LinuxMCE Forums

General => Installation issues => Topic started by: dan g on April 23, 2008, 01:20:39 PM

Title: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: dan g on April 23, 2008, 01:20:39 PM
The release candidate is available for download.

Please, please post any significant issues with 0710 RC so we can monitor it. Don't post here if you don't have relevant information. We're trying to find what things can stop us from releasing 0710.

Thank you
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: schaferj on April 23, 2008, 02:03:09 PM
Much thanks to all!  We've seen no issues.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: cirion on April 23, 2008, 02:43:56 PM
Where do I find the RC? I find no links to download it...
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: tschak909 on April 23, 2008, 03:17:47 PM
Ran through a complete installation with my entire house. No show-stoppers to report. There are little buglets in bits of the telecom code (Speed dial buttons always dial the media director's phone for a room, and not the specified phone on the speed dial)...but again, nothing that would hinder release.

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: deffcon on April 23, 2008, 04:02:12 PM

Sorry ran through the mirrors on the download wiki page, but can't seem to find the 0710 RC version to download, can you point out the location???


Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: Zaerc on April 23, 2008, 04:46:25 PM
So there is a release candidate available but for some reason nobody can inform us where to obtain it...

What kind of cruel joke is this? 
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: tschak909 on April 23, 2008, 04:56:51 PM <-- front page.

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: Zaerc on April 23, 2008, 05:46:37 PM
Gee thanks for updating that half assed announcement.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: kengtay on April 23, 2008, 06:01:13 PM
I am trying to figure out what is the different between those DVD and DVD DL (Double layer)? Feature different?
Why the LinuxMCE-DVD-DL-i386-rc1.iso is not available on the download page?
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: danielk on April 23, 2008, 07:17:29 PM
The dual layer discs have upgrade from 704 code included + both i386 and amd64 MD's + video.

The dual layer i386 disc is available as the LinuxMCE_Install_Upgrade_DVD_for_i386 torrent.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: bulek on April 24, 2008, 03:10:18 AM

what are options for upgrade from 710b4 ? Will system autoupgrade ? I have fairly complex setup and would like to take minimum risk....

Thanks in advance,


Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: skerit on April 24, 2008, 07:45:27 AM
Now now, that seems rather harsh! I believe they're doing a wonderful job.
(I just wish I could contribute in a way, but after 4 years of Linux use I still haven't written a single application for it! - This is what you get when they taught you VB or in school, you get too lazy to code in a real language!)

Anyhow, I'm going to make a clean-install on my HybridCore tonight, I've done so much damage to it since january I really think it's necessary.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: on April 24, 2008, 08:09:23 AM
thanks for this release guys, your the best
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: coley on April 24, 2008, 01:34:22 PM
Before I ask a question - first thanks to all who made this happen!! :D

Now - My core is i386, and MDs are mixed, if I download the LinuxMCE_Install_CDs_for_i386_-_0710_RC1.4151436.TPB.torrent will I get all I require?

also on the Wiki page ( we have the warning that using the DVD will wipe all your HD(been there done that) but yet in the notes -

- To upgrade from a 0710 beta to 0710 RC1, you can use "LinuxMCE Install CDs for i386" or "LinuxMCE Install DVD for i386" with "keep settings" option.

- To upgrade from 0704, you can use : a) "LinuxMCE Install CDs for i386 - 0710 RC1" or "LinuxMCE Install DVD for i386 - 0710 RC1" with "keep settings" option
should they not be "LinuxMCE Install Upgrade DVD for i386 - 0710 RC1" or am I missing something?

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: felpouse on April 24, 2008, 01:55:51 PM
Thanks to all people that work hard in these months.

I would like to know, or point me to the right place, if the mythtv package in this RC1 version or in the final release will be able to install and manage a PVR card only on the core and then see the direct TV only from the core or also from all the MD?
Or I can see direct TV from the MD where I've installed the PVR card?

Best regards,

Luke :-)
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: agentc0re on April 24, 2008, 03:21:34 PM
Quote from: Sparkie on April 24, 2008, 07:05:44 AM
First off let me say that I really appreciate the effort the developers have put into this. I would recommend however that the official video be removed because it gives the average user false hope about LINUXMCE's current state of development. Things have a loooooong way to go.

LinuxMCE RC1 Failed across the board here's why...

Core Machine:
gigabyte Ep35-DS3R
Intel Dual core 2.2 ghz
Geforce 8500
Intel Nic and Onboard Realtek NIC
Samsung 17 LCD monitor (DVI)

Media Director
Gigabyte P35-DQ6
Intel Dual core 2.4 ghz
Geforce 8600
Sharp Aquos 46" 1080p native

I installed the Kubuntu CD onto the core machine with the recommended ISO in the Wiki
I then downloaded the 2 CD installer 710RC1 and MD5 checksummed both discs
*1*LinuxMCE took around 3 hours to install. This seems abnormal for a linux system.
*2* When the Core booted for the first time, the fonts and resolution were horrible. Prior to LinuxMCE, Kubuntu looked fine.
*3*I tried a diskless boot of the Media Director. It got about half way and in red letters "DISKLESS SETUP FAILED" and it halted.
*4*I did some research on the web, and found out that LINUXMCE tried diskless booting my media director as an AMD64 architecture.
*5*I corrected the architecture and rebooted the Media Director.
*6*The media Director made it to the A/V Wizard. I selected 1080p, LINUXMCE did not output 1080p (640X480)
*7*My iMON remote isn't working out of the box. Almost any media center package I've played with supports this.
*8*Everything looks ugly and nothing reliably works...looks like this needs some work before it can be taken seriously.

A couple of questions for the developers.
1)Why are the newest (check your version vs. current version on the web)  nvidia drivers not implemented supporting 8x00 series cards. the 8 series of cards are easily the most popular card used in average systems nowadays.
2)Why is LinuxMCE installing ontop of Kubuntu and not following the example of MythBuntu. (Product release in sync)

Some comments.
All of my hardware worked in VistaMCE.
All of the hardware worked in Ubuntu
All of the hardware worked in MythTV

This is an exciting product but unfortunately it's failed to leave the ground. I'll keep my eye on it, but it's not ready to impress.

If you have any questions about my hardware please don't hesitate to ask.

Sparkie, create a new thread with your issue so that it can be more focused on.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: danielk on April 24, 2008, 04:56:21 PM
Quote from: Domodude on April 24, 2008, 12:50:39 PM
I'm very eager to try the RC, but... How about the DL disk for amd64? There is an MD5 checksum available, but no way to obtain the disk. Could you provide us with one?

