Instead of, or along with the default flikr photos, is it possible to auto download pics from my personal flikr account? My family and my wifes family all share a single flikr account and I would like to have these images auto download like the default LMCE ones. I am not sure if this is possible, if it is where would l change the path at?
Take a look at /usr/pluto/bin/ - should be straight forward
take a look at this thread: (
perfect guys, thanks for the help this is going to be sweeet
I finally got around to trying flickrfetcher out, when I try to install I get this error
doc files README rev setup-kubuntu setup-linuxmce src
linuxmce@dcerouter:~/flickrfetchr$ ./setup-linuxmce
/usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `gem_original_require': no such file to load -- commandline/optionparser (LoadError)
from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `require'
from ./setup-linuxmce:31
does this give any clues as to what I am doing wrong?
I installed ruby and rubygems but I am not sure if I did those correctly.
I don't think that is a LMCE problem or a problem with the flickr screensaver, it appears to be a generic Ruby error:
do you think that it has anything to do with the version of ruby or ruby gems that I am running? I just saw on the requirements that you needed these two programs so I installed the latest versions.
Does anyone know of a step by step guide for installing Ruby and or Ruby Gems? I think this is my issues, but I the documentation that I have been able to find so far is fairly vague.
Quote from: krys on December 22, 2008, 05:47:55 AM
inuxmce@dcerouter:~/flickrfetchr$ ./setup-linuxmce
/usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `gem_original_require': no such file to load -- commandline/optionparser (LoadError)
from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `require'
from ./setup-linuxmce:31
This error message is saying that the "commandline" gem is not installed. Try this:
sudo gem install commandline
BTW, flickrfetchr is now available on github if you want to fork it.
Quote from: royw on December 27, 2008, 09:59:59 AM
BTW, flickrfetchr is now available on github if you want to fork it.
What exactly does fork it mean? lol
Also thanks for the response, I have been dying to get this to work.
I tried to install command line and this is what I got
linuxmce@dcerouter:~$ sudo gem install commandline
[sudo] password for linuxmce:
/usr/bin/gem:10:Warning: Gem::manage_gems is deprecated and will be removed on or after March 2009.
/usr/bin/gem:23: uninitialized constant Gem::GemRunner (NameError)
I was wondering, could this be used as a drop in replacement for the old script without having to register and all? The script is currently b0rked under 0810 alpha1, and this sounds like a nice alternative with more/better features. But I just don't think everyone would appreciate the hassle of having to register.
It's been awhile, but IIRC only a few groups are available unauthenticated. I'll see what can be done.
Currently fighting the stupid kubuntu package manager (I really, really prefer gentoo's portage). gem is up to v1.3.1, but apparently all kubuntu knows about is v1.1.1. Or at least I haven't found the obscure magical combination for it to find the latest and greatest.
Quote from: royw on December 27, 2008, 11:14:17 PM
It's been awhile, but IIRC only a few groups are available unauthenticated. I'll see what can be done.
Currently fighting the stupid kubuntu package manager (I really, really prefer gentoo's portage). gem is up to v1.3.1, but apparently all kubuntu knows about is v1.1.1. Or at least I haven't found the obscure magical combination for it to find the latest and greatest.
Wouldn't it be possible to set the defaults to whatever the was grabbing? (you'll have to forgive my ignorance, I never looked into it either way).
I'm having trouble even making out the version of the gem package in ubuntu (§ion=all), do you think a higher version needed then is included in Intrepid?
OK, here are the steps to manually upgrade rubygems to 1.3.1:
sudo apt-get install rubygems
tar xvzf rubygems-1.3.1.tgz
cd rubygems-1.3.1
sudo ruby setup.rb
sudo rm /usr/bin/gem
sudo ln /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem
The first command is there just to pull in the dependencies. If you already have gem installed you may skip it.
Now verify:
linuxmce@dcerouter:~$ gem --version
Now try to install flickrfetchr using the setup-linuxmce script. I uninstalled the gems then ran the setup on my linuxmce box and it installed fine.
Please give me a confirmation that this solved your installation problem, then I'll patch the setup scripts.
Just a FYI, apparently debian team does not like gems as the dependencies are internal to the source (as they should be in a scripting language) and not externally controlled (as brain dead apt expects). That's probably why kubuntu's version of rubygems is so dated. I installed rubygems on my kubuntu (0804 upgraded to 0810) system and apt installed rubygems-0.9.4 (the release from 05/2007).
