LinuxMCE Forums

General => Users => Topic started by: webpaul1 on August 31, 2007, 10:06:04 AM

Title: New update for schedules direct
Post by: webpaul1 on August 31, 2007, 10:06:04 AM
A new update is coming for schedules direct.  See the news item on the main site which will be posted later today, and, if possible, follow the instructions in the news article to be a beta tester of the update before it's released to the general public.  If there are any problems with the update, post them immediately to this thread, please.  Thanks!
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: tschak909 on September 03, 2007, 04:05:51 AM
don't know of anyone else, however I made my change almost a night and  a half ago to add the beta updates site to my hosts file, and no change.

Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: dopey on September 03, 2007, 08:45:13 AM
Try running apt-get update and see if it actually hits the LinuxMCE server.

I noticed two things:
1) I can't even ping that IP address
2) apt-get trys to hit, not
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: countzer0 on September 03, 2007, 05:52:49 PM
 I would like to second the fact that the IP is not online.

root@mythbox:/usr/local/src# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
1556 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 1555272ms

Im wondering why there isnt alot of interest in this.  Are you guys not watching TV on your LMCE rigs.
I found the particular version of mythtv that ships with LMCE to be more then unstable. Couple that with the lack of guide data and i fail to see how anyone is using LMCE to distribute TV around the house.

Coming from a strong MythtV background, this is the one thing that is making LMCE unusable for me.

Personaly I run my Mythbackends on seperate boxes then LMCE as i have a good deal of tuners (6 DVB-S and 2 DVB-T)  These cannot all be crammed into an LMCE core.  I have been able to build mythfronend packages and install them on the core to connect to my backends.  This works fine on the core but does not work on diskless MD's as i beleive the mythplugin is handling playback there.
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: karib on September 03, 2007, 08:18:56 PM
Same issue here no response from the "" host entry.

There is an "" DNS entry to a different address (, I wonder if the host entry is supposed to replace that (when the new server is up)
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: asgard on September 05, 2007, 11:29:28 AM
The proposed updates are now online on .This are not the final updates and are there only for testing !!!

The update where tested on our computers but since it's possible that your systems are configured different I recommend you to do at least a backup of your current configuration before doing the steps below. You can do this by going in the pluto web admin : Advanced -> Configuration -> Backups. It's safe to also backup all you important data also.

Thanks for your help and we await your feedback on this tread.

How to install the test updates :
-Edit your /etc/hosts file from you lmce hybrid and add this line:
-You can wait until the cron job that look for updates detects them or you can force detection by manually running this script on the hybrid (as root):
This may take some time depending on your network speed. You can always check the status of the command by attaching to the screen named 'LMCEUpdate_DownloadXML'
screen -r LMCEUpdate_DownloadXML
- After the updates finish downloading a message will be displayed on the orbiters saying that new updates are available. Click on the 'Yes' button in that screen. If you miss that screen you can always get it back by running the script again (won't download the updates twice).
- At this point you need to reboot your core and on the next boot the updates will be installed.
- After the hybrid updates the MDs can update too when they'll first boot.

How to check if the updates where installed
To check if the updates are installed correctly you can check the 'LastUpdate' Device Data value of your Core and MDs (using pluto web admin). It should say '1' for Core and '2' For MDs. You can also find that information in the 'Advanced' screen of your Orbiter.

How to reset the update
Uninstalling the updates is not possible, but since this is a testing update, you may want to install the final update too. In order to do that you need to remove the line you added in /etc/hosts and reset the update version by running the command bellow in a shell:
echo "Update Device_DeviceData SET IK_DeviceData=0 WHERE FK_DeviceData=235" | mysql -u root pluto_main
This way when the official updates will be available your system will update too.

Additional Info
Don't forget to run Video Wizard an setup the new provider for myth. Sorry, i forgot to mention that when i first wrote the article. Still Waiting for your comments.
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: dopey on September 05, 2007, 08:51:10 PM
I can confirm that even though that IP doesn't respond to pings, the update does begin when executing that command. Thank you for that command it helps with the testing.

That's a huge file BTW. A lot bigger than I expected (two files totaling 718MB). But thankfully it's being hosted by a fast server. Thank you to whomever is sponsoring that.

I'll post back when it successfully completes. At least that way we'll have someone here reporting that it works.

Although the download successfully completes and the message does appear on the screen, there are no buttons for "Yes" or "No"; just the normal back and close buttons. (using UI2 without alpha-blending)
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: sp00nhead on September 05, 2007, 09:22:05 PM
i was fooled by the lack of the ping :)
just started to do the update, running a core only with remote windows orbitors so will see if i get the option boxes pop up.
only running at 25Kb/s :( 6 hours left for the first 403M file.....
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: countzer0 on September 05, 2007, 09:45:10 PM
The option yes or no did appear on UI1.
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: dopey on September 05, 2007, 09:47:14 PM
Quote from: sp00nhead on September 05, 2007, 09:22:05 PM
only running at 25Kb/s :( 6 hours left for the first 403M file.....