The DL AMD64 disc is being pushed to the mirrors, and will be available there first. See and check the status of each mirror, or wait for to be updated as the mirrors get the files. We will also add a torrent for this disc once the other disc's are well seeded. The Dual Layer discs are not as popular and we want to get the DL i386 one well seeded first.

Quote from: Domodude on April 24, 2008, 12:50:39 PM
I would also appreciate a clear instruction on which disk will allow the several types of upgrading, preferably in a table listing the ISO name, upgrade paths, core arch and MD archs.

For upgrading 704, your best bet is the dual layer i386 disc. It will do a full upgrade preserving your media. Second best option is the dual layer AMD64 disc. It will also preserve your media and do a full upgrade, but is a we bit less stable.

For a new install on a blank hard disk or a 710 beta upgrade, the single layer i386 or amd64 discs are best (again we've fixed a number of 64-bit only bugs since beta 4, but it's still a AMD64 newly supported architecture). The will quickly install the RC and have a couple options for preserving some -- but not all of your beta settings. If you want to preserve all the settings and media, follow the backup and restore procedure documented via link from the release notes. This procedure is tedious but has been tested to work.

For a complicated install with partitions and/or another operating system on the same hard disk as LMCE, use the CD's. First you need a clean Kubuntu 710 install on a partition using the bootable kubuntu install disk from, then you can use the CDs which runs a package analysis that can take several hours. This will install the needed LMCE packages, but you will probably need to do some manual configuration to get the video running well and may need to remove some incompatible ubuntu packages if it is not a clean unmodified kubuntu install.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: danielk on April 24, 2008, 05:03:49 PM
Quote from: felpouse on April 24, 2008, 01:55:51 PM
I would like to know, or point me to the right place, if the mythtv package in this RC1 version or in the final release will be able to install and manage a PVR card only on the core and then see the direct TV only from the core or also from all the MD?
Or I can see direct TV from the MD where I've installed the PVR card?

You will be able to watch LiveTV on any MD. The startup is a little slower on a remote machine than a local one, but MythTV will seamlessly record and stream LiveTV to any one MD per recorder at a time. The recording hardware itself can be on the core or on any or all of the MD's.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: aaron.b on April 24, 2008, 05:32:37 PM
The process for doing an upgrade is explained here:

Regarding Sparkie's post, the suggestion to remove the official doesn't make sense.  For the 0710 release we had a mandate that we must following the same sequence shown in the 0704 demo video on the same hardware and get the same results.  We've done the set of steps in the 0704 demo video over 1,000 times, and we didn't release 0710 until it worked every time.  I think a lot of people find the demo video very helpful because this way you know if you have a certain set of equipment and follow a certain sequence you will get a certain result.

Sparkie, in your case, you said right from the beginning you're not using the same equipment and didn't follow the same sequence.  You used the CD's, rather than the DVD, for example.  The use of CD's shouldn't have caused the failures you described, however, it was disclosed that using the CD's is very slow because the Kubuntu install cd's don't contain the original .deb files for packages that are already installed.  LinuxMCE needs them in order to create diskless boot images for your md's and it takes a very long to rebuild them.  The failures are probably caused by hardware differences.  For example, it sounds like your video card wasn't recognized by the nVidia drivers.  Your assertion that we didn't use the current drivers is wrong.  The drivers in LinuxMCE are actually NEWER, not older, than the nVidia drivers included in the Kubuntu 0704 release.  We found the nVidia drivers in Kubuntu's 0704 didn't work with all the new motherboards with the 7xxx chipsets, so we upgraded.  Also, regarding the iMon, I too have a HTPC case with an iMon VFD+Remote.  It doesn't work at all with anything under Linux, and I called the manufacturer and they said it's not supported, and the FOSS projects that reverse engineered other iMon hardware don't work with the new iMon stuff.  So for that you need Windows at least for now.

Regardless, it's more helpful if work with us to identify the source of your problems rather than just say things don't work.  You issue #1 and #7 are normal.  #2, #6 and #8 I think are because nVidia's Linux drivers don't work with your card.  #3 sounds like a bug and if you send us the logs /var/log/pluto/*New_PnP_MD* we can see why it failed.  Re: #4/#5 I'll look into it.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: danielk on April 24, 2008, 08:42:22 PM
Quote from: Sparkie on April 24, 2008, 08:13:06 PM
I used the CD's because that was whats recommended by the devs to install onto the core. Prior to the dev's recommendations,I tried the DVD install onto a core machine and it didn't setup correctly.

The CD is much slower and is only recommended when the DVD install won't work.

Quote from: Sparkie on April 24, 2008, 08:13:06 PM
The linux driver in LinuxMCE are newer than Kubuntu, but nvidia has newer unix drivers on their website that add better support for 8x00 series cards.
Not true, if you go to nvidia's website and use their driver matching form they will recommend the 169.12 driver for the 8500GT card you use. This is the very same driver which LinuxMCE installs.

Quote from: Sparkie on April 24, 2008, 08:13:06 PM
LinuxMCE touts"flexibility"..its stiff hardware requirements proves otherwise.
LinuxMCE touts the flexibility to do a lot of things no other system on Earth can do. I will personally flame anyone who tries to say LinuxMCE  has wimpy hardware requirements. MythTV and asterisk both have tough hardware requirements on their own, add the alpha blending UI2 does and you need to spend at least $20 to $30 on a video card, and you need a to spend $15 on a second NIC for decent networking. If you also want to be able to learn IR codes a $50 USB-UIRT device is highly recommended as well.

Quote from: Sparkie on April 24, 2008, 08:13:06 PM
Having this system only work with a handful of devices seems like it isn't really geared toward the public which the video seems to suggest. The public has newer equipment, especially if they discover this project. I just believe that hardware support should be the first item on the developers agenda. It will just make the project more accessible to more people. Myself, I have the time and money to buy a newer television and PC parts. I don't see the point of having to go out and spend money on older parts when the newer stuff works fine in other operating systems.
Hardware support is high on the my agenda. But the way you get support is not by complaining, but by helping. I do not have the same hardware as you, if you want your hardware supported then you should do some reading on xorg.conf make the required configuration changes and then post an article in the wiki about how you got the hardware working. Having that description available will make it possible to update the X configuration script to configure your type of card. Plus if we need something like the PCI ID of your card to automate this we will tell you how to determine this.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: gazzzman on April 25, 2008, 12:19:42 AM
hi all :)
still having a few issues that may or may not be general for many people :)
here are a few of the pressing ones maybe someone can point me?
1) mythtv setup.. when I try to use the grabber (with rt uk) it drops to a terminal "somewhere" to enable you to tell it what channels to include... I have never found this terminal window.. not even when running mythtv-setup from a terminal!
2) still having problems with my wm6 phone.. (not even sure this relates to LMCE but a definitive answer would be fantastic)
when the phone is detected LMCE asks what kind of phone it is...
I tell it 2005 it sends bluetooth command to phone... phone asks for bluetooth key...
all stops at this point  as no key I try works... you know 1234 1111 0000 etc :)
so although is now running on my phone there still seems to be no way to connect to it :(

