LinuxMCE Forums

General => Developers => Topic started by: dopey on July 25, 2007, 08:50:19 AM

Title: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: dopey on July 25, 2007, 08:50:19 AM
I have been working on building the orbiter for the Nokia 770. I got most of the way there, but I got stuck at a build error while building the orbiter bin.

First thing I noticed is that the build instructions in the Wiki is woefully out of date. Despite that, I did some google-ing, built the environment and the dependencies that aren't available as packages (SDL_gfx, libXmu, libhid, mysql[just the libs], and xextproto). I then built the Orbiter shared libraries, which built fine. Finally once I got to last step of the build process, which is to build the orbiter bin, I received the following build time error:

g++ -c -I.. -I../DCE -I/usr/include/mysql -DDEBUG -DTHREAD_LOG -DLOG_ALL_QUERIES -I/opt/libxine1-pluto/include -I/opt/libsdl1.2-1.2.7+1.2.8cvs20041007/include -I/opt/libsdl1.2-1.2.7+1.2.8cvs20041007/include/SDL -I/usr/include/SDL -DORBITER -DCACHE_IMAGES -DENABLE_MOUSE_BEHAVIOR -I../Splitter -I../OrbiterGen -I../SDL_Helpers -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -Wall -fPIC -ggdb3 -g -O0 Linux/HIDInterface.cpp -o Linux/HIDInterface.o
In file included from Linux/../OrbiterData.h:32,
                 from Linux/../Orbiter.h:39,
                 from Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:35:
Linux/../DesignObj_Orbiter.h: In member function `void DesignObj_Orbiter::m_GraphicToDisplay_set(std::string, int, bool, bool)':
Linux/../DesignObj_Orbiter.h:79: warning: unused variable 'k'
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp: In constructor `PlutoHIDInterface::PlutoHIDInterface(DCE::Orbiter*)':
Linux/../Orbiter.h:460: error: `pthread_mutexattr_t DCE::Orbiter::m_MutexAttr' is protected
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:55: error: within this context
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp: In member function `void PlutoHIDInterface::ProcessHIDEvents()':
Linux/../Orbiter.h:427: error: `OrbiterFileBrowser_Collection*DCE::Orbiter::m_pOrbiterFileBrowser_Collection' is protected
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:144: error: within this context
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:79: warning: unused variable 'c'
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:79: warning: unused variable 'i'
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:79: warning: unused variable 'a'
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp: In member function `bool PlutoHIDInterface::ProcessBindRequest(char*)':
Linux/../Orbiter.h:427: error: `OrbiterFileBrowser_Collection*DCE::Orbiter::m_pOrbiterFileBrowser_Collection' is protected
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:181: error: within this context
Linux/../Orbiter.h:427: error: `OrbiterFileBrowser_Collection*DCE::Orbiter::m_pOrbiterFileBrowser_Collection' is protected
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:193: error: within this context
Linux/../Orbiter.h:427: error: `OrbiterFileBrowser_Collection*DCE::Orbiter::m_pOrbiterFileBrowser_Collection' is protected
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:194: error: within this context
Linux/../Orbiter.h:427: error: `OrbiterFileBrowser_Collection*DCE::Orbiter::m_pOrbiterFileBrowser_Collection' is protected
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:197: error: within this context
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp: In member function `bool PlutoHIDInterface::SetActiveRemote(int, bool)':
Linux/../Orbiter.h:427: error: `OrbiterFileBrowser_Collection*DCE::Orbiter::m_pOrbiterFileBrowser_Collection' is protected
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:293: error: within this context
make: *** [Linux/HIDInterface.o] Error 1

Any thoughts on how to proceed would be much appreciated.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: kir on July 25, 2007, 11:25:30 AM
I know about another effort to build an Orbiter for Maemo platform. Please consider this link, maybe it will save your time:
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: dopey on July 25, 2007, 12:04:17 PM
Wow thanks. That makes things much easier for me!!

BTW, I did get past that one error. I just had to ignore the advise in the wiki to remove the hid dependency. It did fail later on though. Still, doesn't matter as this has already been done. Thanks again!
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on July 25, 2007, 04:12:52 PM
Hi dopey,

I built the Orbiter for Nokia770/N800 together with Chris from Plutohome. So, you can find in maemo garage ( ( all dependencies and binary Orbiter. Please, let me know how it works under LinuxMCE because I didn't have any chance to test it :)
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on August 03, 2007, 10:11:40 PM
I tested an Orbiter for Nokia N800 together with LinuxMCE RC1. It works fine. So, I'm going to build a Debian package next week. You can download tar from here -
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: dopey on August 11, 2007, 03:59:55 AM
I'm sorry it took so long to reply. I've been busy with my day job...

I did get it to work on the standard install of the Nokia 770 on OS 2006. I should note, however, that I had already built all the dependencies (manually copied over, no packages), so I only used your pre-compiled version of the Orbiter and shared libraries. I did have some stability issues (it crashes randomly and unexpectedly).

I use OS 2007 Hacker Edition on my Nokia 770, though, and that failed because of some deps.  I was planning on building the missing, or non-working deps, but I think I'll start with using your newly created package and work from there.

Right now, however, I'm going to install LinuxMCE 0704 on my Core. I'll have to take care of the Orbiters afterwards.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on August 11, 2007, 03:29:43 PM
Hi dopey,

Some dependences available via Application Manager (you should activate Red Pill mode), some should be downloaded from Maemo garage ( ( and installed manually. There is a special issue for os2006/os2007 Hacker Edition. You need add bora repository to be able install libxmu6. So, please, try to install all dependences as Debian packages and let me know if you'll have some troubles. Also, yesterday I built a package for Nokia770/N800 for LinuxMCE 1.1 and Plutohome so, you can get it and try.

The problem with random crashes is possible related with weak WiFi on Nokia770. I compared it with N800 and can say that WiFi on N800 much much stabler than on Nokia770. As I understand even short time of loosing connection causes Orbiter crash.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: dopey on August 12, 2007, 03:07:13 PM
I do have the bora repository, but the package is marked as incompatible. The version for 2006 is also marked as incompatible... The three packages that I need to install is libxmu6, libhid0, and libxt6. libxmu6 and libxt6 are marked as incompatible and libhid0 depends on libusb, which is marked as incompatible. The fact that I'm afraid I'm going to have to face is that even if I do get this installed by rebuilding the packages above using version 3.0 of the dev kit (the version Hacker Edition uses) I will still probably have to re-build some of the other dependencies that I manually installed.

The stability problems is the main reason that I went to Hacker Edition. Many people report stability issues in 2006 and that those issues went away when Hacker Edition was installed. I can also testify to this, especially with the web browser. I also like the fact that 2007 automatically connects to WiFi; it was just annoying having to connect manually in 2006.

P.S. The Core re-install isn't going as well as I'd hoped, so I'm probably going to have to put this part of the project on hold until I get the core fully functional. Hopefully this won't take longer then 1 or 2 weeks (the whole day job thing usually means weekends only for me)...
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on August 12, 2007, 07:06:38 PM
I'm confused a bit. What do you mean 're-build some of the other dependencies'? If you want to use the Orbiter you need just install some packages from application manager and some of them download from Maemo garage and install manually. I installed all of them on os2006, os2007 Hacker edition and os2007. Moreover, many people had successes installation of them. It's really not clear for me why you cannot do the same. libxmu6 belongs to bora repository, libhid0 can be find om Maemo garage, libusb and libxt6 are parts of mistral. I suspect maybe you have some customizations on your device which conflict with maemo and nokia packages.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: dopey on August 14, 2007, 12:51:39 AM
I don't have any customizations other than some apps (basic apps like Xterm and dropbear) installed from the maemo repositories. I know where the packages are, I even downloaded them manually after adding the repository didn't work. When I try to install it manually it says the package is incompatible.

