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Archive => Archive => Disk Drive => Topic started by: archived on October 17, 2005, 08:40:58 AM

Title: Ripping audio cds to mp3 rather than flac
Post by: archived on October 17, 2005, 08:40:58 AM
Is it possible to rip audio CDs as MP3s rather than FLAC?
I prefer to save the space on the core, plus would like to copy some of the files to a portable media player.

From the admin site, under basic info -> installation, there is an option down the bottom that allows selection of the ripping format for CDs. It allows for selection of 'ogg, flac, or wav'. Interestingly enough, it is currently set to ogg, yet audio CDs are still ripped as FLAC. In anycase, I'd still prefer to use MP3 which isn't even listed there.

Title: Ripping audio cds to mp3 rather than flac
Post by: archived on October 18, 2005, 10:40:54 AM
Currently it's hardcoded to flac. MP3 was left out because of patent issues we wanted to avoid. But things changed recently as it seems that the devil isn't as black as we thought. At least while for the free distribution of the product.
Title: Ripping audio cds to mp3 rather than flac
Post by: archived on October 26, 2005, 08:22:40 PM

How do we rip to mp3? ;)

Is it something that we can change easily?


Title: Ripping audio cds to mp3 rather than flac
Post by: archived on October 27, 2005, 10:56:04 AM
In theory, it would be just replacing "flac" in with a variable and put "lame", "flac", "oggenc" in it. In practice, it may be a little harder since that script is a little bit uglyer than it should be.
Title: Ripping audio cds to mp3 rather than flac
Post by: archived on November 10, 2005, 10:10:50 AM

I see that ripDiskWrapper now supports flac,ogg,wav and mp3. Where abouts do we specify which to use?

Also, if ripping in mp3 format, does save the track info in the mp3 tag?


Title: Ripping audio cds to mp3 rather than flac
Post by: archived on November 11, 2005, 11:54:32 AM
The format selection option was disabled a little bit before I wrote support for the formats. ID3 tags will be written by another component. The files have database associated data and that component will use what's in the database to write the ID3 tags. Don't ask why.
Title: Ripping audio cds to mp3 rather than flac
Post by: archived on November 11, 2005, 11:57:05 AM
So, how can I set it to rip as mp3's? ;) Is it a change in the database?
Title: Ripping audio cds to mp3 rather than flac
Post by: archived on November 11, 2005, 12:26:21 PM
In SVN, the option is back, under Wizard -> Basic Info -> Installation. doesn't have it though. But all is not lost. In the device tree, select CORE -> DCERouter -> Media Plug-in. On the corresponding page, right at the bottom, you have a "Device Data" entry called "Type". You can write "flac", "wav", "ogg" or "mp3" in there to change the ripping format. Please note that you'll have to install "lame" by yourself if you choose "mp3".
Title: ROFL
Post by: archived on December 27, 2005, 06:39:18 PM
Quote from: "radu.c"sh with a variable and put "lame", "flac", "oggenc" in it.

""lame"," is insanity.
Title: Ripping audio cds to mp3 rather than flac
Post by: archived on January 03, 2006, 11:00:40 AM
Can you ellaborate on that idea? The post that you refert to no longer applies.