3) when ripping a disk I am unable to use any of my windows shares??
they apear in the locations list but writing to them fails!
I can read and write to them fine in KDE however :) (I have given the user admin rights on the windows server 2003 box the shares reside on)

these are the main things that are bothering me... any chance someone can give me any pointers??

on the plus side..
I have set up mythtv with just iet and (for the first time ever so far) it seems to work and continue running a lot longer than the 90 seconds that it ran for before the upgrade :)
oh yes and the upgrade from beta4 seems flawless so far :)
I have been waiting for RC1 to continue adding things so I will no doubt be telling you all about the fun I have with my usbuirt's
and my new GC-100 (when it arrives)
oh yes and my cm-11 and all that goes with it lol!
thanks to everyone for all your hard work!
there is no project like this in its flexibility :)
and it is certainly an interesting way to spend your life :)
I just wish I had never seen Windows.. that way I would have known a lot more about Linux and could have contributed :)
but once again thanks guys (+ girls??)
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: enrique.lopez on April 25, 2008, 10:35:29 AM
What'is the login and password for upgrade?
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: Zaerc on April 25, 2008, 03:47:09 PM
Quote from: danielk on April 24, 2008, 08:42:22 PM
Quote from: Sparkie on April 24, 2008, 08:13:06 PM
I used the CD's because that was whats recommended by the devs to install onto the core. Prior to the dev's recommendations,I tried the DVD install onto a core machine and it didn't setup correctly.

The CD is much slower and is only recommended when the DVD install won't work.


Or when you want something other then the one size fits all dhcp-enabeled hybrid installation that wipes the entire disc.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: danielk on April 25, 2008, 03:58:50 PM
Quote from: enrique.lopez on April 25, 2008, 10:35:29 AM
What'is the login and password for upgrade?

The password depends on what you currently have installed, but if "linuxmce" does not work. I've written some instructions on resetting account passwords this morning, available here: (
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: enrique.lopez on April 25, 2008, 08:22:27 PM
Quote from: danielk on April 25, 2008, 03:58:50 PM
Quote from: enrique.lopez on April 25, 2008, 10:35:29 AM
What'is the login and password for upgrade?

The password depends on what you currently have installed, but if "linuxmce" does not work. I've written some instructions on resetting account passwords this morning, available here: (
The problem is when i download the gutsyupgrade in this link; but in this link is OK
Thanks Danielk
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: aaron.b on April 25, 2008, 11:45:56 PM
We did find an issue.  Some of the stock Kubuntu packages needed for Bluetooth and SqueezeBox support are not in the deb cache on the 64 bit RC DVD (they are on the 32).  This is not new; it was always like this.  But we never noticed until yesterday because the system quietly pulled these handful of packages from without anybody noticing.  Until yesterday when Ubuntu released 0804 and their servers were bogged down and denying connections.  Then we found that adding bluetooth and squeezebox did not work.  They will start working automatically, however, once Ubuntu's servers go back on line and the packages can be retrieved.  We are patching the RC dvd's so they include these missing packages and in the formal release.  There does seem to be a major issue that one user reported where ripping to windows shares doesn't work.  But rather than holding up the 0710 release, since so many people are waiting for it, we'll go ahead as planned and do a maintenance patch soon, unless there are other serious issues.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: schaferj on April 26, 2008, 12:45:52 PM
thanks for the update.  Will the 0710 release go out today (26 APR) or next week?
thanks again for the current status info!
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC - DVD not working
Post by: Marie.O on April 26, 2008, 03:08:51 PM
Some previously (LinuxMCE-)ripped DVDs no longer play. I see the first selection screen for the language, right after choosing a language, the movie stops. Playing some others work without issues.

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: kengtay on April 26, 2008, 06:21:12 PM
SMK IR Receiver/Transmitter doesn't work! This is the version come with PVR-150 MCE.

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC - DVD not working
Post by: totallymaxed on April 26, 2008, 08:12:32 PM
Quote from: posde on April 26, 2008, 03:08:51 PM
Some previously (LinuxMCE-)ripped DVDs no longer play. I see the first selection screen for the language, right after choosing a language, the movie stops. Playing some others work without issues.


Sounds like libdvdcss is not installed... the disc is failing when the MD tries to play the first encrypted part of the DVD.

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: royw on April 26, 2008, 08:31:03 PM
I've been digging on a similar issue where the ripped dvds do not play because of copy protection.  The symptom is the same.  One note I read that might be causing the problem you are seeing is that DTS or AC3 audio is not configured correctly (or the dvd has a copy protection scheme in the audio track according on one post).  One thing to try is to select a two channel audio option from the dvd menu.  If this lets the movie play, then try again with the higher audio and then check the logs for xine error messages.

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: totallymaxed on April 26, 2008, 08:34:46 PM
Quote from: royw on April 26, 2008, 08:31:03 PM
I've been digging on a similar issue where the ripped dvds do not play because of copy protection.  The symptom is the same.  One note I read that might be causing the problem you are seeing is that DTS or AC3 audio is not configured correctly (or the dvd has a copy protection scheme in the audio track according on one post).  One thing to try is to select a two channel audio option from the dvd menu.  If this lets the movie play, then try again with the higher audio and then check the logs for xine error messages.


Hmmm... that is possible I guess. Although I have to say that we have found no such problems in our DVD testing of the 0710. There are some DVD's like Spiderman 3 which fail... but they always have failed. We have not seen any new failures or any failures relating to playing previously ripped DVD's in rc1

It would be interesting to know which discs failed...

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: royw on April 26, 2008, 10:39:39 PM
This is digressing from the original topic, but to answer Andrew, in my case, what happened is that when a LMCE rip failed, I then ripped the file using k3b on my workstation.  Some of these files are having the described playback problem.  Here's two movies that this happened with back on beta 3:  "Click" (ARccOS) and  Disney's original "The Shaggy Dog".  Other movies failing LMCE 0710 beta 4 ripping include "The Break-up" (ARccOS), "Kate & Leopold", "Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason", & "Becoming Jane" (yes, I've been ripping my wife's movies the past couple of days).

