LinuxMCE Forums

General => Users => Topic started by: Crumble on September 08, 2008, 04:30:18 PM

Title: Arrrgh!!(Solved)
Post by: Crumble on September 08, 2008, 04:30:18 PM
So i finally get everything working last night and im playing with my system until like 3:00am when i hear a loud pop.  Now i get no pvr output, i've tryed everything but reloading the dang thing.  Is there anyway to manually tell the pvr to tune to channel three besides the mythtv setup channel editor thingy.  I'm hoping and praying it didn't explode on me last night.  It was finally working perfect, took me 8 months to get this thing where i wanted it (mostly because of money issues).   :'(

Title: Re: Arrrgh!!
Post by: Crumble on September 09, 2008, 04:49:09 PM
alright, it didn't blow up on me!  Turns out it's some kind of configuration problem.  Here's what happens and how i set it up.  I make all my templates in pluto, then use the setup wizard and tell linuxmce how i want them controlled.  I thought i'd be smart and combine my mythtv input and my satellite tv input at the same time.  So when i go to tv it automatically controls my cable box.  It actually worked great, only problem is when i reboot the computer i get nothing but fuzz.  If I delete the card and reinstall it i get myth back but it doesn't control my cable box again till i do the whole thing all over again.  So, i decided this is probably not how it's supposed to be done, so i hooked up a s-video input and set that up to be my input that controls that cable box.  This actually works much better, only problem is i don't get anything but a black screen on s-video but i can see the cable box's menu which leads me to believe that once again i am doing something wrong.  I know that livetv is supposed to be my outlet for controlling the cable box, but in the video he has it setup exactly the way i do and is using it exactly the way i want.  I thought live tv is supposed to be just a way for the signal to passthrough the tvcard and let linuxmce control the cable box while overlaying it's own menu's.  Then there is a driecttv which is a different input on the tv that also controls the cable box but allows for high def signal from the cable box.  Am I way off here?  Any help is appreciated.


Title: Re: Arrrgh!!
Post by: seth on September 09, 2008, 06:22:22 PM
Renaming scenarios is a great way to trim up LMCE, and helps improve WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor)

Here's a shot: (


Title: Re: Arrrgh!!
Post by: tschak909 on September 09, 2008, 06:52:29 PM
seth, where are your lights?

Title: Re: Arrrgh!!
Post by: seth on September 09, 2008, 07:19:52 PM
My PLM went bad, so I deleted it. Smarthome is sending me a new one under warranty replacement. Should be back up by the weekend.

It is funny how you get so used to having that luxury around, and then it's gone.  >:(

It was a power surge that took it out, and thankfully it stopped there, and didn't make it into the serial port (whew!)

But Smarthome was great, they said no problem, we'll send you a new one, with a return label. Pretty sweet!


Title: Re: Arrrgh!!
Post by: Crumble on September 09, 2008, 10:00:37 PM
Quote from: rodercot on September 09, 2008, 06:14:24 PM

You are making your life a wreck.

TV = MythTV = your tuner card SVideo input. DONE = Myth TV setup source, input etc..
LiveTV = The input on your Display that you setup so the coax input on your TV would be a broadcast station or OTA TV like local station with an Antenna.
Cable Box Live TV if you set your inputs correctly in the template. Which should have been my source does not have multiple inputs it supplies Live TV Only option #1

Your STB/Cable box will actually give you another scenario on the menu in the UI for instance Mine Says 6141 which is my bell rcvr. I changed the name to this in the scenario device pages. It did say VULiveTV

So in my menu I have

TV = MythTV/PVR through PVR150 MCE
Live TV = Sharp Aquos Live TV Input (Nothing Connected) I unchecked the scenario so this does not show up in the menu any longer as well.
VU/6141 = Bell Live Express Vu via S-video on pvr-150 within LMCE and then I can hit Direct IR Codes from the UI and it will switch inputs on my tv and audio rcvr and i can watch LiveHD from the rcvr as well.

This is all through my Fiire Chief remote and the Usbuirt with one flasher hooked up.

EDIT: ok, watched the video again, i think i get it.  So whats not working is that mythtv isn't controlling my cable box.  I'm not sure what i setup wrong but that's how i had it the first time.  Let me go over the steps.  I have a pvr-350, so i add that in pluto.  Then i go to the setup wizard and under inputs i hit antenna and tell it that my cable box is connected to this port which should control the cable box.  Which it did, but then when i reboot it makes another provider and i only get fuzz.  I think my main problem is that i had already setup a provider for myth before i told it that it was connected to the cable box.  Is this right?

EDIT: i watched it again and now im not sure what the second livetv button he uses does.  It doesn't switch inputs so how does it work? 

Title: Re: Arrrgh!!
Post by: tschak909 on September 10, 2008, 12:46:24 AM
use of the pvr-350 is not recommended, as the video output is somewhat moot...

you can set up the 350 as a 250 by manually adding it in the media directors page in the web admin.

Title: Re: Arrrgh!!
Post by: Crumble on September 10, 2008, 03:39:00 PM
Video works fine from the s-video port now.  Can't seem to get the sound to sync.  The sound is coming from the cable straight into the sound card.  If i plug it into the tuner card it sounds likes aliens talking underwater.  Any ideas on how to fix this? Im using the onboard sound of an asus m2n-mx-se plus.  Thanks.

Title: Re: Arrrgh!!(Solved)
Post by: Crumble on September 12, 2008, 03:32:40 PM
This card works the way i stated above with s-video and audio going to the audio input on the tvtuner card. Component does not work, only black and white.  S-video works for mythtv only, livetv does not work and video is not nearly as good as pvr-150.  This card is a waste of time, now that i have tried both 350 and 150 the 350 is not for this system imo.