Ouch... It was running between 600KB/s to 1.3MB/s for me... The whole thing finished downloading in about 10 minutes. It's probably your connection, but I've never seen a cap like that on any broadband connection...

Quote from: countzer0
The option yes or no did appear on UI1.

I was about to get my Nokia 770 out and test that. Good to know that should work.
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: countzer0 on September 05, 2007, 10:06:15 PM
Unfortuantely mythtv is failing to start.. I am looking into it deeper now... ;(
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: dopey on September 06, 2007, 12:05:54 AM
Ok, I was able to get it to upgrade using the Nokia 770 and UI1. I should note that the reason for the buttons not coming up in UI2 for me may very well be my fault. When the Nokia Orbiter started up it said I needed to reload the router (I must have forgot to do that when I did some change). After that both Orbiters said they needed to be regenerated.

Quote from: countzer0 on September 05, 2007, 10:06:15 PM
Unfortuantely mythtv is failing to start.. I am looking into it deeper now... ;(

I was able to get it to start... but... during the first startup LinuxMCE incorrectly said it had died. I'm thinking it just didn't wait long enough for the MythTV theme to pre-scale. After pressing OK on the error Myth started up, but it couldn't connect to the backend. I tried to start the backend manually, but it said it was already running (not true). I then removed the pid file and restarted mythbackend. This initially got it to start, but it fails almost immediately. LinuxMCE is now in an infinite loop trying to start it...

After LinuxMCE restarted myth-backend several times, it did manage to stabilize. I'm still unable to connect to myth, but after examining the log file I think it has to do with the provider needing to be setup... duh, I guess...

Confirmed, after setting up the provider everything works fine. Eveyone just needs to remember that after running this update you need to rerun the provider portion of the setup wizard.
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: sp00nhead on September 06, 2007, 03:25:47 PM
:) it did speed up to 60Kb/s avage, so didn't take tooo long.
Updated ok using UI1 and remote orbitor.
Rebooted and did its thing. now showing the newer version.
Not fin setting up my mythtv so cant check.
trying to get voip done first.....
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: karib on September 06, 2007, 03:50:09 PM
Install died somewhere in the middle, had to delete the .lck file to get it going again.
UI1 never showed the Yes/No buttons, just the text on the Hybrid Core. I had another orbiter I fired up, and the upgrade message was fine in UI2.
MythTV install went ok after the reboot, is it really a 20.2 or something hacked together?

Reboot/Install took a very long time due to having around 30k media files (video, TV, music, etc) and it looked like it re-imported or verified every one on the reboot.

MythTV old guide sources were removed from the setup, but not from the myth database. I had to erase all video sources to clean this up.

1 of 2 schedules downloaded successfully, the 2nd refuses to import. It is set up correctly in Schedules Direct, but after downloading all the data it pops up "0 of 0 shows" to import. Will keep working on this as all my HD tuners are off line now.

Standalone Myth front end on Gentoo, and using the ebuild prior to the 20.2 release still works to connect.
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: tschak909 on September 08, 2007, 08:28:15 AM
arrggg!!! help!

I did the update, no errors noticed, but when I try to enter my username and password in the wizard, it says, "There was an error retrieving your provider information, please check your username/password/location" ...

I have logged in several times to flawlessly from a blank form, my username and password work... why is it not working inside LinuxMCE? has anyone else had this problem?


Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: PeteK on September 09, 2007, 01:16:22 AM
I have this same problem.  Can someone point me to the correct log file?
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: 1audio on September 09, 2007, 07:11:17 AM
I just got back from CEDIA and the download and update went fine. But I also have a problem with it not getting the lineups.
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: webpaul1 on September 09, 2007, 09:25:20 AM
>> I found the particular version of mythtv that ships with LMCE to be more then unstable.

I'm really baffled.  It's a stock Kubuntu distro, and with all stock, pre-built myth packages.  I didn't change anything at all with Myth.  LinuxMCE is just some extra software that goes on top, it doesn't replace anything in the kernel or in MythTV.  It does auto-update config files, but I've gone over the way LinuxMCE auto-configures MythTV and can't find anything wrong with it.  If LinuxMCE really has done something to make MythTV unstable, *please* email me directly at webpaul1 [at] so I can fix it, since that would be a big issue.

>> Try running apt-get update and see if it actually hits the LinuxMCE server

You shouldn't ever do that.  The normal update mechanism is disabled in LinuxMCE and instead it has it's own.  If you do that it will cause it to update the packages from Ubuntu, which may include kernel updates that break the other kernel modules in LinuxMCE (like PVR cards, etc.).