I've tried ddrescue, vlc, & DVDFab HD Decrypter on "Click" without luck so far.

I've just completed downloading RC1 so will install that today...

Hopefully posde can reply with the list of problem movies...

Have fun,
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: royw on April 27, 2008, 08:53:25 AM

I noticed what looks like a new feature with RC1.  When ripping a dvd, LMCE reported that there might be a scratch and it would zero fill and that ripping might take a day to complete.  Any idea what is going on?  Is ripping now falling back on error to something like ddrescue?  Just curious.

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: nicola on April 27, 2008, 09:22:30 AM
I tried to upgrade from web using the script.
It tells that he try to connect as anonymous but the login is not correct.
Any idea?

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: chekgiau on April 28, 2008, 09:13:36 AM
I installed RC1 on MSI K9NGM3-DH with CDs. The mce-installer script seems to have removed the nvidia driver installation step from that of the Beta4. Although the nvidia driver was installed nonetheless, the driver did not work. As a work around, I ran Beta4 installer to the point reload after nvidia driver installation and run the RC1 installer after that. The result is good but the response time of the GUI seems to be slower than that of Beta4 and the KDE desktop shows up longer between screen changes. Also, even though audio is normal during the AVWizard stage, I had to raise the otherwise nil "Front" audio volume under KMix in order to hear audio played by LinuxMCE incorporated applications.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: chekgiau on April 29, 2008, 11:44:56 AM
With admin website, Advanced->Configuration->UPnP Server only works if the website is launched as instead of or localhost.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: geoffrey on April 29, 2008, 01:24:08 PM
I had posted about that a while ago, when I first install b3.  I never got an answer (and have never gotten the voip working) but now I am glad to see that I am not the only one! 

One small thing that I have noticed is that when manually inserting coverart using the 'apply to all files in this directory' feature, I am able to upload it from a file but not using the URL, in other words it does not download the jpg from the web address.   If I download the coverart to my desktop first and then use 'choose file' it works just fine.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: struggler on May 05, 2008, 12:51:27 AM
I'm a linuxmce user since version 0704 and now I've installed the 0710RC1 on a staging server and I'm having the following situation:
I've setup everything and when I was starting to think "boy, this is a good release" I found that whenever I playback my movies I can't ear the sound tracks, instead I get a weird sound like static, or imagine you are listening a sound reproduction with 1000% distortion, I'm afraid I can't explain better than this.

During video & audio setup all sound tests run ok, music and mythtv also perfect, is really just my movies :(

Don't know what to do. My sound card is a ADI AD1988B 8-Channel(S/PDIF) and is onboard on a ASUS M2N-SLI Deluxe.

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: royw on May 05, 2008, 03:01:06 AM

I had a really weird problem yesterday.  Basically RC1 just locked up.  Screensaver froze.  Could not switch to another screen.  Could not ssh to the box.  Box was not routing.  So bit the bullet and reset power.  After the Kubuntu progress bar nothing on the display, the TV reported no signal.  Turned on the monitor on the other video port, nothing.  Could not ssh into the box.  OK, power cycle again this time with second monitor on.  When it gets to the point where X should be starting the secondary monitor goes to text mode garbage and nothing appears on the TV.  Still can't ssh into the box.  Other systems can't get a dynamic IP.  The core/hybrid is not routing.  So bit the bullet again and did a re-install of RC1.  Choose to keep system settings.  System came up eventually.  Everything except installed software (decss & w32codec) was restored (that's pretty cool - thanks guys!).

If this happens again, any suggestions on how to postmortem debug?

The only thing I did different between RC1 and the betas is I installed on a smaller hard drive (36GB raptor instead of 500GB).

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: darrenmason on May 05, 2008, 06:07:49 AM

Did you completely fill up your filesystem perhaps? A completely full filesystem could give the symptoms that you had. I get orbiter warnings when my disk space is low, so I would have assumed that you would have got these, did you?
If that was the problem then the next thing is working out why, the usual culprits are runaway log files. The two times I have had a filesystem fill up unexpectingly were both caused by MythTV. One was logging the other was a zombie mythtvfrontend process that was recording continually.

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: royw on May 05, 2008, 06:54:38 AM
A little more detail.

I had been ripping dvds for several days (~ 10/day) and watching one an evening.  I had started a rip a few minutes before I noticed the lockup.  I was using my nokia n800 as the orbiter with the TV off.  I did not see any low disk warnings.  My usual procedure is to start a rip, then monitor the progress screen.  The nokia's screen blanks, then when I notice the dvd is not making any sounds, I tap the nokia to see the rip complete or failed status.  This time the orbiter disconnected and I couldn't get it to reconnect.  Then I noticed the nokia wasn't connected to the network, then when I tried to tell it to connect, it couldn't get an IP address, so I then turned on the TV and saw the core/hybrid flickr screensaver was locked.  There was not a low disk message on the TV.

So it is possible that I missed one of the upper left corner pop ups.  It's also possible I missed a full screen pop up if it had a limited display time.

I haven't got mythtv working with hdhomerun on RC1 yet.  It did not work out of the box and is very low priority for me to investigate.

BTW, I was not storing any media on the 36GB drive (media is stored onto a 1TB drive in the core and on two NFS shares (3 TB and 2TB).

I think I'll add a remote monitor/logger so I can keep an eye on the core/hybrid's disk usage from my workstation.

Thank you,
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: GasVe on May 05, 2008, 04:06:35 PM
     After I have made a fresh installation of 710 RC1 and recovered my dvix files including their subtitles, they don't work anymore  :( , as expected, when I try to play a file dvix file I got the message "File Not Found" but the file is there, the only workaround that I found is to rename or delete the subtitle file and after this I am able to play the dvix file, but with not subtitles.
     Any clues where I can look to check it and better to fix it.


Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: cybernard on May 06, 2008, 02:02:52 AM
mythtv verison is way to old
my backend speaks version 40 and your systems speaks protocol version 31.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: tschak909 on May 06, 2008, 02:13:14 AM
And that has relevance, why?

Please keep in mind that our development team leader is one of the core MythTV developers...

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: cybernard on May 06, 2008, 02:26:04 AM
And that has relevance, why?
--End Quote--------

Mythbackend on another computer(using protocol version 40)  has 1100GB (not MB) of media files that I would like view, but the mythtv frontend in LinuxMCE can only speak version 31.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: skeptic on May 08, 2008, 06:58:26 AM
I'm sure it's too late now as I see the final has been released...

