LinuxMCE Forums

General => Users => Topic started by: naturalblue on April 02, 2008, 11:17:59 AM

Title: A few Questions/Issues with 0710 b4
Post by: naturalblue on April 02, 2008, 11:17:59 AM
I am using an Asus M2N-VM DVI mother board for my LinuxMCE setup.
I have a few issues/questions I would like to ask, if I may.
On setup I only got a choice for analog sound setup, there seems to be none for Multichannel setup (My board supports 6-channel).
In the linuxmce admin program on the desktop, I see an option under sound that lets me choose multi-channel but it doesn't give any options on the type, i.e. 2, 2.1, 5.1, 6 etc.
I have chosen the multichannel option but is there a way I can test the sound is working correctly from all speakers, i.e. some type of sound test program that tests all front, rear and center speakers.
Also I have a SATA DVD-Drive, this worked fine for the install and I have added all the codecs needed, but when I put in a DVD it just sits there and does nothing. I have searched through the video section in the GUI and it doesn't show the DVD. If I try to rip it, I can't, (Sorry I don't have the error message on me). Should a DVD startup straight away once placed in the drive.

Lastly I bought a LG LCD 37LC46 TV which has the RS232 connection, I have not attached it yet to the COM port as I am trying to get my hands on a DB9 to IDC/10 internal serial cable to do this. Does anyone know where I can get one. Also I have seen in the hardware section of the wiki that the LGs are working with LinuxMCE but can anyone verify if this model does.

Thanks for everything.