I said I might have to re-build some of the other dependencies, because if some of them won't install it's usually a safe bet that some that did install won't actually run because it was compiled against different libraries. A straight package conflict would be fairly easy to fix and it should display in the problems tab. If I remember correctly it saying that the package is incompatible means there is a deep dependency problem relating to the system (usually libc or other main shared library), this is why I'm thinking about rebuilding.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on August 14, 2007, 12:36:50 PM
Hmmm ... It seems that you try to install wrong packages. Are you sure that you download the packages for your OS? There are dependencies for os2005 and for os2006 (which are also situated for os2007). Because, you're the first who has the problems with installation of Orbiter's dependencies. That's why I try to understand why it happens and how to solve that.

If you don't have any big customizations you can re-flash your Nokia770 and start from the beginning. I'm going to update the Nokia770 Orbiter manual today. Hope it'll solve your problem.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: caiman on August 15, 2007, 12:02:46 AM
Hi Michael,

Nokia 770 here, OS 2007-hacker edition fresh install. I'll give some links to try answer the queries above...

I have activated red pill ( (, added the maemo repository and maemo extras repository ( (

then I installed the orbiter for OS2007 (plutohomeorbiter-, using the deb on the same page for the dependencies.

The orbiter installed fine, but when I launch it, it says " PlutohomeOrbiter - loading" for a few seconds, then nothing happens.

Any idea how to troubleshoot this ?

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: dopey on August 15, 2007, 12:08:50 AM
Yes, I'll re-flash again. I've already done this, but since others are getting this to work I must have missed something, and since I don't really have any data on it yet it won't hurt to try. I downloaded the Orbiter package for OS2007. I did use the OS2006 dependency packages that you created, when the package wasn't available in the repositories.

On a side note, when I ran this on OS2006 I still had issues with dependencies, I can't remember exactly which one's, but hid was one of them. I found that odd as the packages were built for OS2006... In that case I just rebuilt the dependencies (including hid) and copied them over manually. I didn't bother with a package as it was only a test. As previously stated it worked fine after this.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: dopey on August 15, 2007, 12:13:46 AM
Micheal, can try starting the Orbiter through Xterm? This will allow it to display any error messages that it might need to and give you a log file to look at. You can start the orbiter with the following command (replace %CoreIP% and %OrbiterNumber% with the correct values):
Orbiter -r %CoreIP% -d %OrbiterNumber% -l orbiter.log
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on August 15, 2007, 12:31:33 PM
Quote from: caiman on August 15, 2007, 12:02:46 AM
Hi Michael,

Nokia 770 here, OS 2007-hacker edition fresh install. I'll give some links to try answer the queries above...

I have activated red pill ( (, added the maemo repository and maemo extras repository ( (

then I installed the orbiter for OS2007 (plutohomeorbiter-, using the deb on the same page for the dependencies.

The orbiter installed fine, but when I launch it, it says " PlutohomeOrbiter - loading" for a few seconds, then nothing happens.

Any idea how to troubleshoot this ?

As dopey suggested run the Orbiter from xterm:
Orbiter -r <core_IP> -d <Orbiter ID>
To get debug info run the Orbiter like that
Orbiter -r <core_IP> -d <Orbiter ID> > ~/MyDoc/.documents/orbiter.log 2>&1
It's needed because some critical errors aren't forwarded to the log. Also, be sure that you have establish WiFi connection before start the Orbiter.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: caiman on August 15, 2007, 05:04:52 PM
Thanks to both of you !

Indeed, xterm showed that it was missing libsdl-ttf, which the deb package had not forced me to install. I have installed it but still get an error related to the fonts:

X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)
  Major opcode of failed request:  45 (X_OpenFont)
  Serial number of failed request:  8
  Current serial number in output stream:  10

progressing :-)

I have tried copying /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/ from the core, but no luck.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: Zaerc on August 15, 2007, 05:44:50 PM
I remember there are a few more steps that needed to be taken when installing TrueTypeFonts, IIRC it goes a little like this, go to the directory with the fonts and do:


These might be outdated/obsolete/replaced by now though so your mileage may vary.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on August 15, 2007, 08:54:05 PM
Well, probably I forgot to add libsdl-ttf as Orbiter dependence. Thanks for reporting that. Regarding your error. It's strange a bit. Because msttcorefonts don't affect start of Orbiter. You just cannot see captions without them. But Orbiter should work. I tested the Orbiter ( with LinuxMCE RC1 and It works fine. Can you post the full output here or send it to me by email: michael [at] stepanoff [dot] org
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: caiman on August 16, 2007, 04:13:18 PM
I could get rid of the fonts problem by suppressing the need for captions (I guess that was the one asking if I want to create a new orbiter), I just created the orbiter from LMCE web GUI after adding the new resolution to the SQL db as you explain on your blog (I should have RTFM better).

Now I get this:

~/MyDocs $ cat orbiter.log
10      08/14/08 15:58:18.141           Device: 104 starting
10      08/14/08 15:58:18.152           Orbiter 0x233bc0 constructor
01      08/14/08 15:58:33.405           Socket::ReceiveData-a 0x238f90 failed
05      08/14/08 15:58:33.419           Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Event Dev #104
05      08/14/08 15:58:33.419           Socket::SendReceiveMessage didn't get valid response
05      08/14/08 15:58:33.424           Socket::SendData socket is invalid
05      08/14/08 15:58:33.425           Socket::SendData socket is invalid
01      08/14/08 15:58:47.428           Socket::ReceiveData-a 0x23db90 failed
05      08/14/08 15:58:47.441           Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Event Dev #104
05      08/14/08 15:58:47.442           Socket::SendReceiveMessage didn't get valid response
05      08/14/08 15:58:47.442           InternalSendCommand cannot send with return message.  type 1 id 688 to -2000 Going to quit
05      08/14/08 15:58:47.443           Orbiter reloading...
05      08/14/08 15:58:47.443           Orbiter quiting...
05      08/14/08 15:58:47.444           Got an on quit.  Pushing an event into SDL
05      08/14/08 15:58:47.444           Got an on quit.  Pushing an event into SDL
10      08/14/08 15:58:47.446           WizardLogic::Setup using host ((nil))
13      08/14/08 15:58:47.459           Exiting MessageQueueThread_DCECI thread...
01      08/14/08 15:58:47.476           Connect failed Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: NO)
10      08/14/08 15:58:47.477           Added SDL_FULLSCREEN flag to the uSDLInitFlags
10      08/14/08 15:58:47.635           Initialized SDL
10      08/14/08 15:58:47.636           Added SDL_FULLSCREEN flag to the uVideoModeFlags
10      08/14/08 15:58:47.636           Inside WatchDogThread
05      08/14/08 15:58:47.638           Failed to set video mode (800 x 600): No video mode large enough for 800x600

and the orbiter sometimes just exits or otherwise segfaults.
The resolution in the orbiter definition is 800x480 and not 800x600, don't know why it tries to set it at 800x600
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on August 16, 2007, 06:17:07 PM
Strange ... It seems that you didn't reload router after the orbiter was generated. Be sure that you have correct resolution of the Orbiter's page - Size - 800 x 480, UI - Normal Horizontal, Skin - Basic. Try to re-build the Orbiter and reload router after that.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: dopey on August 19, 2007, 04:47:23 AM
I just wanted to mention that I did manage to get the latest deb installed on Hacker Edition. I'm not sure exactly why it wasn't working before, but it is now...

I still have to configure everything. I'm thinking I'll do that tomorrow (if not tomorrow the soon after) and then report back my results.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: caiman on August 20, 2007, 03:27:52 PM
Starting via Xterm showed the error. My WIFI network is on the outside interface of linuxMCE, and I was connecting the orbiter to the outside IP. This works fine with the windows orbiter, but on the 770 I was getting permission errors. I did not realize that there was a direct mysql connection form the orbiter to the core. Changing the destination address to the internal IP of the core fixed the problem.

The latest package worked well on on my OS2007 hacker edition and works also after I reverted to the official OS2006.