It appears the AMD64 version has issues playing H.264 videos.  An informal thread in the users forum asking about who does and who does not have issues seems to show a pattern.  The green blocks growing from the left side of the screen went away somewhere around 710b3 for i386 users, matching the change log notice of upgrading lmce to the latest version of xine.  However, up through R1, the AMD64 version still has the green blocks making H.264 videos pretty much useless. 

Another annoyance..  I upgraded from B3 to R1 (AMD64), and while the install found my previous install and I selected the option to keep /home and the settings, it wiped everything out.  Video settings, TV settings, Myth, static IP settings (which I had to manually fix before any of my computers could get back on the internet), resolv.conf, my non-lmce server apps such as postfix and dns..  All gone.  Some of this may be related to the fact that the first attempt at installation hung at "update-initramfs: ...." and I had to reboot and start again.  After unplugging my external USB drive the second install went fine (other than wiping everything out).  I was careful and selected the keep settings and /home option both times.  I'm not sure if having the USB drive connected is what caused the install to hang, but on the second attempt without the drive the install went through nice and quick.

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: struggler on May 08, 2008, 08:07:44 PM
Quote from: struggler on May 05, 2008, 12:51:27 AM
I'm a linuxmce user since version 0704 and now I've installed the 0710RC1 on a staging server and I'm having the following situation:
I've setup everything and when I was starting to think "boy, this is a good release" I found that whenever I playback my movies I can't ear the sound tracks, instead I get a weird sound like static, or imagine you are listening a sound reproduction with 1000% distortion, I'm afraid I can't explain better than this.

During video & audio setup all sound tests run ok, music and mythtv also perfect, is really just my movies :(

Don't know what to do. My sound card is a ADI AD1988B 8-Channel(S/PDIF) and is onboard on a ASUS M2N-SLI Deluxe.


I found the solution for the above issue.
If you similar problem go to the pluto-admin website under "Wizard:Devices:Media Directors" set the audio to "Manual settings" with "AC3 pass-through" checked for the desired Media Director.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: jamieaus on May 09, 2008, 04:28:45 AM

I have a Asus M2N-MX-SE motherboard that linuxmce 0704 detected the soundcard for only in stereo mode it never detected in digital, this Linux 0710 RC does not detect my soundcard at all.

Other than that everything seems to work fine.

A Standard definition wide screen setting would be nice.

Keep up the good work


Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: skeptic on May 09, 2008, 05:59:13 PM
Quote from: skeptic on May 08, 2008, 06:58:26 AM
I'm sure it's too late now as I see the final has been released...

It appears the AMD64 version has issues playing H.264 videos.  An informal thread in the users forum asking about who does and who does not have issues seems to show a pattern.  The green blocks growing from the left side of the screen went away somewhere around 710b3 for i386 users, matching the change log notice of upgrading lmce to the latest version of xine.  However, up through R1, the AMD64 version still has the green blocks making H.264 videos pretty much useless. 

I reinstalled with the final i386 version.  The green blocks are still there with H.264 videos.

With the install of i386 my USBUIRT does not transmit (or not correctly).  It lights up as if it does, but a different IR receiver does not pick up any signal, and it is not controlling the devices it was under AMD64.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: skerit on May 09, 2008, 06:27:23 PM
Did anything change between the RC1 and the final release? Because I never upgraded my core, and when I try to do it now it says nothing needs updating ...
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: totallymaxed on May 11, 2008, 12:44:32 AM
Quote from: skerit on May 09, 2008, 06:27:23 PM
Did anything change between the RC1 and the final release? Because I never upgraded my core, and when I try to do it now it says nothing needs updating ...

You might try this page for info ;-) (

All the best

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: coley on May 13, 2008, 11:41:42 AM
I tried a 2CD based upgrade from RC1 to RC2 last night. The install seemed to hang on generating mdadm.conf (I don't have any sort of a raid set-up), I started it last night and it was still stuck on that this morning. I ran dmesg to see if anything had died during the night and it reported too many open files and the system was very sluggish. I've shut it down now but I'll try the install again later.
Anyone any clue what could cause the hang?

btw - should the core and md services be stopped before running the install script? or does it detect them running and handle it itself?

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC - System Locking Up
Post by: Marper on May 14, 2008, 06:00:50 AM
Downloaded and installed LinuxMCE 0710 RC2 and configured MD

System Config (Core)

Mobo:  ASUS P5N-D
CPU:    Intel 775 Chip 2.4 G
Mem:   2 Gb
H/D:    5 @ 500 Gb
Optical:  Phillips DVD Lightscribe
Networ:  2 Gb Etho
DHCP - Enabled  ( Eth0; Eth1)

System Cofig (MD)

ASUS P-5945G Barebones
CPU:  Intel 775 (same as aboove)
Graphics:  Geoforce 6200 XFX
Mem:  2 Gb
Optical:  Phillips DVD Lightscribe
Keyboard:  Go Gyration
Sound:  Digital Output

    MD WebAdmin Config:  OS/ Windows - Video - Geoforce -

Any help would be appreciated.

Router:  DLink Wireless - connected to Cable Modem (no dhcp)

Switch:  14 Port Gb - Cat5 throughout home (Eth0 connected)

Problems solved: 

    Black Screen at MD Startup - Took a while to get MD configured with the black screen, but discovered through reading lots of forum posts that the initial screen goes black and all I had to do was select the correct output and then screen displayed:

    Dolby & DTS output MD - Also discovered that althought I could hear all the sound when configuring the AV wizard, when I tried to play any DVD file (other than the demo that is installed to the system) I could not hear the movie, instead I got the Modem or Static type noise as if a blackberry was too close to the phone (if you know what I mean).    FIX:  Changed the Audio output on the LinuxMCE Launch Manager in KDE to Manual (can't believe it was that simple, another post similar gave this fix).

Problems persist:

    Core - System locks up multiple time a day.  No changes made to the core install other than MD setup and a couple of DVD's and the system locks up (today it did about 4 times).  Very troublesome.  I've looked at the logs in KDE - however there is no boot log created and I don't know how to do that or if I should. 

        Q.  Any sugesstions on how to troubleshoot these issues ?
        Q.  Do I need to have a boot log ?  If, how do I do that or is there a location with instructions on how to do that ?  It would really help.  I'll keep searching the Net until I find something.

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: Marper on May 15, 2008, 10:01:08 PM
Just to followup my last post.

