Does anyone know of a way I can get a Fiire Chief shipped to Australia without the $106 fedex charge?
Is there a cheaper freight company to use? Does anyone have any freight connections?
Quote from: mortar on December 29, 2007, 04:28:02 AM
Does anyone know of a way I can get a Fiire Chief shipped to Australia without the $106 fedex charge?
Is there a cheaper freight company to use? Does anyone have any freight connections?
I've been facing the same issue. If we both order together as a single order, will that reduce the freight charge?
I'm in Melbourne - where are you? I know someone that regularly flies between Melbourne and Sydney.
DHL should be available too.
I'm in the same boat (Sydney) - can't even get Fiire to respond on the question of freight, but if that's going to be their response... :o
We could do a 3-way purchase, and ship the domestically with Auspost... cheaply?
EDIT: Does anybody know how big/heavy the boxes are? Might be able to ask my mate in San Francisco to re-ship more cheaply...
Quote from: colinjones on January 03, 2008, 11:27:08 PM
I'm in the same boat (Sydney) - can't even get Fiire to respond on the question of freight, but if that's going to be their response... :o
We could do a 3-way purchase, and ship the domestically with Auspost... cheaply?
EDIT: Does anybody know how big/heavy the boxes are? Might be able to ask my mate in San Francisco to re-ship more cheaply...
Contact the manufacturer and skip Fiire if that is the way they are going to do business.
Please see attached PDFs.
To sum it up:
1xFiire Chief is 1 lbs, 12x4x2" @ $96.87 Fedex International Economy
3xFiire Chief is 3x 1lbs, 12x4x2" @ $119.96 Fedex International Economy
So if we got together a larger order, I supposed that would cut down cost a bit.
I'm in the Northern Territory, i'm happy to arrange the order and post them out, unless someone in a more centralised location wants to do it!
Any other interests for orders?
Happy to transfer the money direct to your bank, are you OK to Auspost it to RichardP and me? Should be quite cheap given it is only light, and presumably small. More the merrier, of course!
EDIT: just re-read your message again. And yes, I am happy to do the re-posting from Sydney if you prefer - not bothered either way.
I would HIGHLY recommend you also get a few extra DONGLES.. You may not need them now, but when you add another MD, it'll save you HUGE.
I bought 2 Fiire Chiefs (one for me, and one for my wife) that came with 1 dongle each, then I also bought 5 more.
I intended just to get one extra for now... gonna be a while before I have 3 or more MDs..
I may as well do it, i've set up an account with Fiire already anyway so it's just a matter of placing the order, and I can't imagine the freight prices interstate would be that much different.
I recommend the process we use is:
1) Work out how many Fiire Chiefs and Additional Dongles you're after and PM me your postal address and I can provide you with either bank account details or paypal details to send the money through.
2) We wait a few more days to see if there is anymore interest and anyone else in AUS would like to order one.
3) I'll lodge the order with Fiire, confirm freight pricing, and give everyone their purchase price in $AU + roughly $10 to factor in interstate freight. (if there's any difference i'll refund it to each person with a money order)
4) I'll wait to receive the money in from everyone so we should agree on a cut-off date for payment.
5) I'll Pay for the order and give everyone a copy of the purchase invoice and relevant freight invoices, and hopefully get a tracking number so we can track the movements of the packages.
6) Wait for Remote Control Goodness.
I would also like to strongly clarify that this would strictly be a non-profit exercise and is only to save myself and some fellow MCErs some cash towards their equipment. Hence I can't be held responsible for any Freight Holdups, DOA or warranty issues. Sorry for the spiel, I just know how these things sometimes go down.
Sounds good, caveat acknowledged, agreed with all - PM on its way!
Good to see guys!
As far as I'm concerned, the Fiire Chief is worth it's weight in gold.
I know you'll all love them!
Quote from: colinjones on January 04, 2008, 02:43:54 AM
Happy to transfer the money direct to your bank, are you OK to Auspost it to RichardP and me? Should be quite cheap given it is only light, and presumably small. More the merrier, of course!
EDIT: just re-read your message again. And yes, I am happy to do the re-posting from Sydney if you prefer - not bothered either way.
Same here - if you're OK doing the ordering.
Just so we're all on the same page - 3 units so far - RichardP, ColinJones, and Mortar,
or is that 4 units?