Many thanks, Michael, for putting this together. I'd like to send you some Belgian beers as a small gift  :)

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: caiman on August 21, 2007, 01:41:10 PM
I spoke a bit too quickly. It's working ok, except for text within the orbiter. Example: the title of the songs in the playlists etc are not shown at all. I only get a colored rectangle.

The package initially would not install because of a failing dependency on libsdl-ttf2, although that package was installed. So I had to dpkg -i --force-depends. Anyone else having this problem ?

(the offer for beers still holds though :)
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on August 22, 2007, 02:49:06 PM
Quote from: caiman on August 21, 2007, 01:41:10 PM
I spoke a bit too quickly. It's working ok, except for text within the orbiter. Example: the title of the songs in the playlists etc are not shown at all. I only get a colored rectangle.

The package initially would not install because of a failing dependency on libsdl-ttf2, although that package was installed. So I had to dpkg -i --force-depends. Anyone else having this problem ?

(the offer for beers still holds though :)

Just copy MS true type fonts from your core to Nokia770:
cp -r /usr/share/truetype/msttcorefonts root@<your_nokia_IP>:/usr/share/truetype
By default, nokia has root password 'rootme'. So, if you didn't change it yet it's time to do that :)
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on August 22, 2007, 03:00:08 PM
Quote from: caiman on August 20, 2007, 03:27:52 PM
Starting via Xterm showed the error. My WIFI network is on the outside interface of linuxMCE, and I was connecting the orbiter to the outside IP. This works fine with the windows orbiter, but on the 770 I was getting permission errors. I did not realize that there was a direct mysql connection form the orbiter to the core. Changing the destination address to the internal IP of the core fixed the problem.

The latest package worked well on on my OS2007 hacker edition and works also after I reverted to the official OS2006.

Many thanks, Michael, for putting this together. I'd like to send you some Belgian beers as a small gift  :)

Thanks, Sam. Nice to see that you Nokia works fine with LinuxMCE!
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: caiman on August 22, 2007, 08:50:55 PM
Indeed, copying the font files fixed it. I had forgotten to do that after re-flashing to OS2006.   
Thanks a million... This is really a superb orbiter    :)
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: dopey on August 24, 2007, 07:29:52 AM
I did test the Orbiter on Sunday, but it failed and I haven't the time to do anymore until now...

All the dependencies (that I aware of) are installed and I copied the fonts over. I still can't figure it out though. The only error message before the terminate says it couldn't find xset, but I'm pretty sure it was doing that before when I got it working.

Any ideas:
sh: /usr/bin/X11/xset: not found
sh: /usr/bin/X11/xset: not found
Copyright (C) 2004 Pluto, Inc., a Florida Corporation
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See the Pluto Public License for more details.

terminate called recursively
10      08/23/07 20:48:01.158           Device: 99 starting
10      08/23/07 20:48:01.207           Orbiter 0x233bc0 constructor
01      08/23/07 20:48:01.740           Badly formed message
01      08/23/07 20:48:01.740           **** dwStart: 1869488242
01      08/23/07 20:48:01.741           **** m_dwPK_Device_From: 1868963956
01      08/23/07 20:48:01.741           **** m_dwPK_Device_To: 6581877
01      08/23/07 20:48:01.741           **** m_dwPK_Device_Group_ID_To: 0
01      08/23/07 20:48:01.741           **** m_dwID: 0
01      08/23/07 20:48:01.742           **** m_dwPriority: 6789
01      08/23/07 20:48:01.742           **** m_dwMessage_Type: -256
01      08/23/07 20:48:01.742           **** m_dwPK_Device_Category_To: 47615
01      08/23/07 20:48:01.742           **** m_dwPK_Device_Template: 176633856
01      08/23/07 20:48:01.743           **** m_bIncludeChildren: 0
01      08/23/07 20:48:01.743           **** m_eBroadcastLevel: 2358792
01      08/23/07 20:48:01.743           **** m_bRelativeToSender: 0
01      08/23/07 20:48:01.743           **** m_eExpectedResponse: 1325400064
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on August 24, 2007, 09:55:48 AM
dopey, it seem that you run wrong version of the Orbiter. For LinuxMCE you should use LinuxMCE package not Plutohome! That's why there is a message:
QuoteBadly formed message
Be sure that you delete previous installed Plutohome Orbiter (if it was) or if you run the Orbiter from xtem check $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Maybe it points to wrong Orbiter's libraries.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: dopey on August 25, 2007, 12:07:34 AM
I could swear that I deleted the old version and installed the new one... I'll re-install and see if I just deleted the wrong file on accident... which is definitely possible...

Edit: I just double checked and application manager says I have installed... I'm going to re-download and re-install now anyhow and see if that helps...

Edit2: I guess I'll have to do that later as seems to be down...
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: dopey on August 25, 2007, 04:50:46 AM
I saw that you uploaded linuxmceorbiter-1.1-02_armel.deb a couple days ago so I gave that a try and it worked! It did crash after about 2 minutes, but it's definitely a start. I'm beginning to think that although 2007 Hacker Edition is more stable for some of the apps (like the Opera browser), but more unstable in other areas. I might give the standard 2006 a try and see if that makes the orbiter more stable.

I know that the WiFi connection can cause instability if it temporarily loses connection, but I'm about 6 feet away from my Access Point when I test so I doubt that's the issue.
Title: New version of the Orbiter is available!
Post by: nite_man on August 29, 2007, 01:42:35 PM
The new version of LMCE Orbiter 0704 is available on the maemo garage - (
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: mrothwell on August 29, 2007, 07:55:27 PM
Sorry to sound naive, but what functions are you able to use the 770 for with LMCE?
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on August 29, 2007, 10:59:19 PM
Quote from: mrothwell on August 29, 2007, 07:55:27 PM
Sorry to sound naive, but what functions are you able to use the 770 for with LMCE?

You can run on Nokia770/N800 LMCE Orbiter similar to on-screen Orbiter on the media director. LMCE allows to use any Windows-based PC to run the Orbiter. But UMPC such Samsung Q1 or Tablet PC like TabletKiosk Sahara too expensive (from $900). You can buy Nokia770 just for $140, the latest N800 - ~$400.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: tonycowan on August 31, 2007, 11:01:30 PM
I bought an n770 to use as an orbiter but I'm having trouble following the instructions on the site in order to install it.
Basically, I flashed the device with the latest 2006 OS, installed most of the dependencies, figured out how to put the device into "red pill" mode, installed the rest of the dependencies, but when I try to install the orbiter package itself, there is an unresolved dependency (libxmu6) which I am having a devil of a time tracking down. I see from posts in other forums that folks have had similar problems, even to the point where some kind sole posted up a copy for others to use. Naturally, it was posted on a "free" download site and has since expired and so is no longer available.
I'm hoping I'm going to be able to avoid installing a dev environment on a ubunto box just to build this one application ...
Any help appreciated ...

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: tonycowan on September 01, 2007, 12:29:42 AM
My bad ... I see in a previous post that the libxmu6 is "hidden" in the "bora" repository.
I added that repository and now I have a working orbiter on n770 ... now, as soon as I get my fiire station (, I'll be able to test it.

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on September 01, 2007, 11:53:01 PM
Thant's good, tonycowan, that you managed to install the Orbiter. libxmu6 is added to bora repository only but it works fine with OS 2006. I'd like to suggest you to try OS2007 Hacker Edition. It offers some useful features such as automatic connection to WiFi access point and big number ported libraries..
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: dopey on September 08, 2007, 06:19:02 AM
Ok, it's been a while since I lasted posted on this subject. But I've recently got some time to work on it so here it goes:

I know I said I would install OS2006 to see if that helps my stability problem. Before I did that, however, I figured I'd gather some more information about what the orbiter is acutally doing as it has issues.

It can take anywhere between 3 - 20 seconds (never less) for anything to happen when you press a button on the orbiter. I ran top and noticed that maemo-launcher constantly eats up 25-50% of the CPU. I was able to get to the video screen where it listed all the videos (after waiting about 20 seconds). The video screen was very slow at operating anything. When selecting a video it completely locks up. I was running top while it was doing this and I noticed that the media player was running. Of course, that's as far as I can get as it's becomes unresponsive at that point.

