this useful as well http://forum.linuxmce.org/index.php?topic=4500.0.
Quote from: Pabla007 on January 02, 2009, 09:18:06 AM
I was able to install 32bit, but now i have new computer, which is 64bit and trying to set linux MCE on that one. I am unable to do. Here are pix. I have no clue what to do.
What should i do to install this OS
You should probably start your own thread instead of hijacking these others.
But I would say, if you installed the i386 version OK and now have AMD64 equipment? Install the i386 version onto it too.
Hey Guys
Thanks for help and pointers. Tried the "blind installation". No luck. Will try more further on and play with other stuff on i386 meanwhile.
thanks and cheers