I'm in for a remote and 2 extra dongles. Can you PM me the payment details? I just need to delay until late next week before I make the payment. Is that OK?
Best Regards,
No problems Richard, depending on the interest, we'll see how long it takes until we proceed with the order and finalize the payment cut off date. PM Coming through now
I'm Inquiring about a Bulk purchase post request with now (Bulk buy topics are banned without permission), to generate some more interest and hopefully reduce costs further. Alternatively if you guys are happy to proceed with just the three of us, let me know.
Hi Guys,
I am also interested in a Fiire Chief remote and I am located in Brisbane. I have contacted Smart Security Pty Ltd located in Brisbane ( and they can supply the remotes for $249.00. I have also contacted a few other Australian based company's and I am awaiting a reply.
Quote from: jo006 on January 04, 2008, 06:00:50 AM
Hi Guys,
I am also interested in a Fiire Chief remote and I am located in Brisbane. I have contacted Smart Security Pty Ltd located in Brisbane ( and they can supply the remotes for $249.00. I have also contacted a few other Australian based company's and I am awaiting a reply.
Nice, at least we know someone locally does them at an OK price.
Just been playing around with the Fedex site and worked out these rough figures:
1 Remote - $ 97US ($97.00 Per Remote)
2 Remotes - $113US ($56.50 Per Remote)
3 Remotes - $125US ($41.66 Per Remote)
4 Remotes - $141US ($35.25 Per Remote)
5 Remotes - $160US ($32.00 Per Remote)
10 Remotes - $275US ($27.50 Per Remote)
Or if you look at it a different way, with a base rate for every person that wants one unit then an additional per remote cost:
1 Person - $ 97US ($16.00 for additional Remotes)
2 People - $ 56US ($12.00 for additional Remotes)
3 People - $ 41US ($16.00 for additional Remotes)
4 People - $ 35US ($19.00 for additional Remotes)
etc etc.
If 2 people buy 1 remote each plus you want an extra one, you'd pay $56+12=$68
If 4 people buy 1 remote each plus you want an extra one, you'd pay $35+19=$54
i.e. everyone shares the base cost one time, then pays more if they want more than one remote.
Using this premise, I can't imagine the extra dongles costing more than $3 US Extra.
If just the 3 of us buy remotes so far it'd be
mortar - Remote + Freight = $149 + 41 + 0 = $190US = $215.63AU + $10 Freight = $225.63 (saving of $53.34AU)
colinjones - Remote + Freight = $149 + 41 + 3 = $193US = $219.01AU + $10 Freight = $229.01
RichardP - Remote + Freight = $149 + 41 + 6 = $196US = $222.43AU + $10 Freight = $232.43
Not a fantastic saving, but i'd say worth the effort. If you can get it from Brisbane for $249 and the freight is around $15, then that method will cost you about $30-35 extra then direct from Fiire.
Obviously these aren't final figures, but they'll be pretty close to it, and allow anyone to work out their options and the cost differences in adding additional remotes or dongles that they'd like to purchase. So the more the merrier, if we get more people, we chop down the cost further!
Nice work Mortar!
Wish there were more CANADIANS using linuxmce.. I had to byte the bullet on my own :(
Still wasn't near as bad as shipping to Australia..
Quote from: ddamron on January 04, 2008, 07:46:10 AM
Nice work Mortar!
Wish there were more CANADIANS using linuxmce.. I had to byte the bullet on my own :(
Still wasn't near as bad as shipping to Australia..
Tell me about it! We get screwed for freight over here ;)
Just checked with DHL, theres an approx $13US saving to be made with them although we'd obviously have to organise the pickup specifically.
Quote from: mortar on January 04, 2008, 03:52:52 AM
I'm Inquiring about a Bulk purchase post request with now (Bulk buy topics are banned without permission), to generate some more interest and hopefully reduce costs further. Alternatively if you guys are happy to proceed with just the three of us, let me know.
I'm easy. I'm still playing around with a test system, and solving problems, so I'm in no hurry.
Hi Mortar,
Count me in.
I have emailed the Brisbane company to find out how much they can supply the units for if 5 or more are purchased and how long it will take for delivery. Hopefully I will get a response on Monday.