That's when it's in it's "working" state. It often crashes completely and will even take xterm with it at times. One time I noticed after it completely crashed I lost net connection (ssh died and couldn't connect) even though the WLAN monitor said I was connected. Once I disconnected and reconnected I was able to ssh back into it.

I'm going to try OS2006 in a bit, but I'm going to take a break from this one for a little while.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on September 10, 2007, 06:51:21 AM
2dopey: please, run the orbiter from the xterm and store all output in the file:
Orbiter -r <core IP> -d <Orbiter ID> > ~/MyDocs/.documents/orbiter.log 2>&1
and send me the file or attach it here.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: tschak909 on September 11, 2007, 03:24:32 PM
any news on this? The Orbiter ran insanely slow for me as well on OS2007-HackerEdition, performance improved when i moved to for stability, it seems only occasionally (maybe once a heavy session of pushing buttons, the orbiter will lose connection with the router, at which point it drops me back to a login screen, I hit connect again, and all is well....

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on September 11, 2007, 04:19:14 PM
I just got Nokia770 back. So, I'll able to play with it a bit. N800 works fast and stable (much more than 770).
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: dopey on September 12, 2007, 07:16:21 AM
Sorry, I do want to do this and send you the log, but my core died yesterday. I'm had to re-enable one of my other routers just to get the net back up. Hopefully I'll have my core back up and running by tomorrow... of course that assumes that only the power supply died and it didn't take the motherboard with it... If I have to buy another motherboard then I'm it might take longer -- I put a lot of thought into the kind of motherboards I get.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: totallymaxed on September 15, 2007, 02:28:51 PM
Quote from: dopey on September 08, 2007, 06:19:02 AM
Ok, it's been a while since I lasted posted on this subject. But I've recently got some time to work on it so here it goes:

I know I said I would install OS2006 to see if that helps my stability problem. Before I did that, however, I figured I'd gather some more information about what the orbiter is acutally doing as it has issues.

It can take anywhere between 3 - 20 seconds (never less) for anything to happen when you press a button on the orbiter. I ran top and noticed that maemo-launcher constantly eats up 25-50% of the CPU. I was able to get to the video screen where it listed all the videos (after waiting about 20 seconds). The video screen was very slow at operating anything. When selecting a video it completely locks up. I was running top while it was doing this and I noticed that the media player was running. Of course, that's as far as I can get as it's becomes unresponsive at that point.

That's when it's in it's "working" state. It often crashes completely and will even take xterm with it at times. One time I noticed after it completely crashed I lost net connection (ssh died and couldn't connect) even though the WLAN monitor said I was connected. Once I disconnected and reconnected I was able to ssh back into it.

I'm going to try OS2006 in a bit, but I'm going to take a break from this one for a little while.

I got nite_man's N770 Orbiter running on our N770 under OS2006 (latest release) a day or so back. I had a few problems with getting the correct repos added but nite_man helped with that!

It works really nicely and my experience is that under OS2006 it s pretty stable. It has failed a few times but often this was when several reload routers were done in quick succession and also sometimes I  think the WiFi connection can the problem.

Overall its great and everyone that has seen it has loved it.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: tschak909 on September 15, 2007, 05:41:12 PM
well for me, it takes on average about 2 to 4 seconds for a screen update under OS2006 when changing screens... is this normal?

Also, for some reason, the orbiter will randomly stop responding, and drop out to the log-in screen again. I can press start orbiter again, and it will log back in with no problems, but I find myself doing this quite frequently..again is this normal???

I wanted to use OS2007, but for some reason, the last time I did, it was sooo much slower. :-( I hope this thing can be faster someday, the 770/N800 make a GREAT orbiter, especially for non-media home control.

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: totallymaxed on September 15, 2007, 05:59:08 PM
Quote from: tschak909 on September 15, 2007, 05:41:12 PM
well for me, it takes on average about 2 to 4 seconds for a screen update under OS2006 when changing screens... is this normal?

Also, for some reason, the orbiter will randomly stop responding, and drop out to the log-in screen again. I can press start orbiter again, and it will log back in with no problems, but I find myself doing this quite frequently..again is this normal???

I wanted to use OS2007, but for some reason, the last time I did, it was sooo much slower. :-( I hope this thing can be faster someday, the 770/N800 make a GREAT orbiter, especially for non-media home control.


Our experience is of the speed of screen updates ie when changing from the home menu to say the lighting floorplan is takes on average about 1-2 secs to update the screen. Responses to commands ie 'Play'  or 'Pause' DVD or swtiching channels on TV is that the commands are as fast as they would be on an MD.

Nite_man has both the N770 and the N800 and he feels the N800 is significantly fatster and more stable. My feeling is that some of the situations where you are dumped back into the log-in screen are caused by WiFi issues... the Orbiter code is intolerant of this kind of connectivity drop-out. This is an area where I think the Orbiter code needs some work.

But overall its far better than the WinCE Orbiter... and in our experience more stable and importantly provides the full UI1 Orbiter UI on a very well designed and engineered piece of hardware. Just compare what companies like AMX etc charge for kind of capability!!!
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: tschak909 on September 16, 2007, 12:06:30 AM
dude! my access 7....feet.....away.....

and you're telling me it's wifi issues? ....jeebus... if it were in another room, i might buy that.

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: totallymaxed on September 16, 2007, 01:39:57 AM
Quote from: tschak909 on September 16, 2007, 12:06:30 AM
dude! my access 7....feet.....away.....

and you're telling me it's wifi issues? ....jeebus... if it were in another room, i might buy that.


Yep I am... it happens with WinCE Orbiters and to a lesser extent with Symbian as well. Its got very little to do with distance and more to do with the Orbiter's sensitivity to even small increases in latency. Thats why their is a tick box when you create an Orbiter manually in Web Admin for WiFi connected devices. This problem has been there for a long time, back in the early Pluto days.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: tschak909 on September 16, 2007, 03:18:10 AM
yup, i have that checked.

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: totallymaxed on September 16, 2007, 09:28:34 AM
Quote from: tschak909 on September 16, 2007, 03:18:10 AM
yup, i have that checked.


...but that check box is not a complete fix. It makes it better (try it with the check box off ;-) )but does not fix the problem.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on September 18, 2007, 06:41:22 PM
The problem with crashing of Orbiter is related with loosing of WiFi connection. I don't understand why it happens. But sometimes I cannot even ping my 770 which is one meter from access point. After one-two minutes it appear in the ping. I didn't face with that problem on N800. So, I suspect that something wrong with WiFi implementation on Nokia770. I have to dig Maemo mail list to solve that.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: totallymaxed on September 19, 2007, 11:56:21 AM
Quote from: nite_man on September 18, 2007, 06:41:22 PM
The problem with crashing of Orbiter is related with loosing of WiFi connection. I don't understand why it happens. But sometimes I cannot even ping my 770 which is one meter from access point. After one-two minutes it appear in the ping. I didn't face with that problem on N800. So, I suspect that something wrong with WiFi implementation on Nokia770. I have to dig Maemo mail list to solve that.

Thats strange. We don't see that problem here as far as I know with our 770. The WiFi seems rock solid as far as we can tell. We don't have an 800 here yet to compare with though.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on September 19, 2007, 01:13:02 PM
QuoteThats strange. We don't see that problem here as far as I know with our 770. The WiFi seems rock solid as far as we can tell. We don't have an 800 here yet to compare with though.

That's true. But I have a lot of cases when connection manager shows hight level of WiFi signal but device cannot be even pinged (no orbiter application run on it at that time). I already reported that problem in the Maemo mail list. One of possibility of that problem can be WLAN Power Save Mode which is used on Nokia770. Some AP cannot work with that mode correctly. Anyway, I'm digging that problem and I hope together with Maemo guru we'll find solution.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: totallymaxed on September 19, 2007, 02:04:46 PM
Quote from: nite_man on September 19, 2007, 01:13:02 PM
QuoteThats strange. We don't see that problem here as far as I know with our 770. The WiFi seems rock solid as far as we can tell. We don't have an 800 here yet to compare with though.

