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Archive => Archive => DCE library General => Topic started by: archived on August 26, 2005, 03:59:09 AM

Title: Java Integration
Post by: archived on August 26, 2005, 03:59:09 AM
Has anyone discussed integration with Java?  

There doesn't seem to be a Java DCE implementation anymore (JADE seems to have disappeared) so writing DCE integration isn't likely.

I'd consider writing a JNI wrapper around DCERouter... is that all we'd need?
Title: Java Integration
Post by: archived on August 26, 2005, 09:06:11 AM
I'm not sure what you meant by "There doesn't seem to be a Java DCE implementation anymore (JADE seems to have disappeared) so writing DCE integration isn't likely. "...    Afaik, DCE is just a name we use at Pluto and nobody else uses it, and we never had java integration.  So I'm not sure what Java DCE implementation there ever was.

However I assume the purpose is to be able to use Java devices on Pluto.  All devices communicate via sockets, so you wouldn't need any Java implementation in DCERouter.  Rather we would need a Java socket library that sent messages in the same format as the C++ socket library.  DCERouter wouldn't care who formed the message, as long as the format was the same.

The class which encapsulates a message is "Message" in the DCE/Message.cpp file.  It takes the message and converts into a binary data block, which gets sent to DCERouter on the socket.  So if you had a Java class that did the same thing as the C++ Message (ie a Java Message), and then another Java class which would open a socket connection to the router and send the message, then that's all that would be required.

Does that make sense?
Title: Java Integration
Post by: archived on August 26, 2005, 03:46:35 PM
Quote from: "aaron.b"I'm not sure what you meant by "There doesn't seem to be a Java DCE implementation anymore (JADE seems to have disappeared) so writing DCE integration isn't likely. "...    Afaik, DCE is just a name we use at Pluto and nobody else uses it, and we never had java integration.  So I'm not sure what Java DCE implementation there ever was.

I was under the impression that Pluto used the OpenGroup DCE middleware specification found at  Was I mistaken?  If you guys just made up your own protocol over TCP and called it "DCE" then that's great.

Quote from: "aaron.b"
However I assume the purpose is to be able to use Java devices on Pluto.  All devices communicate via sockets, so you wouldn't need any Java implementation in DCERouter.  Rather we would need a Java socket library that sent messages in the same format as the C++ socket library.  DCERouter wouldn't care who formed the message, as long as the format was the same.

The class which encapsulates a message is "Message" in the DCE/Message.cpp file.  It takes the message and converts into a binary data block, which gets sent to DCERouter on the socket.  So if you had a Java class that did the same thing as the C++ Message (ie a Java Message), and then another Java class which would open a socket connection to the router and send the message, then that's all that would be required.

Does that make sense?

Absolutely.  I'll write up something and see how it goes.  I'm still trying to come up to speed on Pluto's innards, so please forgive me if I ask some really dumb questions :P

Since I can access the database via JDBC, the other components from DCE, etc., I'm going to assume then that I could probably get ALL information and control ALL facets of Pluto from Java.  Does that sound reasonable?

If so, I may take some time to create a Java API for Pluto.  Do you have thoughts on that?

Title: Java Integration
Post by: archived on August 29, 2005, 01:06:22 PM
The DCE name is just coincidence--there's no connection.  For us DCE stands for Data, Commands, Events since the purpose is allowing devices to have a common way to set/retrieve data parameters, respond to commands and fire events.

RE: "Do you have thoughts on that?"  I think it would be great.  None of us are java wizards, but we know our code very well so we'll help in any way we can.

Eventually we could even redo DCEGen so that you pick your data, commands and events on the website, and then it builds the user a pre-built java project as well.
Title: The Birth of JPluto
Post by: archived on August 29, 2005, 03:56:14 PM
Okay, great!  I am relieved to know that DCE involves your own protocol.  Work on JPluto has begun.
Title: Java Integration
Post by: archived on December 26, 2005, 07:26:25 PM
Hi everyone
I am just faced the same needs(Java DCE for Plutto) and wondering whether you've got something useful since august. A am ready to help as 'Java wizard' :)
Title: Java Integration
Post by: archived on December 26, 2005, 11:19:30 PM
Quote from: "rotlis"Hi everyone
I am just faced the same needs(Java DCE for Plutto) and wondering whether you've got something useful since august. A am ready to help as 'Java wizard' :)

Right about the time I started looking into this, I decided to go back to HomeSeer and haven't come back to it.

There's a JPluto project on SourceForge -- if you request addition to it, I'd be more than happy to let you take it over.
