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Archive => Archive => Pluto Main General Issues => Topic started by: archived on January 14, 2006, 04:03:57 PM

Title: wifi card
Post by: archived on January 14, 2006, 04:03:57 PM
Sorry for my bad english,

I want to add a wifi card on my Media-director.
Now I have two lan cards, one for external and one for internal, but I need a wifi lan for my laptopts and for a pda as orbiter.

Is that possible?

An another probleme, I have a Nokia 7610 and it was configured as orbiter.  But for some tests, I have delete this orbiter and now the Media director don"t detect this phone but some others from the street are immédiatly recognise. Is it blacklisted?

I hope that you understand my modern language  :D
Title: wifi card
Post by: archived on January 16, 2006, 08:55:04 AM

I think the most convenient solution would be to hook up a wifi access point to your internal lan. Then you don't have to worry about drivers for your card.

Regards Michel.
Title: wifi card
Post by: archived on January 16, 2006, 09:39:58 AM
you can add the access point to your internal lan.
i don't know what you deleted fo sure, so:
if you deleted the device from pluto-admin website, just do a reload router and the phone will be detected, you have to install the Moble orbiter like you already did.
if you deleted the application from your phone, jsut go to pluto-admin website and select the device. check the flag/ box resend app to the phone & reload router
Title: wifi card
Post by: archived on January 16, 2006, 07:26:03 PM
Quote from: "wam"Hi,

I think the most convenient solution would be to hook up a wifi access point to your internal lan. Then you don't have to worry about drivers for your card.

Regards Michel.

Thank you Dan.g

I don't have problem with the drivers under linux but the probleme is for configuring connection sharing with the server. Sure, an access point is an easy solution but I had understand that Pluto use wifi for Orbiters like PDA, so I think that the wifi sharing connection is the Job for the Server?  why not?
I have get a wifi pci card for Pluto but I think now that it was my error.
Title: wifi card
Post by: archived on January 16, 2006, 09:05:42 PM
Quote from: "dan.g"you can add the access point to your internal lan.

Ok but How? whith a router or an another computer? Can'I use this card in the MediaCore? Should I configure it manually whith IP tables and some scripts?
If I use an access point, I should use same ip range than the MediaCore if I want to use some wifi orbiter?

Quote from: "dan.g"i don't know what you deleted fo sure, so:
if you deleted the device from pluto-admin website, just do a reload router and the phone will be detected, you have to install the Moble orbiter like you already did.
if you deleted the application from your phone, jsut go to pluto-admin website and select the device. check the flag/ box resend app to the phone & reload router

Thank you,
I had tried that and other solutions! sending the soft to the mac  address (but in the browser phone the files aren't accessible for copying in softs folders)
the problem is that when the phone was detected by Pluto, my son had answer NO and now Pluto did not recognise it. Pluto detect 10 phones per day from the street (that's another problem) but not the mine
Title: wifi card
Post by: archived on January 17, 2006, 08:57:12 AM
i thought you use an access point, not a pci card.
i'll have someone to answer to both problems
Title: wifi card
Post by: archived on January 17, 2006, 09:03:13 AM

QuoteI had tried that and other solutions! sending the soft to the mac address (but in the browser phone the files aren't accessible for copying in softs folders)
the problem is that when the phone was detected by Pluto, my son had answer NO and now Pluto did not recognise it. Pluto detect 10 phones per day from the street (that's another problem) but not the mine

Answering NO means that pluto will ignore that phone in the future. However, there is a fix for this. You'll have to use mysql and go to pluto_main database and check UnknownDevices table. Then you'll have to delete the record with MacAddress = "your phone mac address" and reload the router. If you don't know how to use mysql, I can send you detailed instructions.

Best regards,
Chris M.
Title: wifi card
Post by: archived on January 17, 2006, 12:07:29 PM
Thank a lot for the answers

Phone pb:
I know only phpmyadmin. I need the  detailled instruction. Thank you.

Wifi pb:
For the momment I try to use my pci wifi card in an another computer for connection sharing, it's hard by I hope finalise that today. Im too newbie under Linux and I need graphical interface for configuring..
Not the best solution but I need wifi for two laptops and a nokia 770 linux pc tablett and two pdas.  I hope you have solution, now or in future for wifi + lan inside pluto.

Merci encore
Title: wifi card
Post by: archived on January 17, 2006, 12:16:35 PM

First you have to see what is your phone mac address. To do this, go to linux command prompt (Alt + F3 for e.g. to go there) and run this command:
hcitool scan
You should see a list with phone names and the mac addresses. Write the mac address of your phone somewhere on a piece of paper.

Then type:
mysql pluto_main
to go in mysql and there run this command (SQL query):
DELETE FROM UnknownDevices WHERE MacAddress = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff";
where "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff" is your mac address. Don't forget the ;  :)

Then press CTRL+D to exit mysql and press CTRL+F7 to go back to Orbiter. Then do a reload router and your phone will be detected.

Best regards,
Chris M.
Title: wifi card
Post by: archived on January 17, 2006, 10:34:22 PM
It's ok  :lol:

I will write a little review about Pluto on my Wiki and for the momment I have just translated my firts experience on my site:

Thanks and regards
Title: wifi card
Post by: archived on January 26, 2006, 11:01:52 AM
Quote from: "shaitan"
Quote from: "wam"Hi,

I think the most convenient solution would be to hook up a wifi access point to your internal lan. Then you don't have to worry about drivers for your card.

Regards Michel.

Thank you Dan.g

I don't have problem with the drivers under linux but the probleme is for configuring connection sharing with the server. Sure, an access point is an easy solution but I had understand that Pluto use wifi for Orbiters like PDA, so I think that the wifi sharing connection is the Job for the Server?  why not?
I have get a wifi pci card for Pluto but I think now that it was my error.


We have WiFi access points added to all our test cores so that we can test PDA's/Wifi enabled MObile Phones & laptops. Add them as a device on the LAN. Just set them up as per their setup procedure (turn on the supported security options... Mac address locking, WEP, encryption etc don't leave it open!). This just works and is not dependant on any Pluto features - its by far the easiest way to go.

Hope this helps.

Title: wifi card
Post by: archived on February 04, 2006, 04:44:13 AM
Ok, I understand Andrew, thank for your help.

I have added an access point with a very  old computer and  the distro IPCOP on a Compac-flash. that work fine.