If you do decide to get them direct from Fiire I can send you 3 or 4 express post bags to get them around the country. That will save a few dollars.
Strange - Fiire finally got back to me with a quote for the freight charges of US$74.87 for FedEx International Economy, Express was only a few bucks more.
mortar - I will email this too you to throw into the mix in terms of getting the best price. Happy for you to refer to this quote with them. Still happy to go with the bulk buy, its not super urgent, but would like to get it soonish...
That is a significant difference - It seems that on my quote an "Out of Delivery Area" charge appears, and the fuel amount is greater. I'm still happy to organise the purchase if necessary but we may have to get it shipped to yourself or someone else?
Happy for you to have them delivered to me for redistribution, and Justin can just send me the express post bags to do it. Unless you want mortar to send them to you instead, Justin - what's easier for you?
I don't mind either way. If you would like to send me your postal address I can send the bags to you early this week.
does anyone know of best way to purchase Fiirechief in Europe ?
Is Fiire company only way ? What shipping costs did you achieve for Europe ?
Quote from: bulek on January 06, 2008, 01:46:03 PM
does anyone know of best way to purchase Fiirechief in Europe ?
Is Fiire company only way ? What shipping costs did you achieve for Europe ?
Hi Bulek,
My company is looking at stocking the FiireChief. The problem is we have had pretty adverse comment about it from people we have shown it too - mainly this is to do with its colour and also its physical size.
However we'd stock it if enough people wanted it for sure... as technically its very easy to install/use and is totally plug-n-play.
If any other European LinuxMCE users would be interested in us stocking the FiireChief please either post here or private message me so I can gage the level of interest from everyone.
Hi, I would be interested in one. I live in the UK. Any idea how much one unit would come to in gb pounds?
Quote from: gazlang on January 06, 2008, 03:31:50 PM
Hi, I would be interested in one. I live in the UK. Any idea how much one unit would come to in gb pounds?
Well... I would estimate in the region of £80 +VAT & Shipping or thereabouts.
Quote from: jo006 on January 06, 2008, 12:12:35 PM
I don't mind either way. If you would like to send me your postal address I can send the bags to you early this week.
OK, fine with that - I'll PM you my postal address for the bags (does anyone know what size the boxes are? would just like to be sure they'll fit!) But you should probably wait until mortar has final numbers.
Mortar - I have sent you my postal address, so do you want to ask them for bulk posting prices to that instead and recalculate?
I'm happy to proceed ASAP, as i've just hooked LinuxMCE up to my projector and it looks sweet, although I don't seem to have a way to pause and play movies with a keyboard/mouse?
I asked Fiire for a re-quote to your address with 5 Remotes and 7 Additional Dongles total (I'm now after 2 remotes and 3 additional dongles) so I'll let you know as soon as I receive that!
I am interested as well. What sort of money would I be looking at for 2 remotes + 2 extra receivers?
I guess you will want to keep your order under $1000 AUD though because of customs duties.
On that subject, shouldn't Fiire be quoting us ex tax?
Quote from: darrenmason on January 08, 2008, 03:39:22 AM
I guess you will want to keep your order under $1000 AUD though because of customs duties.
Mmmm.. that puts an interesting dampener on the whole ordeal, I hadn't though of customs tax.
Quote from: colinjones on January 08, 2008, 03:45:20 AM
On that subject, shouldn't Fiire be quoting us ex tax?
According to the google checkout system it is exclusive of tax.
Quote from: jo006 on January 04, 2008, 11:19:13 PM
Hi Mortar,
Count me in.
I have emailed the Brisbane company to find out how much they can supply the units for if 5 or more are purchased and how long it will take for delivery. Hopefully I will get a response on Monday.
If you do decide to get them direct from Fiire I can send you 3 or 4 express post bags to get them around the country. That will save a few dollars.
Hi Justin, just wondering if you were after an additional dongle or not...
Ok, so after a quick call to our customs friends that want to make our life difficult, I've come to these conclusions to keep the receipted goods below $1000AU not inc Freight.
Here are the 5 people that have expressed interest for a remote: mortar, RichardP, colinjones, jo006, darrenmason.
We can order 5 Remotes + 4 Additional Dongles which is approx $983AU.
Meaning: Everyone interested gets 1 remote, and 1 person misses out on an additional dongle.
