My current setup is Windows MCE with an UnRaid NAS server holding all my media. While planning the expansion of our HTPC into other rooms, I came across LMCE and I am intrigued, so we are going to give it a go. I'm trying to do all this with as much existing hardware as possible, at least until we prove it will work for us.
With that in mind, I'm trying to figure out the best way to utilize our existing HTPC computers with LMCE. It looks like I have basically 2 options, so I would like to get feedback on which would be better:
Option 1 - Convert my Unraid server into a dedicated core, and set up a huge local RAID 5 array for all the storage. Then use the existing HTPC as our first MD. This has the advantage of only running 1 machine 24/7, and having all the storage locally (not sure if it makes much difference vs. using a NAS). But I lose the storage flexibility that UnRaid gives me (i.e. I know how to expand an array in Linux, but it's not nearly as painless as in Unraid).
Option 2 - Keep the Unraid server as-is, and turn our existing HTPC into a hybrid core/MD for the first room. The HTPC machine is an AMD 3700+ w/ 1 GB running on an NVidia 6150 chipset, using the integrated graphics. I also have an X2 3800+ I could swap in from another machine, if having dual-core in a hybrid core would be more useful than a single faster proc.
I guess I just thought of a third option - a hybrid core WITH RAID 5, then I could use the exiting HTPC in a second room. I guess in that case I would definitely want the dual core processor, but I'm still not sure if that would be too much for 1 machine to handle?
A point to consider is the physical layout of your LAN. The core should be located where your ISP connection is so it can be your home router and DHCP server. Also it is easier if your core has two NICs, one to your ISP, one to your home LAN.
BTW it is easier to install the core on it's own hard drive (required if you use DVD installer).
Personally I'd start with your option 2 as it would be the simplest, lowest risk. I'd recommend replacing the hard drive so you have an easy recovery option if you need it.
Once you get into LMCE and start to understand it, you can then redesign you system. I've just started my third iteration. Remember, LMCE is an on-going hobby! :)
Have fun,
Thanks for the reply.
I had planned on using the harddrive from the media pc (80GB) to install LMCE to. I know I won't have a recovery path that way, but I have no desire to go back to Windows MCE, so if LMCE doesn't work for me, I'll be installing something different anyway.
Physical layout should not be a problem, as everything currently is in a single room with all the needed connections. At least as far as the core is concerned - there might be a small issue with the location of the media director for our main living room TV, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.