Where did that URL come from?  It's updates with an s, which resolves to the same as, and does respond to pings.  I saw several guys used update without the 's'.  Did I type that in somewhere?

>> I did the update, no errors noticed, but when I try to enter my username and password in the wizard, it says, "There was an error retrieving your provider information, please check your username/password/location" ...

If someone who has trouble could help debug this I'd really appreciate it.  Here's what to do: ssh into your core and run this command to follow the router's log:

Look for the log entry:Command:Spawn Application.  Underneath are the parameters for the command.  Note the Filename and the Arguments.  Run the filename + arguments with a bash -x so you can see what it's doing.  It should be hitting the SD servers, passing in the username/password, and echoing back to the console the list of providers/lineups.  Maybe you can see why it's not working?  If you want me to try it using your username & password, you can email me that privately and I'll test it on my box to see if there's something different with your SD account instead of mine that's causing the script to break.
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: tschak909 on September 09, 2007, 09:43:42 AM
webpaul1, Looks like the update got fudged...

I noticed this inside

        /usr/bin/wget -q --http-user=$USER --http-passwd=$PASS --post-file=$POSTFILE --header=Accept-Encoding:gzip "
tvlistings/xtvdService" --output-document=-|gzip -d>$RESPONSE

is there a way to force/reapply the update?

Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: dirar on September 10, 2007, 01:02:52 AM
My system took the update and keeps asking me to update provider. But I don't have a tuner installed so there is no way of changing the provider. Is it possible to disable this notification, it keeps popping up every about 30 seconds.
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: asgard on September 10, 2007, 11:49:18 AM
Quote from: dirar on September 10, 2007, 01:02:52 AM
My system took the update and keeps asking me to update provider. But I don't have a tuner installed so there is no way of changing the provider. Is it possible to disable this notification, it keeps popping up every about 30 seconds.

Just hit Ok on that screen
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: asgard on September 10, 2007, 11:58:23 AM
I spotted that the user having 3rd party debs installed on their system have a problem regarding the update. If you had any problem with the updates, in order to fix them i'll need some info on why it fail.

1) Check the output of this line to see the version, it should be '':
dpkg -l 'pluto-mythtv-plugin'

2) Reset the updates and manually apply them again to see what it fails

echo "UPDATE Device_DeviceData Set IK_DeviceData = 0 WHERE FK_Device=1 AND FK_DeviceData = 234" | mysql pluto_main;
echo "UPDATE Device_DeviceData Set IK_DeviceData = 1 WHERE FK_Device=1 AND FK_DeviceData = 235" | mysql pluto_main;
bash -x /usr/pluto/bin/ | tee /var/log/pluto/manualupdate.log

You'll have the output in tee /var/log/pluto/manualupdate.log
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: webpaul1 on September 10, 2007, 07:25:17 PM
Before running asgard's command to force an update you can run:
echo "SELECT FK_Device,IK_DeviceData FROM Device_DeviceData WHERE FK_DeviceData=234" | mysql pluto_main

That will list each device and the version it was updated to.  Device 1 is the core (ignore device 19), the other devices are likely media directors.  If the 2nd column is 0, then the update has not been applied yet.  If it's 1, then you got the update.

Then: cat /usr/pluto/bin/

The line that starts with /usr/bin/wget, if the URL is:  then the update was applied successfully.

In 1audio's case, the 2nd column in that mysql select was 1, meaning it did get the update and try to apply it.  But the file was old.  The reason was that 1audio had manually upgraded the slimserver on his box so there were broken packages.  Such broken packages were a constant problem with LinuxMCE 1.0, so 0704 bypasses the usual apt-get upgrade mechanism and instead downloads update rules from  The updates themselves are still mostly .deb packages, but this way when multiple packages need to be updated in parallel across multiple repositories (ie Kubuntu's, LinuxMCE's, 3rd party kernel modules, etc.) they all get done at once.  But if you manually do some updates it's possible to still have broken packages like with 1.0.

asgard's instructions assume that you got the update downloaded, but that like 1audio it didn't apply correctly.  I would suggest adding to asgard's instructions to run the command like this: /usr/pluto/bin/ | tee /var/log/pluto/applyupdate.log
so the output is archived in /var/log/pluto/applyupdate.log and that way you have a copy of it and can paste it in this forum.

I'd really like to know re: the other users with issues if they were: 1) that you didn't get the update (ie the mysql select above shows the version is 0), 2) that you got the update, but like 1audio it didn't apply correctly because you have a non-standard LinuxMCE install, or 3) that you got the update and do have a standard LinuxMCE install, but something is broken in LinuxMCE's update mechanism.

