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Archive => Archive => Pluto Main General Issues => Topic started by: archived on July 26, 2005, 04:13:47 PM

Title: general questions
Post by: archived on July 26, 2005, 04:13:47 PM
Hi there Whizards of the Universe:

  4 Questions

1- Can I use any camera network server to use x10 cams ?

2- Orbitermobile remote camera access

3- Which md optional interface can we use,  $$$ ??

4- ... and an stupid question of course, which cell service do I need for getting a lve video feed on the cell phone ?


Title: general questions
Post by: archived on July 28, 2005, 09:29:12 AM
1- Can I use any camera network server to use x10 cams ?
There needs to be a DCE Device to support it.  At the moment we don't have a lot of camera devices for Pluto 2.  However it's a pretty trivial matter to implement one (usually).  Also, we do already have support for the Linux "Motion" project--so if the camera works under Motion, we can use it too.  The best is to simply hook it up, and if you have trouble getting it going, we can have one of our guys login through remote assistance and setup the driver for you.

2- Orbitermobile remote camera access
What is the question here?

3- Which md optional interface can we use, $$$ ??
Sorry, I don't know what you mean "optional interface".  Can you clarify?

4- ... and an stupid question of course, which cell service do I need for getting a lve video feed on the cell phone ?
Any mobile data service (WAP, gprs, etc.).  We just use an password protected wap page to retrive the video.
Title: general questions
Post by: archived on July 28, 2005, 04:25:44 PM
first of all: thank you and sorry for the double posting (I was typing in a touch screen pc with no keyboard so I was trying to be short

1- the camera server is the one that has 4 analog video inputs and a RJ 45 output connection

2- about the mobile orbiter is how can we access a live video feed from pluto when we want it and we are away from home

3- about the optional interface is, the interface we can use if we don't want to dedicate a pc to do media director, price range $$  and funtionability loss if any.

Thanks Aaron

Title: general questions
Post by: archived on July 29, 2005, 04:17:50 PM
1.  I don't know that particular device.  we haev some grandtek bt878-based cards that work fine.

2.  just enable wap/gprs coverage on your phone.  You need an externally available IP, but we have a wap server in the core you can use to view it.

3.  at the moment we only support pc's.  however, remember you don't need to "dedicate" a pc.  the media directors are network boot--we don't touch the hard drive.  so you can still use the pc like you do now.  And it can be a cheap $200 P4 1Ghz or so from E-bay.  The media director doesn't require a lot of horsepower.