This will cost each person 233.50AU and $199.50 to the person that doesn't get the dongle. This price includes roughly $30AU in freight, which saves around $50 per person which still makes this whole thing worth while (not including interstate freight if Justin charges for the bags).
Going with our original order.
We can order 4 Remotes + Max of 9 Additional Dongles which is approx $984AU.
Which means that someone misses out on a remote. The price will vary slightly but won't be much different to what's above, depending on how many dongles everyone gets.
Darren, if you want to get in on the deal and you're happy with 1 remote and 1 additional dongle, i'm happy to cut down my order and just order one remote with no additional dongle.
Phheww.. What does everyone think?
I think mine was the smallest order, so if I get the 1 remote and 1 extra dongle I'm happy to go with that...
I am happy with just the remote without the extra dongle.
Ok so 3 of us good to go!
RichardP: there's still provision for you to get 2 extra dongles if you like, so just waiting on Darren..
Quote from: mortar on January 09, 2008, 04:33:43 AM
Ok so 3 of us good to go!
RichardP: there's still provision for you to get 2 extra dongles if you like, so just waiting on Darren..
Great - I'd like to do that if I can. However, maybe we can all get everything. I've just been digging around the Customs webite ( and have just gotten off the phone with customs. Computer parts are 0% duty. Entertainment is 5%. So - if we successfully argue that the remotes are computer parts (and TV's can't have USB dongles plugged into them) then we don't pay any duty, even if it is over $1000. If we get some young Customs Inspector out to prove himself, and he says these are TV remotes, at worst we pay 5% duty.
The other thing is GST. Putting 5 remotes into a single package is going to result in the package being inspected no matter what we do. That means we will have to pay the GST even if the package is less than $1000.
I figure we ask Fiire (or Polywell) to ensure the invoice says "For use on Intel Computers" or some such, and just go for it.
What do you think?
Best Regards,
Yep, I'm in. I would like the extra dongle but seeing as though I was last- if everyone else wants one then I will be happy with that.
If we are shipping to Sydney (Colin?) then I may be able to pickup from him direct which could reduce everyones cost.
Just let me know who to liase directly with re; money and addresses if necessary
Quote from: RichardP on January 09, 2008, 07:00:10 AM
Great - I'd like to do that if I can. However, maybe we can all get everything. I've just been digging around the Customs webite ( and have just gotten off the phone with customs. Computer parts are 0% duty. Entertainment is 5%. So - if we successfully argue that the remotes are computer parts (and TV's can't have USB dongles plugged into them) then we don't pay any duty, even if it is over $1000. If we get some young Customs Inspector out to prove himself, and he says these are TV remotes, at worst we pay 5% duty.
The other thing is GST. Putting 5 remotes into a single package is going to result in the package being inspected no matter what we do. That means we will have to pay the GST even if the package is less than $1000.
I figure we ask Fiire (or Polywell) to ensure the invoice says "For use on Intel Computers" or some such, and just go for it.
What do you think?
Best Regards,
Sorry I don't think that's right.. That's in direct contradiction of what I was told when I contacted them and also what is on their page here:
Purchases under $1000 (apart from tobacco and liquor) do not attract GST or taxes, Every purchase over $1000 will attract Customs Duty and GST on the amount calculated after the freight charge. Even if the customs duty is 0% (which I doubt but I can't find anything specific about the 0% or 5% you mentioned in relation to Computer Parts) and If we pay $100 more then we have to (for the GST component), we're back where we started so we may as well do another separate purchase ;)
EDIT: Not to mention that we have to fill out a formal customs declaration, which is just plain annoying ;)
Ok so just waiting on final confirmation on the order with, and to make sure that I can pay it if it's being sent to someone else.
If it's all good, the prices should be as I quoted above and not much different although Richard will pay $30US extra for his additional dongle, jo006 and I will have no additional dongles, and darren and colin will have one each.
If all goes well, i'll grab some more remotes and dongles, and we'll organise another group buy for whoever is interested.