The ruby community strongly recommends the 1.3 version.
I don't have a clean installed 0810 at the moment. If you want to see what version kubuntu 0810 has:
sudo apt-get install rubygems
gem --version
Thanks for the help so far, it looks like that enabled me to install commandline which then let me install flickrfetcher. However I am not sure if it completed the install take a look at these last few lines, is this what was supposed to happen?
Now to setup FlickrFetcher
cp: cannot stat `/home/linuxmce/.flickrfetchr.cache': No such file or directory
chown: cannot access `/root/.flickrfetchr.cache': No such file or directory
FlickrFetcher is installed for stand-alone usage. You may want to read the config file ~/.flickrfetchr.conf and set up some download criteria to verify that you can actually fetch photos. There are some examples in it that should get you up and running quickly. Please refer to the README for replacing with FlickrFetchr on LinuxMCE systems.
I am guessing that it didn't install correctly as I was never prompted for my account info for Flickr
you should be good to go. Just run
It's during the first time that the script is ran that you are prompted to authenticate with flickr. BTW that is what creates the .cache files that are then used for future authentication.
After running it the first time, locate the .flickrfetchr.conf files, there should be three:
Here's the logic for the multiple conf files.
The /home/linuxmce/.flickrfetchr.conf is the one used when you run the script as the linuxmce user. I use it to pull my photos from flickr to the linuxmce system (actually on my NAS so whole house has access).
The /root/.flickrfetchr.conf is the one used by the root user, for example if you want to set it up as a cron job.
The /etc/flickrfetchr.conf is the one used when you integrate flickrfetchr into the linuxmce (i.e., replace
It's actually a little more complex than that. The actual flow is to load the /etc/flickrfetchr.conf then merge ~/.flickrfetchr.conf.
There was a practical rational for this loading weirdness when I wrote it, but don't recall exactly what it was. Maybe it should be simplified.
okay, I think I finally got this thing set up. I authorized FF using that link, and changed
Added some photos to my flickr account and now I will wait 24hrs and see if anything actually happens....
btw whats the path that flickrfetchr saves the photos to on the core?
LinuxMCE expects the photos to be stored under /home/flickr. Note, it is ok to have sub-directories there.
This is configured in the flickrfetchr.conf file.
Here's part of my /etc/flickrfetchr.conf file. You might want to cut and paste to give you a starting point:
# this pretty much matches the criteria that the default uses
:limit => 100,
:daycount => 5,
:destination_path => '/home/flickr',
:destination_naming => :short,
:plugins => [:LinuxMCE_Plugin],
:image_acceptable_types => ['jpg'],
:image_width_range => 600..1920,
:image_height_range => 600..1080,
:image_resize_to => {:width => 1024, :height => 768}
# some flickr group IDs
TOP20AVIATION_ID = '60512572@N00'
TOP20FISHEYE_ID = '46819026@N00'
TOP20LONGEXPOSURE_ID = '54941127@N00'
# lets put the top20 groups into a top20 LinuxMCE subdirectory
:destination_path => '/home/flickr/top20',
:limit => 20
# now let's create the group criteria for the top20 groups
:nsid => TOP20AVIATION_ID,
:nsid => TOP20FISHEYE_ID,
# finally lets specify which groups we want.
config[:GROUPS] = [
Note, you can "force" an update to test the config file by simply running flickrfetchr.rb as root:
sudo flickrfetchr.rb --verbose
You should see something like:
linuxmce@dcerouter:/home/flickr$ sudo flickrfetchr.rb --verbose
[sudo] password for linuxmce:
INFO flickrfetchr: Loading /etc/flickrfetchr.conf
INFO flickrfetchr: Loading /home/linuxmce/.flickrfetchr.conf
INFO flickrfetchr: Loading LinuxMCE_Plugin (require "flickrfetchr-linuxmce.rb")
INFO flickrfetchr: Downloading photos from GROUPS ({:destination_naming=>:short, :image_width_range=>600..1920, :image_acceptable_types=>["jpg"], :limit=>20, :destination_path=>"/home/flickr/aircraft", :nsid=>"79204191@N00", :image_height_range=>600..1080, :image_resize_to=>{:width=>1920, :height=>1080}, :plugins=>[:LinuxMCE_Plugin], :image_fill_to=>{:width=>1920, :height=>1080}, :daycount=>5})
INFO flickrfetchr: downloading to /home/flickr/aircraft/3144058266.jpg
INFO flickrfetchr: downloading to /home/flickr/aircraft/3145331668.jpg
INFO flickrfetchr: Skipping 2642314900 => [/home/flickr/top20/2642314900.jpg.tnj]
INFO flickrfetchr: Cleanup LinuxMCE flickr images
INFO flickrfetchr: Limiting to 200 flickr images
INFO flickrfetchr: Cleanup completed
great, thanks again. I will give this a try tonight when I get home.
