As someone new to developing in linux, and as someone that spent many hours bugging other members on IRC on how to set things up and spending countless hours in total frustration, I thought I would make a wiki entry on setting up a development environment, making changes to the source, compiling the changes and testing the changes - as well as some helpful hints and tools that will make your life easier.
I am by no means an expert in this field, and I'm sure I'm doing some things the hard way. But for people that want to get involved, I wanted to create instructions that were fairly easy to follow, and that worked. Please see the instructions/tutorial at (
And PLEASE, if anybody know of anything I might be missing, better ways of doing things, or some other hints and tips, please add them to the wiki, as the more people we get involved, the better, and I certainly won't be offended as I know my linux experience is very limited! Anything that can be added will only benefit the community as a whole.
Very cool, I was looking for something like this. Two thumbs up ;D
Excellent. Thanks a lot!
I've try to compile but have errors.
I have to install distcc and ccache to resolve those.