i have build a lmce box and now want to change the ui.
I read in the wiki that this can be done using "designer". But designer is a win prog, has problems with the db.....
I just want to remove the Buttons for "ligthning", "alarm" and "phone" and show the
subelements of the "Media" - menu instead.
can i do this without messing around with desinger and rewriting all the code it generates?
best regards
No, you can't do that without messing around in Designer, why are you guys whining about this?
because of the wiki.
QuoteDesigner is very poorly written, and we do not recommend any developer puts much effort into this code.
It needs be completely re-written from scratch
maybe the designer article http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Designer (http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Designer) makes people afraid of using it.
I just thought that changing the menu (delete some points, move a sub menu to top) could be made without using designer because the articles says u have to rewrite the whole code anyway.
So i got to search for a M$ System.
is there any manual / tutorial for it? Rewritting the whole code without help would be a lot of work.
Can Designer be run with Wine? Negus, that might be worth trying.
Comments like, "why are you guys whining about this?" are derogatory and unnecessary.
. Topher
No, it cannot be run with wine, as it requires Microsoft.ODBC .net 1.1 components, which mean it doesn't run correctly under Mono, either.
y i tried with mono. i opens a screen and after 2sec recognizes that no odbc classes are present.
In the worst case i will run it in vmware. shoudl be no problem.
a answer to my question about manual/How-To/Tutorial would be more importend.
The wiki article worried me a little bit. But i think changing the existing gui should be done easy
no matter how bad Designer is
I have posted the HADesigner manual, here:
http://www.localeconcept.com/pub/HADesigner/HADesigner_user_manual.pdf (http://www.localeconcept.com/pub/HADesigner/HADesigner_user_manual.pdf)
This is a copy of the manual that Pluto had provided.
Adding and removing buttons doesn't require HA Designer. Removing standard buttons (except the base row) is done through the Web Panel - Scenarios. Just uncheck the one you don't want. There is an add scenario button as well but I have not tried it.
he is referring to removing the base buttons as well.
Thanks for the manual.
And also thanks for the hint with adding/removing buttons with the Webadmin page. Redefining there names and adding the buttons i want to the wright base buttons would be a easy "workaround" to recreating the whole gui with HA Designer.
thx guys.
hi again guys. finally i have my media center again and are now building my menu.
Can i change the name of the baseline buttons with the web interface?