I changed the DHCP from Static to DHCP receive from the router and the system appears to stabilize for about an hour or two.  still investigating.   When changed to be the DHCP serrver it crashes within 15 mins.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: cirion on May 22, 2008, 11:34:27 AM
Quote from: cybernard on May 06, 2008, 02:26:04 AM
And that has relevance, why?
--End Quote--------

Mythbackend on another computer(using protocol version 40)  has 1100GB (not MB) of media files that I would like view, but the mythtv frontend in LinuxMCE can only speak version 31.
What version of Mythtv is LinuxMCE 0710RC2 using?

All I can find in the release notes, is:
"Latest mythtv packages and fixes for lmce mythtv stuff"

I tried Mythbuntu 8.04 just for fun, and found a few things that made Mythtv a whole lot better for my use...More specifically multi channels from single DVB card and Channel logo scanner.  After finding those options I reinstalled my LinuxMCE server to have a fresh setup for installing the Mythtv route instead of VDR, only to find that those options are not there...

I then tried to find out if those options where spesific addons for Mythbuntu or a beta release of Mythtv and found that these options are from the latest stable release of Mythtv v0.21. This was released March 8. 2008.

This is from the 0.21 changelog:
Released 8th March 2008

These are the changes in the 0.21 release of MythTV. Some of these changes, most notably the fixes, have been backported to the 0.20.2 release.

Release notes updated through revision [16468]

Major changes

    * Added Storage Groups. This allows multiple recording directories, where each storage group is a list of directories.
    * Added Watch List feature to Watch Recordings listing programs most useful to watch in order to catch up on series and shows you have fallen behind in watching.
    * Added support for QAM recording using HDHomeRun device. Requires firmware 21-09-2006 or newer (Note this was also back ported to 0.20.2).
    * New official plugins:
          o MythMovies: provides show times and cinema listings based on Zip/Post code and a given radius.
          o MythZoneMinder: ZoneMinder is a system for monitoring CCTV cameras. It uses a web interface which doesn't work very well on a MythTV only system so the plugin provides a remote friendly interface to some of the functions provided by ZM.
    * Added auto discovery of MythTV servers/frontends
    * Reduced mythfrontend memory consumption by upto 75% depending on theme and resolution.
    * requires MySQL 5.0
    * Allows multiple recordings with one DVB/ATSC card if the channels are in the same multiplex (Multirec)
    * Enhancements for multi channel audio (up-converting stereo, re-encoding to AC3 in time stretch mode)
    * Added the ability to continue playing music in the background.
    * Added a channel icon download facility to mythtv-setup. 
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: Zaerc on May 29, 2008, 11:32:32 AM
Quote from: Domodude on May 29, 2008, 11:13:27 AM...
How about sending the tones through all available audio channels? I know the audio still needs to be set up at that point, but I am sure some basic audio channels are already available.

And how about if you want to hear the beeps you just hook up an internal speaker to your mainboard?
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: Zaerc on May 31, 2008, 05:14:07 PM
I have yet to see a motherboard that doesn't have a connector for an internal speaker, so I'm very curious to know what make and model that is.

And I for one prefer my systems without the annoying beeping at boot.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: albal on June 17, 2008, 02:28:25 PM
It could be useful to flash or scan the Keyboard lights at this point.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: totallymaxed on June 20, 2008, 12:24:13 AM
Quote from: Zaerc on May 31, 2008, 05:14:07 PM
I have yet to see a motherboard that doesn't have a connector for an internal speaker, so I'm very curious to know what make and model that is.

And I for one prefer my systems without the annoying beeping at boot.

They are out there believe me... especially those motherboards that use mobile chipsets... leaving the motherboard speaker connector off seems to be in vogue on those currently!

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: freymann on June 20, 2008, 03:23:46 AM
Quote from: totallymaxed on June 20, 2008, 12:24:13 AM
Quote from: Zaerc on May 31, 2008, 05:14:07 PM
I have yet to see a motherboard that doesn't have a connector for an internal speaker, so I'm very curious to know what make and model that is.

And I for one prefer my systems without the annoying beeping at boot.

They are out there believe me... especially those motherboards that use mobile chipsets... leaving the motherboard speaker connector off seems to be in vogue on those currently!

I have a motherboard with no speaker connector...

EVGA nForce 650i Ultra Socket 775 Motherboard

It's the motherboard I tried in my core a few months ago. It's now sitting on my desk in my office. When I grabbed the PVR-150-MCE and 500GB HD out of it to put in the new core, I had another look for the speaker connector. The only "manual" I received with the motherboard was a small folding cardboard thing. I looked over it too, as it had all the pin-outs on it. No mention of the speaker connectors.

That's the first MB I have had experience with no speaker connector.

Strangely enough, I did locate the serial port pins, but the board didn't come with a serial port connector.

I'm trying to run the "old core" as a MD. In UI2 with blending it crashes. Tonight I have some free time so I rebooted and ran the video setup wizard and selectee UI2 without overlay (medium) and I'll play with that for a few hours to see what happens, just for my own amusement.

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: pero on June 22, 2008, 05:10:09 PM
I'm trying to install 0710 RC2 on a Dell D410 to try it out.

At first, it seems to work, but after a reboot, the "Photo Screen Saver" kicks in, and the UI hangs. I cannot access any menu items, and a reboot does not help.

Does anyone have any input on this issue?
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: colinjones on June 24, 2008, 01:50:05 AM
pero - for what its worth, I have tried installing (as core and MD) on Dell D410/20/30 with 0704, 0710b2/3/4/RC2 and have had the exact same issue of hanging every time. Especially when you actually try to play media. Sometimes it seems to work fine for a couple of mins other times it crashes before you get to play something. Never worked out what it was, but I know in the past the Intel945 video chip set has caused problems with linux and LMCE, seems to handle it much better now (RC2), but I assumed it was still something to do with that.... very annoying!
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: eric404 on July 08, 2008, 05:20:22 AM
I'm joining a little late, I know. 

I've built 2 systems and had completely different experiences installing RC2 on each.  My test system just worked - little bit of tinkering with the TV card but that was minor.   My new system is just not happening at all - I've had loads of attempts to install and it's just not getting there.  I'd love to be able to give specifics about the error, but each time it stops in a different location, sometimes with an error (occasionally a kernel panic), sometimes just hanging - I give it at least 30 minutes each time just to be sure it's hung and not just thinking about it.