That's true. But I have a lot of cases when connection manager shows hight level of WiFi signal but device cannot be even pinged (no orbiter application run on it at that time). I already reported that problem in the Maemo mail list. One of possibility of that problem can be WLAN Power Save Mode which is used on Nokia770. Some AP cannot work with that mode correctly. Anyway, I'm digging that problem and I hope together with Maemo guru we'll find solution.

OK... sounds good. We'll keep monitoring the 770 as we use it  in demo's / testing and see if we notice any moments where the Orbiter app has any connectivity issues.

One thing we have noticed is that in the Media Floor plan if we have several MD's playing media the MD icon's on the Floorplan do not get coloured correctly. They always stay black instead of the colour of the Media they are playing. The Media list does have the correct colour by the way. Just thought I'd mention this... its a minor thing but it would be good to get a fix foe this.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: tschak909 on September 19, 2007, 03:21:15 PM
I have noticed this, as well, now that you mention it.

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: chrisbirkinshaw on September 24, 2007, 01:48:47 PM
Is there any hope of getting follow-me to work with this device? Perhaps a BT connection could be opened and used for proximity detection but the wi-fi used for the orbiter?

This would be very cool....!
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: darrenmason on September 27, 2007, 07:48:11 AM
Ok, finally got one of these things. It scores highly on the gadget scale. My wife wasn't overly impressed that I had added another 'toy' to the collection...but anyway.

Started to install the Orbiter on it last night as per nite_man's website instructions.
Got up to the point where it was missing the libxmu6 and it wasn't in any repositories. At that stage it was late so I went to bed - now that I have read through this thread it looks like it is easily fixed by adding the bora repository, so hopefully should be quite straightforward to get working tonight.

Anyway, the point of my post. I have noticed (as other seem to have) that I get connection dropouts using the browser fairly regularly and it seems to be fine after it reconnects - but this obviously slows things down - and by the sounds of it will wreak havoc with the orbiter.
TotallMaxed doesn't seem to have these problems, and others seem to be less affected by it. Could you guys please reply with details of your wireless access points and any special setup that was done on it.

I have managed to avoid wireless up to this point as my house was relatively easy to wire but I went and bought a Linksys WRT54G esecially for the Nokia 770. I think I have set it up with pretty much the standard settings and it is using WPA2. The nokia finds it OK (although I thought range would be better) but if other have advice for optimising this setup then it would be appreciated.
Wondering about the Power Saving talk people were discussing. Couldn't recall seeing anything in setup regarding this so not sure about the Linksys support for this.
Perhaps installing OpenWRT on the access point might give better results... Anyone???

Looking forward to using as an Orbiter. I am very impressed with the screen on these things and as the price drops they are positioning themselves as the perfect orbiter.

Agree, using Bluetooth for 'FollowMe' similar to Mobile Orbiter would be nice, other things that are springing to mind now are;
* Extend it to a full linucMCE machine with its own launcher (similar to MediaDirector) so that it can run other devices. It would obviously make a good Asterisk extension and it would sometimes be nice to have it play media itself (sort of a mobile Media Director).
The core could have a device that streams media for it and scales on the fly???
* Move the code and binaries into the linuxMCE repositories and setup an Orbiter device template that reacts to Plug'n'Play - this would bring the masses

Anyway , enough ranting

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on September 27, 2007, 09:02:14 AM
Quote from: chrisbirkinshaw on September 24, 2007, 01:48:47 PM
Is there any hope of getting follow-me to work with this device? Perhaps a BT connection could be opened and used for proximity detection but the wi-fi used for the orbiter?

This would be very cool....!

If I understand clearly it's too difficult use the function 'Follow Me'  with any Bluetooth devices. Because the range of Bluetooth is too big. How the system will understand which MD you want to use if, for example, three of them can see your Bluetooth device? IMHO more appropriate way is to use manual switching like on FiireChief or using Orbiter  functionality -  press button "F" on the media screen and choose desired room.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on September 27, 2007, 09:09:03 AM
2Darren: I'm thinking about automation of process of Orbiter installation. Probably, I'll create a simple application with will download and install all dependencies. For the end of users it'll be the best solution. Also, I'm going to improve it a bit: add checking of WiFi connection and restart the Orbiter automatically (similar way as it's done for XP Orbiter).

As many people told me in the Maemo mailing list the problem with WiFi connection on the Nokia770 most probably related with WLAN Power Save Mode. I use DLink DI-524 Wireless Router and I didn't find any information about that feature there.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: totallymaxed on September 27, 2007, 11:36:32 AM
Quote from: nite_man on September 27, 2007, 09:09:03 AM
2Darren: I'm thinking about automation of process of Orbiter installation. Probably, I'll create a simple application with will download and install all dependencies. For the end of users it'll be the best solution. Also, I'm going to improve it a bit: add checking of WiFi connection and restart the Orbiter automatically (similar way as it's done for XP Orbiter).

As many people told me in the Maemo mailing list the problem with WiFi connection on the Nokia770 most probably related with WLAN Power Save Mode. I use DLink DI-524 Wireless Router and I didn't find any information about that feature there.

Making the install more accessible to people would be a good idea I agree.

As to WiFi drop-outs etc... we don't seem to have many problems with those here on 770. We are Using NetGear WGR614 WiFi AP's mainly and these seem to work fine for us. We have used the default Wifi setup as far as I know. In Web Admin we do select the 'Uses Wifi networking' check-box when creating the Orbiter for the N770's - but thats about all we do.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: Stingly on October 07, 2007, 10:40:37 PM
I'm really looking forward to an easy way to get this working! Any idea how long it will take before its ready? I'm far too much of a linux noob to do it all manually, but if we're looking at months of development then I may have to give it a go!

I've bought a 770 purely to use as an orbiter! :D
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on October 22, 2007, 08:57:16 AM
Quote from: Stingly on October 07, 2007, 10:40:37 PM
I'm really looking forward to an easy way to get this working! Any idea how long it will take before its ready? I'm far too much of a linux noob to do it all manually, but if we're looking at months of development then I may have to give it a go!

I've bought a 770 purely to use as an orbiter! :D

All Orbiter dependencies are in the Maemo extra repository. So, you can easily install them using Application Manager. Just download the latest version of the Orbiter package for your OS and install it. That's it. I suspect it should take 30 minutes maximum to setup the Orbiter.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: darrenmason on October 23, 2007, 02:36:37 AM

Excellent, This should make it far more accessible to people.

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: chrisbirkinshaw on October 24, 2007, 12:42:39 PM
Can someone give me their package repository list? I have added the maemo standard free/non-free and the maemo extra free/non-free but it still can't find dependencies for linuxmce orbiter.

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on October 24, 2007, 02:45:07 PM
Quote from: chrisbirkinshaw on October 24, 2007, 12:42:39 PM
Can someone give me their package repository list? I have added the maemo standard free/non-free and the maemo extra free/non-free but it still can't find dependencies for linuxmce orbiter.

What package is missed? What OS do you use? If you cannot find some package you can still download it from maemo garage - (
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: chrisbirkinshaw on October 24, 2007, 07:35:34 PM
I had to install every package from file despite the repository being there and the update repositories working without any error messages.

Now the software still won't install as the following are missing:


However, I have installed linsdl-gfx several times and each time it says it failed without leaving anything in the application manager log.

Can someone tell me the correct steps from a fresh OS 2006 image? I must have done something in the wrong order. I am going to wipe it and start again.


Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on October 24, 2007, 10:24:01 PM
I tested repositories for bora only (I use os2007 Hacker Edition). So, here is my suggestion for os2006:

- libsdl-gfx1.2 - download it from Maemo garage and install manually. I have to check that package.
- libxmu6 - it's included into Maemo extra repository for bora ,not for mistral or gregale.
- libsdl-ttf2.0-0 - it should be in the repository also, but, please, download it also from maemo garage.