Quote from: mortar on January 09, 2008, 07:22:56 AM
Sorry I don't think that's right.. That's in direct contradiction of what I was told when I contacted them and also what is on their page here:
Purchases under $1000 (apart from tobacco and liquor) do not attract GST or taxes, Every purchase over $1000 will attract Customs Duty and GST on the amount calculated after the freight charge. Even if the customs duty is 0% (which I doubt but I can't find anything specific about the 0% or 5% you mentioned in relation to Computer Parts) and If we pay $100 more then we have to (for the GST component), we're back where we started so we may as well do another separate purchase ;)
EDIT: Not to mention that we have to fill out a formal customs declaration, which is just plain annoying ;)
I'm easy - I'll go with that. I wasn't too fussed about the extra GST, becuause it means me paying an additional AUD25, as opposed to around US150 for freight if I ordered directly from Fiire.
If we do organise another group buy it must be sent to someone elses address - the page you referred to mentions something about that.
So - looks like we are pretty close! Great stuff.
Best Regards,
Quote from: RichardP on January 09, 2008, 07:52:43 AM
I'm easy - I'll go with that. I wasn't too fussed about the extra GST, becuause it means me paying an additional AUD25, as opposed to around US150 for freight if I ordered directly from Fiire.
If we do organise another group buy it must be sent to someone elses address - the page you referred to mentions something about that.
So - looks like we are pretty close! Great stuff.
Best Regards,
Yes we're all saving quite a bit of money which is good! I read the part about the multiple packages to the same addressee that arrive at about the same time. I'll chase them up and clarify what "about the same time" means exactly, but i'd say if we're ready to order again within a few weeks after the arrival of this lot it would be fine.
I received updated pricing from Smart Security Pty Ltd in Brisbane and their revised price for 5 or more remotes is $235.00 with a delivery time of around 10 days. I have only heard back from one other Australian company who does not currently import the remote.
It is slowly getting down to the target price.
Getting closer ;)
Finally received a reply from Fiire this morning - Please read the whole post in full before payment.
Ok.. The cost for 5 Remotes and 4 Additional Dongles is $865.00US
Shipping is $131.35US to Colin. So everyone pays $26.27US for Freight.
So if everyone wants to go ahead please direct deposit these amounts to me ASAP - for details please PM me.
Mortar - 1 Remote - $199.00($149US + $26.27US)
Jo006 - 1 Remote - $199.00($149US + $26.27US)
RichardP - 1 Remote & 2* Extra Dongles - $267.00($149US + $30US + $30US + $26.27US)
Darrenmason - 1 Remote & 1* Extra Dongle - $233.00($149US + $30US + $26.27US)
colinjones - 1 Remote & 1* Extra Dongle - $233.00($149US + $30US + $26.27US)
All amounts calculated via (although I just found out Google Checkout which is fiire's system uses Reuters, so I rounded up everything to the nearest dollar to make it easy, and also to allow for currency rate differences)
By my count, the total value of the goods will be $981.07AU which keeps us under the customs value, and the freight will be $148.98AU, which is $1130.14AU. Everyone's payments total $1131.00AU so it leaves us with 86c to play with incase of currency difference.
As soon as everyone pays, I'll make payment, provide a copy of the receipt etc etc.
The only thing left is to work out what's happening with Justin and the Express Post bags - Do we send you money mate?
Once again I stress this is no profit just a saving on freight exercise - Any DOAs or Warranty issues will have to be dealt directly with Fiire.
Mortar - I don't think anybody answered this last time. Do we know how big the boxes are, and can we get Justin to double check that they will fit in the postpack bags?
As per, I can only assume 12"x4"x2". They seem pretty big.... Maybe it's gonna be more?
The post bags are Express post and the dimensions are 400 x 300 x 70 and 3kg limit.
1xFiire Chief is 1 lbs, 12x4x2" that is about 300 x 100 x 50 and less than 500g
I have just tried a box that measures 300 x 200 x 60 and there is room to spare so they should fit ok.
Cool, Justin, so you are going to mail me the post bags x5? Did I send you my street address yet?
I have sent through the money.
Also, I can probably pickup from Colin if required.
Quote from: jo006 on January 16, 2008, 01:22:30 AM
The post bags are Express post and the dimensions are 400 x 300 x 70 and 3kg limit.
1xFiire Chief is 1 lbs, 12x4x2" that is about 300 x 100 x 50 and less than 500g
I have just tried a box that measures 300 x 200 x 60 and there is room to spare so they should fit ok.
Thanks Justin! Great work!