I added a simple line to the config file
config[:USERS] += [{:username => 'hlt1611'}]
and this is what i got when I tried to force an update
dcerouter_97913:/home/linuxmce# flickrfetchr.rb --verbose
INFO flickrfetchr: Loading /etc/flickrfetchr.conf
INFO flickrfetchr: Loading /root/.flickrfetchr.conf
INFO flickrfetchr: Downloading photos from USERS ({:username=>"hlt1611"})
WARN flickrfetchr: Unable to save file - can't convert nil into String (attempt: 0)
WARN flickrfetchr: Unable to save file - can't convert nil into String (attempt: 1)
WARN flickrfetchr: Unable to save file - can't convert nil into String (attempt: 2)
WARN flickrfetchr: Unable to save file - can't convert nil into String (attempt: 3)
WARN flickrfetchr: exit
You tickled a bug, thank you.
For now, you can work around it by specifying a :destination_path. For example:
config[:USERS] += [{:username => 'hlt1611', :destination_path => '.'}]
I'll patch the bug tomorrow when I'm more alert (it's bed time).
Thank you,
Hey no problem, thanks for the sweet program. (assuming I get it running at some point ;D)
i also managed to run the script via sudo and it is fetching pictures.
but if i cleanup the flickr folder manually, putting the flickrfetchr.rb script (/usr/local/bin/flickrfetchr.rb) into the field in the admin website and reboot the system, LMCE starts up but dont fetch any pictures. Why the scrip wont get started???
Also i am confused with the config file.
How can i define following settings.
Scenario 1
Get a bunch of pictures (500+) for tag 'aviation' in a 1024 resolution
(like these:
Scenario 2
Combine diffrent tags.
Example: 500+ avaition pics, 500+ beach pics, 500+ flowers pics
Scenario 3
Totally random pics updated continuesly.
about 50 New pictures per hour - never delete old ones.
I dont want to use them parallel or on diffrent MD's - i just want these examples to understand the config.
Can you please help me with the config here?
I was just thinking how cool it would be if different MD's could run different slideshows (not sure if its possible). Like the MD in my garage running a slide show consists of downloads of muscle cars and guy stuff, while the Family room is running pictures from our personal photos on our flickr account, and the kids room is running pictures of cartoons and kid stuff (dont have any kids so maybe not the expert).
As far as I can tell there isnt currently a way to do this as all the orbiters get there pictures from the same location but it might be a cool idea for future developement.
This could be added as an aspect of the Orbiter plugin, by adding a new devicedata for a given room, and passing that back to get the list of pictures for that room.. We would just need to separate picture fetching process a bit.
Per user wouldn't be so easy.
Good news bad news, I set the location for the script to save the files to and ran FF.rb the program went to flickr and grabbed my photos as it was supposed to. It saved them in the folder that I instructed it to, however when the screensaver runs, it is just a blank white screen. I assume it has something to do with the size of the images or resolution etc, the only thing i have in the config file is
config[:USERS] += [{:username => 'hlt1611', :destination_path => '/home/flickr/muffin'}]
am I correct in my assumption? I can see the images just fine from my web 366 orbiter when I go to photos
When used for replacement on LinuxMCE, you have to specify the plugin in your config:
:plugins => [:LinuxMCE_Plugin]
This tells flickrfetchr to hook into the LinuxMCE database.
In your example, I would use this config:
:limit => 100,
:daycount => 5,
:destination_path => '/home/flickr',
:destination_naming => :short,
:plugins => [:LinuxMCE_Plugin],
:image_acceptable_types => ['jpg'],
:image_resize_to => {:width => 1024, :height => 768}
:username => 'hlt1611',
:destination_path => '/home/flickr/muffin'
Witzman, I have a long answer just about ready, but isn't responding for me to verify it at the moment.