I also highly recommend to use os2007 the latest Hacker Edition. It's stable and has very useful feature - automation connection to the WiFi access point.

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: darrenmason on October 25, 2007, 12:51:12 AM

Performance-wise, is os2007 any better or worse?

There were some comments previously that it slowed down dramatically when used in os2007 but they were still investigating. Can't remember if there was a conclusion to that.

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: mickg on October 25, 2007, 08:10:42 AM

I have a nokia n800 with OS2007.26-8, and i try to install pluto orbiter. I have installed all the depedencies (with repository) except libmysqlclient12 and libsdl-gfx1.2 : "unable to install ...".
When i try to install the package linuxmceorbiter-0704-03_armel.deb, it's notify application packages missing


Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: mickg on October 25, 2007, 08:21:45 AM
Problem resolved. It was download error for the 2 files...
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on October 25, 2007, 09:32:27 AM
Quote from: darrenmason on October 25, 2007, 12:51:12 AM
Performance-wise, is os2007 any better or worse?

There were some comments previously that it slowed down dramatically when used in os2007 but they were still investigating. Can't remember if there was a conclusion to that.

The first version of os2007 Hacker Edition was very bad - too unstable and too slowly. But the latest release is improved a lot. So, I use it on my Nokia770 without any problems. But note that I don't use 770 actively to browse Internet, read RSS or for other personal tasks. Mainly I run the Orbiter there and it works fine under Hacker Edition.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: darrenmason on October 26, 2007, 01:00:51 AM
Quote from: nite_man on October 25, 2007, 09:32:27 AM

The first version of os2007 Hacker Edition was very bad - too unstable and too slowly. But the latest release is improved a lot. So, I use it on my Nokia770 without any problems. But note that I don't use 770 actively to browse Internet, read RSS or for other personal tasks. Mainly I run the Orbiter there and it works fine under Hacker Edition.

Thanks Michael, I will try and give it a go this weekend...
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: tschak909 on October 28, 2007, 08:10:04 PM
I flashed OS2007 HE on my Nokia 770, and the stability just went to shit.

it reboots intermittently, especially inside the Orbiter.....and it bombs out even more than it does in OS2006, except this time, it will completely crash the application and drop me back to the desktop?

Are these issues with the Nokia orbiter EVER going to be fixed?

This thing is useless as an orbiter. I would be pissed if I had spent more $$$ than I did on it.

Ironically, my mobile phone works much better as an orbiter, more stable, usable... but I love the full orbiter panel. I really really really wish there could be a stable solution.

Do we all just get N800/810s??? and write the Nokia 770 off as, a nice toy, dice? or do we fix this fucking software? oh right... nobody knows how to...Pluto wrote it, not us.

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: totallymaxed on October 29, 2007, 12:56:02 AM
Quote from: tschak909 on October 28, 2007, 08:10:04 PM
I flashed OS2007 HE on my Nokia 770, and the stability just went to shit.

it reboots intermittently, especially inside the Orbiter.....and it bombs out even more than it does in OS2006, except this time, it will completely crash the application and drop me back to the desktop?

Are these issues with the Nokia orbiter EVER going to be fixed?

This thing is useless as an orbiter. I would be pissed if I had spent more $$$ than I did on it.

Ironically, my mobile phone works much better as an orbiter, more stable, usable... but I love the full orbiter panel. I really really really wish there could be a stable solution.

Do we all just get N800/810s??? and write the Nokia 770 off as, a nice toy, dice? or do we fix this fucking software? oh right... nobody knows how to...Pluto wrote it, not us.


Well... our experience is that under OS2006 the N770 runs very stable and the Orbiter is also very stable. I'm not posting this for any other reason than to point out that the N770 + Orbiter is better than your current installation would lead you to believe.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: tschak909 on October 29, 2007, 02:28:56 AM
even under OS2006, it kept bombing out to the login screen, that is annoying as hell..and the big reason I switched to OS2007 was the ability to automatically reconnect if the 770 gets rebooted...

so, what do I do to enhance stability?

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on October 29, 2007, 07:25:40 AM
Quote from: tschak909 on October 28, 2007, 08:10:04 PM
I flashed OS2007 HE on my Nokia 770, and the stability just went to shit.

it reboots intermittently, especially inside the Orbiter.....and it bombs out even more than it does in OS2006, except this time, it will completely crash the application and drop me back to the desktop?

Are these issues with the Nokia orbiter EVER going to be fixed?

This thing is useless as an orbiter. I would be pissed if I had spent more $$$ than I did on it.

Ironically, my mobile phone works much better as an orbiter, more stable, usable... but I love the full orbiter panel. I really really really wish there could be a stable solution.

Do we all just get N800/810s??? and write the Nokia 770 off as, a nice toy, dice? or do we fix this fucking software? oh right...

Dear Tom, first of all I'd like to ask you give more respect for people who develop Plutohome, LMCE and third-part software. If you have some trouble, please, explain your problem more details - to share your emotions you can find better place.

Regarding the Orbiter on Nokia770. I already explained the problem many times. There is a weak WiFi support by device (sometimes I cannot login to 770 which is placed near access point but device shows high quality signal). As Nokia guys mentioned in the maemo mail list it can be because access point is not support WLAN Power Save Mode properly. So, as you may see nothing related with the Orbiter implementation.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: tschak909 on October 29, 2007, 07:39:26 AM
ok, fine...doesn't matter


Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: totallymaxed on October 29, 2007, 07:41:58 AM
Quote from: nite_man on October 29, 2007, 07:25:40 AM
Quote from: tschak909 on October 28, 2007, 08:10:04 PM
I flashed OS2007 HE on my Nokia 770, and the stability just went to shit.

it reboots intermittently, especially inside the Orbiter.....and it bombs out even more than it does in OS2006, except this time, it will completely crash the application and drop me back to the desktop?

Are these issues with the Nokia orbiter EVER going to be fixed?

This thing is useless as an orbiter. I would be pissed if I had spent more $$$ than I did on it.

Ironically, my mobile phone works much better as an orbiter, more stable, usable... but I love the full orbiter panel. I really really really wish there could be a stable solution.

Do we all just get N800/810s??? and write the Nokia 770 off as, a nice toy, dice? or do we fix this fucking software? oh right...

Dear Tom, first of all I'd like to ask you give more respect for people who develop Plutohome, LMCE and third-part software. If you have some trouble, please, explain your problem more details - to share your emotions you can find better place.

Regarding the Orbiter on Nokia770. I already explained the problem many times. There is a weak WiFi support by device (sometimes I cannot login to 770 which is placed near access point but device shows high quality signal). As Nokia guys mentioned in the maemo mail list it can be because access point is not support WLAN Power Save Mode properly. So, as you may see nothing related with the Orbiter implementation.

I second nite_man's comments above. Just chilll out a little ;-)

As nite_man suggests try another AP... we've use mostly NetGear AP's in our testing and they work fine with the N770. Maybe thats a place to start.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: chrisbirkinshaw on October 30, 2007, 01:28:56 PM
I have managed to get the orbiter installed on OS 206 on my Nokia 770. I had to uninstall the version of libsdl-gfx1.2 installed by the package manager and install the one downloaded from the pluto-orbiter garage page. For some reason with the package manager installed version whenever I tried to install the orbiter it failed the dependency check saying libsdl-gfx1.2 was not installed!

I then created a new orbiter in the web page and reloaded the router, and then entered that device ID into the nokia orbiter start up screen along with the core IP address, but when I click start orbiter nothing happens. The application goes white after a while and crashes.

Any ideas?