Quote from: colinjones on January 16, 2008, 02:05:12 AM
Cool, Justin, so you are going to mail me the post bags x5? Did I send you my street address yet?
As it's being sent to you, and based on whether or not Darren wants to pick his up, it'd only be 3 or 4.
Very true! You shouldn't have said anything - it would have been interesting to see whether I actually went through with mailing one to myself ::)
I have your address. I will express post 4 bags. They will be in the 6pm mail you should have them tomorrow.
PM'd you.... 3 only.
Richard, Justin & Ash - can you please PM me your street addresses so I am ready to go when they get here?
OK so received $233.00 from Darren, $199 from Justin, $270 from Richard?, Money from Colin coming and i've obviously paid so we're all good.. You'd all be happy to know I made payment yesterday and have received confirmation that the order has been received and polywell are organising the remotes.
Quote from: mortar on January 16, 2008, 09:42:59 PM
OK so received $233.00 from Darren, $199 from Justin, $270 from Richard?, Money from Colin coming and i've obviously paid so we're all good.. You'd all be happy to know I made payment yesterday and have received confirmation that the order has been received and polywell are organising the remotes.
Great. I can hardly wait.
Well, we're going to have to wait, it seems: (
With any luck, Colin will see the packages Tuesday... That's if everything goes perfectly.
Did you get the Express post bags?
Sorry mate, yes got them, thanks - but been tied up completely cos some of the last bits of my system arrived too, so be installing and messin with B3!
Mortar - do you have a tracking number yet? As I have to make sure I am home on the day they arrive!
Quick update, boys: The packages arrived in Sydney early this morning, just a couple of suburbs away from me. The tracking isn't clear on whether they are held in customs or already released and on their way to me. Either way, I should find out today, hopefully! I have the Express Post bags from Justin and I have just finished filling in all the details. If they actually do arrive today, then I will make sure the get in the post this arvo.
BTW, mortar got hit hard with Google conversion fees, if you could pop another $6 in his account, split 5 ways that will cover it. I have already transferred mine.
6 days, not bad!
Quote from: colinjones on January 21, 2008, 12:35:57 AM
BTW, mortar got hit hard with Google conversion fees, if you could pop another $6 in his account, split 5 ways that will cover it. I have already transferred mine.
lol thanks but I wouldn't bother too much, I'm still saving heaps just because you guys wanted one ;)
only fair ;)
woo hoo, fedex say "On FedEx vehicle for delivery " about 30mins ago :)
Any news mate?
Guys - posted out all the remotes to you yesterday! Apologies for the packing - for some reason Fiire decided to take all the guts out of the boxes and only post those, I'm assuming it was to save on postage. The single box that came was very small, so I thought they had made an error at first! Anyway, there was enough bubble wrap to wrap them all up and send with the Express Post bags, so you should be receiving them today or the next few days if you are remote (like mortar!)
Darren - let me know when you want to come and get yours.
That must have been the fastest Fiire delivery in history. Mine has just arrived and I will test it out when I get home today.
Colin, thanks for taking on the logistics for the order.
Mortar, thankyou for doing the leg work by getting the quotes and ordering the equipment.
It has been a painless and successful venture and we all have managed to save a considerable amount of money.
PS. Mortar, I will put in the remaining $6 into your account tonight.
Once again thanks guys. ;D
If anything mate, we should be paying you!! Much appreciated for donating some Express Bags to the cause!! ;)
Mine arrived this morning and i'm just testing it out - it's pretty sweet. Mine wasn't quite plug and play though, it went through some weird issues until I rebooted the PC, now everything is fine.
Awesome work with the bags Colin, thanks for putting in the extra effort!
In the next day or two I'll send everyone the invoice details for the remotes so you have the paperwork if you need to deal with any warranty issues.
Let me know if you guys want to do another bulk buy again in the future, as I'm sure as soon as I show everyone my setup when I perfect it, they'll want one too :)
Darren - are you out there? I have your remote....
Quote from: colinjones on January 22, 2008, 10:28:25 PM
Guys - posted out all the remotes to you yesterday! Apologies for the packing - for some reason Fiire decided to take all the guts out of the boxes and only post those, I'm assuming it was to save on postage. The single box that came was very small, so I thought they had made an error at first! Anyway, there was enough bubble wrap to wrap them all up and send with the Express Post bags, so you should be receiving them today or the next few days if you are remote (like mortar!)