The frustrating thing for me is that whilst it installed beautifully on my test HTPC this hardware is just that bit too noisy and so is due for reassignment once the new, quieter system is up & running.  The spec's of each are below:

System Spec - New, Not Installing System:

Case SilverStone LC16M
Motherboard GigaByte GA-P31-DS3L
CPU Intel E6750, Core Duo, 2.66GHz (not o/c)
RAM Corsair 2GB DDR2 1066MHz (o/c by Corsair) Twin2x2048-8500 2 x 1GB cards
Graphics GigaByte Nvidia 9600GT, 512 MB DDR3, Fanless
TV Hauppauge Nova-T-500
DVD Pioneer 215 / BK, SATA, 1.5 Gbps
HDD Seagate 500GB, ST3500320AS, SATA II, 3.0 Gbps

System Spec - Test, Working System:

Case WinX mid-tower, nothing special
Motherboard ASUS P5B
CPU Intel E2160, Core Duo, 1.80GHz (not o/c)
RAM Kingston 2GB, 667MHz (not o/c)
Graphics generic Nvidia 7300GS, 128MB
TV Leadtek WinFast DTV1000 T
HDD Seagate 160GB, ST3160815AS, SATA II, 3.0 Gbps

Things I've tried - in various combinations:
NB: When installing kubuntu 7.04, it starts & runs from the CD but hangs during install - generally, but not always, during file copy and rarely at the same % complete.  Could it be I need to solve this first ??

Any suggestions ?

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: nite_man on July 08, 2008, 08:18:03 AM
Not sure that you have the same case as me. When I installed LMCE a few times I had following problem. Installation hanged up on the network configuration stage. It was just black screen with blinking cursor in the top left corner of the screen. I solved that by installing plain Kubuntu 7.10 on the HDD. And then installation from DVD was successful.

Also, sometimes my K3b burns DVD not correctly. There are no any errors during burning but DVD is corrupted (there is a few empty areas). So, check it as well.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: royw on July 08, 2008, 09:37:34 AM

It sounds like you've done most of the basics, but there are a few more things to try.  What I don't like is that kubuntu live doesn't boot.  Do you get to the grub menu?  If so, try running memtest for a few hours.  Maybe try another liveCD/DVD linux distro, preferable a current release (the MB looks about a generate back from bleeding edge so should have good support in current releases).  What we are wanting is some warm fuzzy the the basics are working (power, cpu, memory, video, dvd) under linux.

Maybe pull out the MB manual and go over the bios step by step.  Disable frills, be conservative.

Visually inspect all connections again (MB 4- & 24- pin power connectors in particular) for full seating. 

Remove TV card to give you a minimal system (case, power supply, MB, CPU, memory, HDD, DVD) and try the liveCD/DVD.

Shotgun steps are: upgrade BIOS, replace DVD drive.

I suggest keeping with the nvidia 7300 video card until you have good hardware.  I don't think Kubuntu 0710 supports the 9xxx series without a driver update.

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: eric404 on July 08, 2008, 10:40:15 AM
Hi Guys,

Feisty kubuntu live CD does boot up - I may not have made that quite clear.  It's when I run the actual install from the live desktop that kubuntu CD install fails.

Quote from: royw on July 08, 2008, 09:37:34 AM
If so, try running memtest for a few hours.
Running now using the memtest that comes with the LinuxMCE DVD.

Quote from: royw on July 08, 2008, 09:37:34 AM
Maybe try another liveCD/DVD linux distro, preferable a current release (the MB looks about a generate back from bleeding edge so should have good support in current releases).  What we are wanting is some warm fuzzy the the basics are working (power, cpu, memory, video, dvd) under linux.
I'm downloading kubuntu Gutsy and Hardy.  I figure that if (say) Gutsy doesn't work but Hardy does then we'll have a better pointer - and my download limit resets tomorrow  ;D

You've given me a few other good pointers - thanks - with only limited evening hours it'll take me a couple of days to work through this lot, I'll post an update as soon as I have something conclusive or I'm at the end of this list.

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: johanr on September 11, 2008, 12:21:34 AM

new here and linux is pretty new for me as well so I choose to go for a safe route and buy hw that is recommended or tested. So, I went for the newbie core/hybrid pack with slight modifications since I could not find all the hw listed (dvd and CPU)(from the shops I usually buy from)
Plan is to learn more about this to be able to do some more sidesteps in the future and maybe also be able to help in the developement of this (from what I have read) absolutely wonderful piece of software.(yes I fell in love directly when looking at the video and the specs)

So here's the setup:
RAM:Corsair TWIN2X 6400C5DHX DDR2, 4096MB Kit w/two CL5 2GB Dimm's, E.P.P and DHX
Cooling:Scythe Mini Ninja Heatpipe Fanless Heatsink AM2
sound:Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio

Now to the problem..
Burned a dvd with the amd 64 rc2 dvd (not DL) from another computer.With Windows on it and the wiki recommended burner(dvdburner? not sure..)

Tried booting with it and I saw a quick complaint(I guess) about the acpi timer at the same "page" where the kernel is listed in the bottom during the install before computer seemed to go into hibernate(or Hang dunno but only restart helped)
So I tried all the recommendations I could find.
Booting(f6) with noacpi, pci=noapci etc etc..
Off course I turned off the acpi totally in the bios and the computer got into a boot-loop. (boot to biospage then boot again)

Became somewhat sad since the hw I bought I (Thought) was tested before recommending(?)
Anyways, I dont give up easily but since this acpi thingy is over my head and patching the kernel I will not(read a page about doing that) I burned a disc with the Kubuntu 8.04.
And.. guess what.. the install went fine and the hw above is now running fine on that. However I am so sold on this LinuxMce so I tried installing (Linux MCE CD version) on top(just had to try) but that would off course not work.

I dont want to sit and "wait" for the Linux MCE 8.04(?) so I ordered a new MB now, this time the ABIT AN-M2HD.. hope this will work better.
But, what can be the issue with this setup?
What are the ways to get this to work?
Can I help in some way in case the MB really does not work with 7.10?

Br and thanks again for taking your time to put this sw together!
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: Hagen on September 11, 2008, 08:41:37 AM
LMCE 0710 does not work on top of Ubuntu 0804, it works on top of Kubuntu 0710.
I would think that is your biggest problem.
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: colinjones on September 11, 2008, 08:43:22 AM
Sounds like you may have jumped in at the advanced troubleshooting a bit early!

If it came up with the message down the bottom that the kernel is alive (and you should see a login prompt at the top, briefly) before the screen goes black, then it is just that the av wizard is starting and not outputting in a way that your display can handle. You should have seen the Kubuntu splash screen and progress bar before this as well, but maybe not if your video is not set up properly.