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on October 30, 2007, 02:48:20 PM
Chris, be sure that you connect to WiFi access point before starting the Orbiter. Also, to see what happened you can run the Orbiter from the command line (run xterm first):

> Orbiter -r -d 30 > ~/MyDoc/.documents/orbiter.log 2>&1

and attach the log here of send me by email - michael at stepanoff dot org. Sure you should replace IP and ID by your own.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: chrisbirkinshaw on October 31, 2007, 05:29:26 PM
DOH! - it was a firewall issue!!

I have got the orbiter running but have also found that it crashes after a while. What's more infuriating is that sometimes button presses are instant but sometimes it becomes completely unresponsive. I would try one of my other APs, but I can't seem to get WPA2 working with this device and my Apple wireless APs. It just says "authentication failure". Has anyone else has WPA2 problems? I have tried using a password and also using a pre shared key.

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: tschak909 on November 04, 2007, 05:54:34 AM
Okay, re-flashed and re-set back up my OS2006 setup.. Orbiter a lot more stable.. still bombing out frequently.. I will try another AP next...

also, oddly enough, responsiveness is okay for the first few moments of using the device
but i find as i do more keystrokes, the system gets slower...and slower....and slower....
until the orbiter completely bombs out.. why is this?

also, is there _ANY_ way in hell to make my own FIASCO image? I'd just like to make an image I could flash onto a fresh unit without going through the hell of installing this software...because, believe me... it at the least could be made a LOT easier to install if anyone cared... but I guess it's "Gee, i've got it installed, so why should I bother helping to make the install process easier for others?" Yes, I am being a bit snappy, it's the cause of much frustration built up over trying to use this damned thing as an orbiter...and all I've ever gotten from any of you, is "Gee, try another AP." THAT'S NOT A REAL ANSWER, and I really honestly, don't buy it... but I'll try....

I mean, really.. this version of the orbiter is somewhat hobbled, are we just waiting for Pluto to fix it? or is someone actively making changes to the code?

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on November 05, 2007, 09:27:41 AM
I'm thinking about possibility to build a standard image for Nokia with LinuxMCE Orbiter. Another good choice might be building a custom image which allows to run the Orbiter only. I not a guru in the maemo. So, any help will be appreciated.

Regarding the code of the Orbiter. Currently Pluthome team cares about it. But since they don't produce a production version of Nokia Orbiter I do that work: patch the code and build the package. So, I also will be very appreciated for any help C++ folks.

And finally, to trace your problem, Tom, we can do following:
1) Download that version of the Orbiter with debug mode ON - (
2) Untar it somewhere in the device.
3) Go to created directory. You should see two subdirectories here: bin and lib.
4) Specify the path to the new libraries:
5) Run the Orbiter from the command line and redirect its out put in the log:
      ./bin/Orbiter -r core_IP -d Orbiter_ID > orbiter.log 2>&1
6) Send me the log by email: michael[at]stepanoff[dot]org

As I see the bottle neck for Nokia770 is playing video. In my case the Orbiter crashes  when I try to play some DVD because (it's just a guessing) it should display a DVD menu. So, any useful debug info will be useful to solve that.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: tschak909 on November 05, 2007, 04:31:45 PM
Okay, I'll download it when I get home...

Oddly enough, I seem to be able to view the dvd menus fine, if a bit slow... it does tend to crash after a few moments of that....

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: hari on November 05, 2007, 06:11:27 PM
Quote from: tschak909 on November 04, 2007, 05:54:34 AM
Yes, I am being a bit snappy, it's the cause of much frustration built up over trying to use this damned thing as an orbiter...and all I've ever gotten from any of you, is "Gee, try another AP." THAT'S NOT A REAL ANSWER, and I really honestly, don't buy it... but I'll try....

I mean, really.. this version of the orbiter is somewhat hobbled, are we just waiting for Pluto to fix it? or is someone actively making changes to the code?


all people involved spend their leasure time to improve LinuxMCE. Use the source, Luke, and stop bit****.

The problem is the following: early 802.11b APs (and others, some vendors even don't manage it today) have big bugs in the power management routines. The AP should cache packets for the client while it is asleep for short periods. Bad APs didn't cache properly or simply sent the packets out while the client does not listen on the air.
So yes, the source of your flaky connection with the N770 is your AP. THIS IS THE ANSWER.

Step one: Deactivate power management and be stunned by the improvements
Step two: look at the source and improve the code
Step three: ?
Step four: profit ;)

best regards,
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: tschak909 on November 05, 2007, 06:22:31 PM
Just for the record, I'm using a brand new Linksys 802.11N router/AP

and yes, I am an open source developer. But I've also been in situations where communities have inherited LARGE code-bases and have been ineffective in maintaining or extending them. This is my fear with this code-base.

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: hari on November 05, 2007, 06:43:59 PM
Quote from: tschak909 on November 05, 2007, 06:22:31 PM
Just for the record, I'm using a brand new Linksys 802.11N router/AP
Just for the record, i prefer the aironet line from this vendor. As you can read in my post: some vendors even don't manage it today.
I don't know if this model is affected. But cheapo hardware often doesn't get the trick..

Quote from: tschak909 on November 05, 2007, 06:22:31 PM
and yes, I am an open source developer. But I've also been in situations where communities have inherited LARGE code-bases and have been ineffective in maintaining or extending them. This is my fear with this code-base.
I don't share your fears. But don't let this go off topic. Did you even try to disable power management with iwconfig? Maybe it's lunch time for trolls?

Step one: man iwconfig:
Examples :
                   iwconfig eth0 power period 2
                   iwconfig eth0 power 500m unicast
                   iwconfig eth0 power timeout 300u all
                   iwconfig eth0 power off
                   iwconfig eth0 power min period 2 power max period 4
Step two: iwconfig <interface> power off
Step three: test with ping (both sides), tcpdump and the debug settings recommended in this post

best regards,
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: tschak909 on November 05, 2007, 06:50:31 PM
I apologise coming off snappish... just built up frustrations.. i love this system, it's amazing beyond belief.. but i also see its flaws, and the two grind up against each other in my head..and sometimes I just get angry.. blah.. anyway.. thanks for the suggestions.

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: hari on November 05, 2007, 07:00:49 PM
Quote from: tschak909 on November 05, 2007, 06:50:31 PM
I apologise coming off snappish... just built up frustrations..
no prob, we are all human, are we?

anyway.. thanks for the suggestions.
hope this helps.

best regards,
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: chrisbirkinshaw on November 26, 2007, 09:04:14 PM
I tried disabling power management using iwconfig but my problems persist. Running a constant ping test shows my pings are between 2-3ms most of the time but perhaps 1% are in the region of 10-14ms. Can having 1 ping every now and then which takes 14ms really explain why the Orbiter keeps freezing and crashing?

Several times now the orbiter has quite back to the connection screen, or shut down the device altogether. When it is running it's not much use as it will work fine for 30 secs then suddenly stop responding.

To the people using the suggest APs - does this stop the orbiter crashing? What version of the OS are you using?



Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: darrenmason on November 27, 2007, 12:15:38 AM

Just some feedback, not sure if it helps.

I am using a Linksys WRT54G, purely as an access point and was having really bad problems (connectivity would only work for < 1 min) and sometimes would not connect at all. This made the orbiter useless.

As I was getting network problems even on web browsing I was suspect of the whole 770 device or the Access point. Did a bit of searching and found some explicit instructions for setting this device up as an access point, so I did a hard reset and followed this almost exactly - only difference being I changed the wireless channel from the default of 11 to 3 as I had read other people had said this had improved things.

The result was fantastic. I can now get a connection from anywhere in the house (or back yard), have not had it drop out once and a result is the Orbiter is good. Still not prefect, as it will drop back to the start screen occasionally - but certainly usable.

I am still running os2006 image that came with the device.


Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: PeteK on November 27, 2007, 07:12:55 AM
Quote from: mickg on October 25, 2007, 08:10:42 AM

I have a nokia n800 with OS2007.26-8, and i try to install pluto orbiter. I have installed all the depedencies (with repository) except libmysqlclient12 and libsdl-gfx1.2 : "unable to install ...".
When i try to install the package linuxmceorbiter-0704-03_armel.deb, it's notify application packages missing



Quote from: mickg on October 25, 2007, 08:21:45 AM
Problem resolved. It was download error for the 2 files...

