Hi guys
Finally gave in and bought a Geforce 7 card and replaced my Geforce 8800GTS. LMCE installs and works great.
Tried to setup a Sky Digital + box (Amstrad) in the pluto admin site. The box is connected to an ATI Theatre capture card via Svideo. I added the device and after many hours of trying to sort it out have given up.
Hoping that some user has been able to sucessfully add their sky box to their system and could please give me the required settings. Is there a set of learned IR codes available?
Thanks for any help or info in advance.
Can you get any video through your capyure card from the sky box at all?
You should start by going to mythtv setup (in the computing tab of the LMCE orbiter), choose capture card, and see if you card is listed.
Also, what remote / ir transmitter / receiver are you using. And does it support learning?
Hi Paul.
I have LMCE setup and my sky+ box connected in a manner
I use a pvr150 and input via the svid input for best picture quality.
I am currently using mythtv as vdr is not quite yet fully working on the mds as far as I can make out.
I have ordered a USBUIRT but it has not arrived so I have not set up any automated channel changing and instead just use the normal sky remote to change channels. when it does arrive this is the next thing for me to look at.
for information on this I was pointed to
by other forum members
I have not had any experience with any ATI video capture cards as when I first came to the project, nvidia seemed the best way to get UI2 and alpha blending and a pvr X50 was the way to go to get a live cable/sat box input.
I think the first thing to probably try and do is establish if the capture card works just within kubuntu, and then once its working there it should just be a matter of setting it up within LMCE.
Hi Jay
Thanks for the reply I really appreciate it. My TV card is not supported under Linux so i am trying to get my hands on a pvr150 or 500. Has the USBUIRT arrived? Interested in one of these myself, please update us as to how you get on with it.
I will try to integrate my sky box into the system when I gety my hands on a supported video card.
Quote from: jayzee on May 16, 2008, 11:31:47 AM
Hi Paul.
I have LMCE setup and my sky+ box connected in a manner
I use a pvr150 and input via the svid input for best picture quality.
I am currently using mythtv as vdr is not quite yet fully working on the mds as far as I can make out.
I have ordered a USBUIRT but it has not arrived so I have not set up any automated channel changing and instead just use the normal sky remote to change channels. when it does arrive this is the next thing for me to look at.
for information on this I was pointed to
by other forum members
I have not had any experience with any ATI video capture cards as when I first came to the project, nvidia seemed the best way to get UI2 and alpha blending and a pvr X50 was the way to go to get a live cable/sat box input.
I think the first thing to probably try and do is establish if the capture card works just within kubuntu, and then once its working there it should just be a matter of setting it up within LMCE.