If you see what I described, then start by searching the wiki for troubleshooting tips for the av wizard. Particularly pressing keys 1-0 to choose the correct output (ie, vga, dvi, etc) and a resolution that your display can handle. Give it at least 15 seconds to settle down after pressing any of the number keys.

If you are not even seeing the progress screen before this, and you have more than one video chipset (eg one on board and another on a card) then you must disable or at least set as secondary the one you are not using in your BIOS. If you cannot actually disable then you will need further instructions...
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: Hagen on September 11, 2008, 08:51:59 AM
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: johanr on September 11, 2008, 12:05:41 PM
Quote from: colinjones on September 11, 2008, 08:43:22 AM
Sounds like you may have jumped in at the advanced troubleshooting a bit early!

If it came up with the message down the bottom that the kernel is alive (and you should see a login prompt at the top, briefly) before the screen goes black, then it is just that the av wizard is starting and not outputting in a way that your display can handle. You should have seen the Kubuntu splash screen and progress bar before this as well, but maybe not if your video is not set up properly.

If you see what I described, then start by searching the wiki for troubleshooting tips for the av wizard. Particularly pressing keys 1-0 to choose the correct output (ie, vga, dvi, etc) and a resolution that your display can handle. Give it at least 15 seconds to settle down after pressing any of the number keys.

If you are not even seeing the progress screen before this, and you have more than one video chipset (eg one on board and another on a card) then you must disable or at least set as secondary the one you are not using in your BIOS. If you cannot actually disable then you will need further instructions...

8.04 yes I assumed it would not work as well but had to give it a try.  ;)
I'll have alook in the manual once again(although I actually followed it strictly)

advanced, to fast? =) ok..
Well thank you very very many this was very good input. :)
I do not get the splash screen. Right after choosing install mce, I get the Kernel alive and in the top of the screen it's written or shown(very fast) something about a acpi timer and I think an error as well, hence the acpi troubleshooting. So that's nothing that should be bothered about?
Can I somehow monitor everything that is being done after selecting this Install Mce? That would really help, to see where it stops. Tried to take away the "quiet" option(to see whats happening). Am I on the right track then?

I saw in the bios during troubleshooting that the graphic card for some reason preffered is PCIe but I use the motherboard graphic(VGA). Tried to disable and tested again but the scenario was still the same. (will however make another try later today)

Note that This is during the installation phase and the disk was clean.
Can the Soundcard in the PCIe slot have anything to do with this?

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: johanr on September 11, 2008, 02:08:23 PM
Hi again!

Ok, The scenario now is abit different. since I went in to bios and disabled the floppy and disabled the (by default) graphic card preffered to be PCIe now it's "internal" instead.
Now after choosing install MCE I get a "popup" saying loading kernel and then black screen followed by kernel alive in the bottom and after a few seconds loading please wait appears in the top of the screen. Then the computer _seem_ to Hang. Harddisk led is always on but the system seem to be more or less still.

I figure if my screen would not output what is sent out then the keyboard would be still working and I have tried hitting enter and other keys to see if it starts to do something, like proceed with the install or similar. Also tried waiting for a while(more than 5 min)

I tried the recommendation for disabling the acpi (boot vga=771 noapci ...) but the scenario is the same.
Graphic (F4) set to VGA as I use and I have tried different resolutions but it seem not to help.

Same behaviour when trying to install plain Kubuntu 7.10 the same way

edit. Took away the quiet and splash from the boot and then I could see that it stops at

What have I missed?
What should I focus on next?

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: johanr on September 12, 2008, 08:49:57 AM
to answer my self and share what I am suspecting now. I believe this is sw related.. Exactly the same scenario as these guys are experiencing. However may also be something else.

Please assist me how to verify that this is not sw related since I bought the hw with specs from the newbie guide and if that does not work then the newbie guide should be updated I think.
Or if I can contribute somehow to make this board compatible?
(I just dont want to be a pain and want to help. Not load you guys with even more work)

Is this the right place(thread) for troubleshooting help on the installation of 7.10?

Will try this weekend to install 7.04 instead and see how that goes.
If that does not work I will install the other motherboard that I have seen other users having and it feels like it should work better, eventhough I know there are millions of setup differences that may affect the functionality.

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: colinjones on September 12, 2008, 01:12:37 PM
I'm sorry Johan, I'm not in a position to help further for a few days as I am on holidays. yes, you need to start a new thread for troubleshooting to attract the attention you need. Summarise there what you have done and found and I will try to pick it up in a few days, and others may chime in to help too. There was some confusion about the install versus first start up sequence of events. I was assuming first start up, so this is different from what you were looking at. I will try to give more detail later. I really don't think it is something major, and you should definitely stick with 0710 LMCE. You need to confirm that you do not have any card based graphics as well as on board, as it seems strange that your BIOS presents PCIe as an option if you don't have a card installed...
Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: johanr on September 12, 2008, 08:05:38 PM
 :) no worries!
I don't expect to get 24/7 support so definitely do not feel obligated to login if you're on holiday.

I will however not make anymore try with that board since I got the Abit AN-M2HD (reported by users to work) today. But I will start a thread anyway and maybe swap between boards to troubleshoot (although it's a hassle it would be nice to get it sorted out for the sake of others)

It may be so that it reported PCIe because I had the soundcard there. But if I don't recall wrong I think it still suggested pcis after removing it =/ weird indeed..

Thanks for the help so far and do get some rest and relax. I 'm sure you've earned it. =)

Title: Re: Issues with 0710 RC
Post by: johanr on September 15, 2008, 08:47:07 AM
Just want to "close" what I have started. The MSI board went back into the box and in with the Abit. After some small adjustments in the bios(like enabling the internal Lan!). Everything is now running fine as far as I have been able to judge(haven't started to use it fully yet).

Although.. I think there is a problem(feature,bug or the like) in the current kernel that is fixed in the newer one utilised by the Kubuntu 8.04.
It's related to Sata and the IRQ (cant remember the exact topic, sorry).
After some struggling trying to get it working with some of the tips from the web I decided to:
but IDE DVD and SATA DVD..
a bit sad but doesn't bother me that much yet(havent started ripping yet)
That solved the biggest problem I had with the ABIT board(it hung almost the same way as the MSI did) I beleive this is also the problem with the MSI board but have not tried so I cannot say for sure.(I agree with Alx9 that all small details, like how things are connected(ide or sata) in a spec or recommendation is really valuable for a newbie)

Thanx for an excellent software!
Now struggling with the ethx setup since it did not find all the interfaces at install(not just the internal Lan) but I think I'll manage to fix this somehow.
You guys Rules!!
Happy Regards