I am a newbie and I would like some direction on where to go first to start learning about LinuxMCE. I have read the Wiki (had to google that to findout what it meant). I want to learn more indepth so that I can look at buying in some hardware etc to set up a hybrid that can become a stand alone core later on but where do I go in the forums to talk to people????
I am trying to understand a lot of this stuff but I dont know much about networking and my computer skills are not the greatest to start with. I am struggling with all the TLA's, so I need the real neeewwbbiiee type help.
PS TLA = three letter acronym hope you got the joke there
Most likely the wiki will give you the best information and then you can search the forums to see if there is talk about your proposed equipment.
I'm not sure if there's a page somewhere that lists links to get you started, but here's a few:
Quote from: chipppy on November 01, 2008, 02:03:51 PM
I am a newbie and I would like some direction on where to go first to start learning about LinuxMCE. I have read the Wiki (had to google that to findout what it meant). I want to learn more indepth so that I can look at buying in some hardware etc to set up a hybrid that can become a stand alone core later on but where do I go in the forums to talk to people????
I am trying to understand a lot of this stuff but I dont know much about networking and my computer skills are not the greatest to start with. I am struggling with all the TLA's, so I need the real neeewwbbiiee type help.
PS TLA = three letter acronym hope you got the joke there
Firstly... welcome!
As you have probably realised LinuxMCE is a very large and complex system to get to grips with as it encompasses so many powerful features and is built on top of so many open source components (many of which are also complex in their own right!).
The best place to find help and to get started is here in the Forum and also in the #linuxmce irc channel. Although it may seem daunting, and some of the info is inevitably 'stale', but the Wiki is also a great resource... and its worth going back there and search around for helpful info and explanations.
So search the Forum for previous threads about stuff you want to understand... and then ask questions here. The best approach is to ask simple, clear questions about specific issues or features... then you will get helpful answers back. There are plenty of people here who will help you.
All the best
Goto youtube and search for "pandaman123213"
All my videos deal with linuxmce on a simple level and should help you get your mind around the system.
Welcome chipppy. One thing you should be aware of is that the hardware you choose will determine whether your LinuxMCE experience is a success.
Basically, if you stick to the right hardware, most of it will probably work right out of the box. If you have problem with your hardware, and many others are using it, odds are that someone here can help you diagnose the problem. If, however, you choose to use unvetted or uncommon hardware, you'll probably need to put a lot of effort into getting it working.
Here's how I recommend you research what hardware works:
1. Look through the pages listed in the User Setups category of the wiki: http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Category:User_Setups (http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Category:User_Setups). Many experienced users and devs have listed their components and experiences there. I've put a description of my setup there.
2. Search the forums for threads of others asking for feedback on their hardware choices.
3. Once you have come up with your own list, ask for feedback on your choices in your own thread.