Cool - Thanks.
I will wait.
Quote from: royw on December 31, 2008, 09:51:20 AM
When used for replacement on LinuxMCE, you have to specify the plugin in your config:
:plugins => [:LinuxMCE_Plugin]
This tells flickrfetchr to hook into the LinuxMCE database.
In your example, I would use this config:
:limit => 100,
:daycount => 5,
:destination_path => '/home/flickr',
:destination_naming => :short,
:plugins => [:LinuxMCE_Plugin],
:image_acceptable_types => ['jpg'],
:image_resize_to => {:width => 1024, :height => 768}
:username => 'hlt1611',
:destination_path => '/home/flickr/muffin'
Witzman, I have a long answer just about ready, but isn't responding for me to verify it at the moment.
Thanks again Roy, it was late last night and I wanted to make sure I knew what was what before the holiday. I can't tell you how excited I was just to see this thing crawl around on Flickr and download my photos.
You and I are about at the same place with things it seems.
I've been following this thread and finally got the time to try it out. I created a wiki entry as I went- it needs improvement, but it's a start:
I'm still waiting for mine to show up, but only finished the code 5 minutes ago and am about to reboot the core (first time since the M3A78-EM nic got fixed- thanks again Seth).
I wasnt aware that I needed the "new" config file in all three of those locations. That Wiki entry is nice Jimmie, it will definitely help when I have to do this all over again. (upgrading to a 100/1000 card on my core and I heard that your best bet is to just reinstall)
Maybe you don't.... it is only sort of working right now. It pulls the measly 1 file I have out there on flickr... wanted it to use all of the private ones instead. So now going to disable flickr until I figure out what I want public.
In the mean time, party is a couple hours away and GF is getting antsy wanting it to "just work". :)
Thats funny because I told my wife this feature would be ready for her New Years pics... I got some work to do when I get off work. (man I work alot ;D)
This is weird, I cant find the other two config files.... I just have the one under /etc
This one: /home/linuxmce/.flickrfetchr.conf
didn't exist for me, but the other 2 did.
Did you get it working for the wife? As I said, I didn't like that it only pulls public photos, so I turned that off and just put my pictures on the NAS and added the device to the core as a windows share.... added the pictures as a screensaver for MD.... and it worked great, for the most part.
My pictures are not 1024x768- some are 3000 something by 2000 something (I think). What's odd is that sometimes the pictures showed up great on the screen, and sometimes the imaged was zoomed in on one of the sides of the image. And, what's more, is that screen would sometimes get stuck on one picture- the picture was different everytime- seemed to be a random thing (sometimes 15 min, sometimes 5, etc). By skipping to the next song it usually restarted the pictures.
Yes I finally got it working last night, I didnt realize that there were two places to insert the flickr script on the Admin page. Once I put in in the second place it worked like a charm. I dont mind that it only uses the public pictures as we just created that account specifically for this frame. I am not sure if it is running the script on its own yet, I just used the verbose command last night to check it.
As far as zooming in on certain areas of your picture that is a setting on the admin page I believe and you can take it off, its a UI1 thing, instead of the picture slowly zooming and panning as it does in UI2 it is just static and randomly close up on different parts of the picture. I will see if I can find a link on how to take that feature off, but its pretty straight foward
There are 2 places? I will have to update the wiki- I only put it in the one place under orbiter plug-ins and it pulled the picture that I had up on flickr, but I didn't wait long enough to see if the image was used in the screensaver picture rotation.
Yes, there is one on the orbiter plugin screen (scroll down) after this the pictures werent showing, then from the orbiter plugin screen there is a button (advanced or view i dont remember) that pulls up another window with the same blank, once I put it in there also the pictures immediately started to appear.
Hey guys, not sure if anyone is still using this but I have upgraded to 810 and wanted to get my flickr working again but ran into a few issues. Has anyone else tried this with 810?
One issue I noticed is that somewhere in the script it assumes that linuxmce is still the default user, but under 810 you can choose your own username so mine is krys. I assume this is causing at least part of the problem.
** Nevermind for now, i think i just had a typo in my config file, looks like it should work now.