Darren - let me know when you want to come and get yours.
Hi Guy,
Just got back home yesterday after a few days away to find the remote sitting in the postbox. It works really great. I've been using the Gyration that I got locally, but it's template must have been broken in the last few builds, so only the three buttons work and because I knew the Fiire was coming, I didnt' bother fixing up the template. With the Fiire, most of the buttons work. It's great.
What I don't like is the tiny OK button that you have to press to to confirm your selection when when choosing from a list of media. It's not intuitive and too far from centre to be naturally pressed while pointing at a list. Anyone have a similar feeling, or am I just doing it wrong? I haven't RTM.
If I am indeed doing it right, and there is no other button that can be used, I might try tweaking the template, if possible.
Best Regards,
Absolutely agreed! Its tiny! Very silly design (and thank god I'm slightly colour blind, because the brown is aweful!)
Moving your finger over to the OK button tends to move the pointer around, so its awkward even with mouse sensitivity set to minimum.
The menu button is the more logical for select, but I'm not sure that the template logic will allow such context sensitive actions? Also, it would then stop you being able to click straight into the menu from the media or vol/light options.
I've been using the Fiire remote for about 3 months now and have gotten used the sensitivity of the remote. However, I tend to think that I would enjoy a web tablet a bit more. The placement of the buttons is a bit awkward, but overall the remote is definitely a nice addition. Web tablets are just so much more expensive...
Quote from: jetrich on January 25, 2008, 03:30:53 AM
I've been using the Fiire remote for about 3 months now and have gotten used the sensitivity of the remote. Jason
So what's your opinion of the OK button? Would it be better to use one of the larger, more central buttons? Or is there another way to select what the pointer is hovering over other than the OK button? Or is the small button something you get used to. As you've said, the placement of the buttons is awkward, but the OK button is a pretty important one.
Don't forget also that it's not just us. The remote must be used easily by others in the family, including the wife and visitors.
Best Regards,
So what's your opinion of the OK button?
I think it is awkward to press especially without moving the cursor on the screen.
Would it be better to use one of the larger, more central buttons? Or is there another way to select what the pointer is hovering over other than the OK button? Or is the small button something you get used to. As you've said, the placement of the buttons is awkward, but the OK button is a pretty important one.
I think it would be better if we could use the button in the center of the arrow cluster. The OK button is the only button for confirmation of setting selection that I have noticed. This excludes MythTV which does allow the use of the button in the center of the arrow cluster. My wife and I have become _much_ more proficient in pressing the OK button without the arrow jumping all over the screen. My wife has struggled more with this issue.
Don't forget also that it's not just us. The remote must be used easily by others in the family, including the wife and visitors.
I realize this and it is because of this fact that I purchased the Fiire remote. Plans are underway to market these systems and I wanted to see how well people could catch on to the function of the remote. My wife just _loves_ being the guinea pig sometimes. ;) Of course my kids don't EVER get to touch the remote. Perhaps when they get older, but my oldest is only (almost) six years old.
Wow, I can't believe they came so quick - after reading stories from others.
Colin, I am still on holidays up the coast - but will contact you Monday/Tuesday ish.
Trying to catch up on the forums - amazing how much gets posted in a week now.
Seems I missed the boat on this - bummer. Don't suppose anyone has a left over they want to sell? ;)
If not I guess I'll have to order from Fiire...
They are worth the money in terms of a "it just works" experience.
I am tempted to get another as at the moment I am moving it between two rooms....
my experience:
- generally really useful remote.
- ugly design (brown color...)
- inconvenient placement of OK button...
Got a quote for 1 fiire Cheif and 2 Dongles and I'm afraid the shipping is still rather expensive! FedEx International Economy -- 6 days shipping - $82.54!
I'm kinda impatient so think i'll put the order through this weekend anyway, but on the off chance there are others out there in Aus (I'm in Vic) that want to do another bulk purchase, let me know.
Where can we find the Fiire Chief in Europe ?
I've look at the dealer list but I've not find real European resealers.
I would like to purchase a Fiire Chief. I live in Sydney, Australia.
Have I missed the boat? Can someone help me out?