Let's keep this thread on the topic of helping ensure everybody gets the currently released update and gets schedules direct working.  I started a new thread here:  where we can post comments about the update mechanism in general and get into details about how to make it better for the next release.
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: 1audio on September 11, 2007, 02:32:35 AM
My guess is a package conflict. It will prevent Myth from installing. Did you install or change anything from the stock install?
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: Brucewat on September 12, 2007, 03:29:18 AM

I have tried to force the update but it seems to not be down loading it from the server and I am not able to ping the address? This is a fresh install and the only thing I have added was gedit? this is the 2nd time I have tried with a fresh install the first time I clicked on the force update button on the advance page of the media director and it did not upgrade after a day. one thing if it helps I also added the "update host address" before  the system got any of its first updates. I did run the apply script in the 2nd to the last post and the log file was empty?

Bruce W.
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: PeteK on September 14, 2007, 02:29:33 AM

I think I'm in the same boat as 1audio.  I downloaded an updated slimserver package.  Checking the version of the hybrid showed that it was updated, but I still had zap2it in  Unfortunately, following asgard's instructions just got me back to the same position, where the version was correct but the script was not updated.

I ran the update script per your instructions:
/usr/pluto/bin/ | tee /var/log/pluto/applyupdate.log

but applyupdate.log was empty after the update script ran.  The script looked like it was working, and updated the version of the hybrid.

Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: Brucewat on September 14, 2007, 02:52:40 AM

This afternoon I did a fresh install on my box and I then waited and let the system upgrade on its own before I changed the hosts file I left the box alone and it loaded the upgrade. Then I installed it and it had  the Scedules Direct change...

Bruce W.   
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: heus on September 15, 2007, 07:05:33 AM
I've rebooted a couple of times but it hasn't yet picked up the update.  I have gotten the notification screen, but there are no yes/no buttons.  Has anyone had the same problem and done something to resolve or have the buttons just appeared after time?  I did notice that the database doesn't show that the updates were successfully downloaded:

mysql> SELECT FK_Device,IK_DeviceData FROM Device_DeviceData WHERE FK_DeviceData=234;
| FK_Device | IK_DeviceData |
|         1 | 0             |
|        19 | 0             |

but I do see the files in the /home/updates directory.

ryan@dcerouter:/usr/pluto/bin$ ls -l /home/updates
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-09-14 22:15 1
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-09-14 22:15 2
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-09-14 22:32 3
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1359 2007-09-07 11:03 updates.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 2007-09-14 23:13 updates.xml.old

Does anyone know if there's any harm in untarring and executing these updates manually from the /home/updates directory?

Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: tschak909 on September 15, 2007, 08:03:50 AM
I was able to install the update by removing the sources in my apt sources.list except for the package cache, then running the update manually.

Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: druke on October 13, 2007, 05:18:23 AM
SD worked perfectly upon fresh (3 cd install) for myself
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: wd4nzx on October 16, 2007, 05:59:04 AM
I have a new system built to the specifications of the system in the video.  I am using the DVD for system installation and by and large the installation works quite well.  I have don and re-done this at least 6 times now.  Each time I try to get the SchedulesDirect update I get at least 5 notifications that there is ann update ready, but no YES/NO buttons.  At some point it will present the buttons and on reboot the update is installed.  I do get the lineup most of the time, once it did not complete the update and completly trashed the system.  I'm using a PR150 TV card and it sort of works but gets only one day worth of data and when I try to watch live TV the output is awfull and it freezes often.  I didn't start early enough to know if it worked with the old service.  Can this be an issue with the update or do I more likely have hardware problems?
I am no Linux expert but I do work in the IT world and at this point I'm frustrated with the system.  So far it is not proving to be as stable as it needs to be to make inroads into the Media Center market.

Thanks in advance for any help offered.
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: mikesignguy on November 06, 2007, 02:55:11 PM
the md5 for update 1 doesn't match

Wed, 07 Nov 2007 17:05:10 -0500 SENT : FAIL MD5 sum does not match
05      11/07/07 17:05:10.115           #Update download: FAIL MD5 sum does not match
05      11/07/07 17:05:10.115           Update 1 checksum is invalid. <0xb77c98e0>
01      11/07/07 17:05:10.116           Updates manager failure. <0xb77c98e0>
linuxmce@dcerouter:/$ Wed, 07 Nov 2007 17:05:10 -0500 RECV :
Wed, 07 Nov 2007 17:05:10 -0500 Helper Script End
Title: Re: New update for schedules direct
Post by: greenhornet on February 02, 2009, 08:51:30 PM
I am having a problem that I have seen mentioned several places, including one in this thread by Thom.  Putting my schedulesdirect credentials in the setup wizard fails.  This started immediately after I did a restore.  The error is exactly as Thom described previously:

"arrggg!!! help!

I did the update, no errors noticed, but when I try to enter my username and password in the wizard, it says, "There was an error retrieving your provider information, please check your username/password/location" ...

I have logged in several times to flawlessly from a blank form, my username and password work... why is it not working inside LinuxMCE? has anyone else had this problem?
