Hi @all,
Got 3 PDA's QTek 9000 (WM6), Qtek 9100 (WM5) and Qtek 2020 (WM2003).
Would be nice to use these Devices as an orbiter
I'm not able to get the treo-orbiter to run on these devices. Either with BT or WiFi.
Has anyone a PDA with the OS (WM2003, WM5WM6) running the Orbiter Software?
Need a HowTo for installation and confirguration am WM-Orbiter in the wizard
Can anyone help?
installing the CABs from the orbiter page in the web admin didn't work?
I tired the Cab on my jasjam (mobile 6 upgraded). it locked the device up and i imagine maxed out the CPU as it got quite warm.
Anyone has a screen shot of the orbiters running on a Windows Mobile? Or is the orbiter identical to the N8x0 and the regular Windows orbiter?
It's identical to UI1... So that would mean identical to N8x0...
Thanks Cirion.
Yesterday I had someone over and I gave him the N800. He really like the size and feel. However, he was a little bit concerned about the speed and the screen size.
How do you like the performance of the Windows Mobile based orbiter?
I have a Dell Axim (First model PocketPC 2003).
I like the performance of the orbiter, but it can not be compared with the FiireChief.
The FiireChief is a lot easier and faster to use in UI2 than the UI1 of the PPC Orbiter.That is because of the combination of the UI, Gyro and lots of direct access buttons.
The PPC Orbiter, uses UI1 and that makes you press a lot more buttons to get things done. It's not slow to follow your actions. So the Orbiter itself feels fast enough.
It has some advantages over the FiireChief, since it can be used with the TV off and still have a UI. Great for music. All album covers and DVD/Movie/Series show up on the Orbiter. When playing a DVD you also get the on screen DVD Menu on the Orbiter.
Thanks for your thoughts.
Especially the use of the orbiter without the TV was a surprise for my visitor. It is very nice to just scroll thru DVDs and CDs to find what one wants to look and after deciding on it, start what ever is necessary with a single click. If I'd have to pick two things I like best about Pluto / LinuxMCE, it would be scrolling thru DVD/CD selection from remote, and Follow Me of the media.
thought to use these kind of orbiter to use LMCE without a mediastation or TV (music, climate, lights...all thing s which could be done without a panel).
how you made the setup, how much ram you need for the orbiter, is it wifi or bt?
I use the 2020 (2003 v2) only to read my ebooks (KHB' an over 2000 PR's / text only).
The Qtek 9000 or the 9100 with the querz were nice to handle and have wifi & bt, but if i install the treo-pack they mean all is ok. But when i start the orbiter the ram was flooded 'til they freeze.
Ok, could buy a N800 but the 3rd PDA and only for LMCE? NO!!!!
There were millions of WM 2003 - WM2006 PDA's, why it must be product, which only a few people have?
No solution to run Orbiter on newer PDA's with WM5 or WM6?
N800 and PDA in comparision:
that picture is very helpful. Do you mind if I put it in the Wiki?
Maybe other people would like to add pictures of their mobile orbiters as well, so people get a feeling for size and readability.
Quote from: posde on January 11, 2008, 08:24:43 AM
that picture is very helpful. Do you mind if I put it in the Wiki?
Maybe other people would like to add pictures of their mobile orbiters as well, so people get a feeling for size and readability.
feel free but it was only taken with my mobile phone's camera. Bad quality ;)
best regards,
Thanks Hari.
The quality is good enough for me.
BTW: What version ipaq is that?
Quote from: posde on January 11, 2008, 08:55:31 AM
Thanks Hari.
The quality is good enough for me.
BTW: What version ipaq is that?
also have a 5550 but the battery is broken...
which orbiter-client *cab do you use with the wm2003 se? Using wiFi or BT?
Anyone using orbiter on wm5 or wm6?
Quote from: zaphodB on January 12, 2008, 01:01:44 PM
which orbiter-client *cab do you use with the wm2003 se? Using wiFi or BT?
Anyone using orbiter on wm5 or wm6?
pulled the cab from the 0710beta2 admin gui. Using a wifi connection. Dont have a BT PAN and wifi works fine.
best regards,
my WM2003SE PDA is the Qtek 2020 without wifi, only BT. Could you please tell me which cab-file from the admin you took for your HX2410?
Want to use the Qtek9000 or Qtek9100 because they have a Querz-Keyboard
I've tried only with 704 cab-files. Any known changes with theese cabs from 710 b2? Compiling-Failure in 704 like myth (for the DVB-Settings)?
My ol' iPAQ (I think it is 8970) also only has BT. Can the UI be used with BT or does it have to be WiFi.
I have the cradle for my iPAQ so I can very well use a WiFi pcmcia card with it but it get so "fat" then.
I thought of buying a 7" touchscreen and clone output to it so I dont have to switch on the projector to be able to play music. But using my old iPAQ that just collects dust anyways would be very nice.
not out of the box, without doing a LOT of work..also TCP/IP over bluetooth is insanely slow. Save yourself the trouble and get another unit with wifi.
There are no articles in the wiki about Windows Mobile / Windows CE? Please help write one if you have the hardware.
Adding info to Controlling LinuxMCE (http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Controlling_LinuxMCE) would be a good place to start.
Don't be afraid to add stuff, any docs is better than no docs.