Hi.  I'm having the same problem, so hopefully you  (or Michael) can help.

I've gotten all the dependencies installed except for libmysqlclient and libsdl-gfx.  When I tried clicking them in Michael's Maemo garage repository and selecting "install" I get an error that says unable to install.  I tried downloading them and using "install from file" in application manager, but I get the same error. Can you tell me what your issue was and how you fixed it?  I'm running an n800 with OS2007 .

-Pete K
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on November 27, 2007, 10:31:58 AM
I've gotten all the dependencies installed except for libmysqlclient and libsdl-gfx.  When I tried clicking them in Michael's Maemo garage repository and selecting "install" I get an error that says unable to install.  I tried downloading them and using "install from file" in application manager, but I get the same error. Can you tell me what your issue was and how you fixed it?  I'm running an n800 with OS2007 .

Strange. I understand that something can be wrong with libmysqlclient and libsdl-gfx from the repository. But in maemo garage you can find 100% working versions. Be sure that you downloaded  libmysqlclient and libsdl-gfx from OS2006 section (they are suitable for both OS2006 and OS2007) and not form OS2005!

Another thing which can help me fix the problem. Try to install those packages from the command line:
1. Run xterm.
2. Became a root: sudo gainroot
3. Run dpkg -i <package name>
4. Copy output and post it here of send me by email - michael[at]stepanoff[dot]org
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: hari on November 27, 2007, 10:46:28 AM
maybe the reverse proxy from maemo is delivering chopped files ;)

i can send you the files if needed,

best regards,
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: PeteK on November 27, 2007, 05:29:07 PM

Thanks for the help.  I'll try installing from the command line when I get home.  Actually, this raises another question.  Excuse my ignorance (I just got the n800 last night), but is Xterm part of the default image or do I need to pull it from one of the repositories?

Pete K
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on November 27, 2007, 06:34:01 PM
Quote from: PeteK on November 27, 2007, 05:29:07 PM
Excuse my ignorance (I just got the n800 last night), but is Xterm part of the default image or do I need to pull it from one of the repositories?

Not sure but if add Maemo Extras repository you'll able to install xterm, ssh and much more. Check that page with updated information about all Maemo repositories - (
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: tschak909 on November 27, 2007, 06:45:44 PM
from what i'm seeing with the orbiter, i think memory is becoming a wee bit tight, and causing the whole system to slow down.

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: PeteK on November 28, 2007, 07:09:02 AM
Quote from: nite_man on November 27, 2007, 10:31:58 AM
I've gotten all the dependencies installed except for libmysqlclient and libsdl-gfx.  When I tried clicking them in Michael's Maemo garage repository and selecting "install" I get an error that says unable to install.  I tried downloading them and using "install from file" in application manager, but I get the same error. Can you tell me what your issue was and how you fixed it?  I'm running an n800 with OS2007 .

Strange. I understand that something can be wrong with libmysqlclient and libsdl-gfx from the repository. But in maemo garage you can find 100% working versions. Be sure that you downloaded  libmysqlclient and libsdl-gfx from OS2006 section (they are suitable for both OS2006 and OS2007) and not form OS2005!

Another thing which can help me fix the problem. Try to install those packages from the command line:
1. Run xterm.
2. Became a root: sudo gainroot
3. Run dpkg -i <package name>
4. Copy output and post it here of send me by email - michael[at]stepanoff[dot]org

I downloaded both packages from the 2006 section of your page on the maemo garage by clicking on the links in the browser on the N800 and selecting 'save'. 
Installing from the command line gives
/home/user/MyDocs/.documents # dpkg -i libmysqlclient12_4.0.24-10sarge2_armel.deb
(Reading database ... 12846 files and directories currently installed.)

Unpacking libmysqlclient12 (from libmysqlclient12_4.0.24-10sarge2_armel.deb) ...
dpkg: error processing libmysqlclient12_4.0.24-10sarge2_armel.deb (--install):
corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Errors were encountered while processing:

/home/user/MyDocs/.documents # ls libmysqlclient12_4.0.24-10sarge2_armel
-rwxr-xr-x    1 user     users     1210240 Nov 27 21:37 libmysqlclient12_4.0.24-10sarge2_armel

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on November 28, 2007, 09:23:41 AM
Something wrong with the file. I downloaded it from garage to my desktop and its size is different:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 michael michael 305472 2007-11-28 09:57 /home/michael/tmp/libmysqlclient12_4.0.24-10sarge2_armel.deb
People on the internettalk claimed that there is some problem with Maemo server and Opera on the Internet Tablet ( (
QuoteAs I wrote, install works as long as you don't download from using Opera on the tablet. Must be some weird config problem of the web server of You can download the deb from another machine and transport to the tablet for installing.
Try to download that package on your desktop and then copy it to the Tablet via ssh. Another thing you can do try to install libmysqlclient12 from the command line using apt-get:
> sudo gaingroot
> apt-get install libmysqlclient12
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: chrisbirkinshaw on November 28, 2007, 01:21:38 PM
Quote from: tschak909 on November 27, 2007, 06:45:44 PM
from what i'm seeing with the orbiter, i think memory is becoming a wee bit tight, and causing the whole system to slow down.


This makes a lot more sense to me. I'm not seeing any problems with network connectivity while web browsing or conducting a ping test, but as soon as I launch orbiter the device becomes unstable and eventually hangs completely. I am going to go back to 2006 and see if this helps.

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: PeteK on November 29, 2007, 06:54:50 AM
Quote from: nite_man on November 28, 2007, 09:23:41 AM
Something wrong with the file. I downloaded it from garage to my desktop and its size is different:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 michael michael 305472 2007-11-28 09:57 /home/michael/tmp/libmysqlclient12_4.0.24-10sarge2_armel.deb
People on the internettalk claimed that there is some problem with Maemo server and Opera on the Internet Tablet ( (
QuoteAs I wrote, install works as long as you don't download from using Opera on the tablet. Must be some weird config problem of the web server of You can download the deb from another machine and transport to the tablet for installing.
Try to download that package on your desktop and then copy it to the Tablet via ssh. Another thing you can do try to install libmysqlclient12 from the command line using apt-get:
> sudo gaingroot
> apt-get install libmysqlclient12


I got the packages from the pluto orbiter garage site via wget, then installed.  Everything worked well doing that.  It looks like the problem was in fact the browser/server combo.  Now I've got an orbiter!  Thanks!  One more thing... How do I close the orbiter app?

Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on November 29, 2007, 08:41:30 AM
QuoteHow do I close the orbiter app?

Good question :) One way is send from the core following command:
/usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter 0 <orbiter_dev_id> 7 0

The problem is that. There is a button 'KDE Desktop' instead of 'Exit'. So, I need to find a way how to exist Nokia Orbiter correctly.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: blackoper on December 11, 2007, 06:57:50 AM
I've got my n800 orbiter and bt keyboard on the way.. can't wait!
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on December 21, 2007, 10:46:12 AM
Added a new wiki page - ( which contains a few simple suggestion to improve performance and stability of Nokia770.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: Matthew on December 21, 2007, 04:54:31 PM
Quote from: nite_man on December 21, 2007, 10:46:12 AM
Added a new wiki page - ( which contains a few simple suggestion to improve performance and stability of Nokia770.

Is there a reason it's called "Tune Nokia770 Tune Nokia770 to use it as LinuxMCE Orbiter" and not "Tune Nokia 779 to use it as LinuxMCE Orbiter" (or just "Nokia 770 Orbiter")? Can I rename it?
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: nite_man on December 21, 2007, 05:23:21 PM
Quote from: Matthew on December 21, 2007, 04:54:31 PM
Is there a reason it's called "Tune Nokia770 Tune Nokia770 to use it as LinuxMCE Orbiter" and not "Tune Nokia 779 to use it as LinuxMCE Orbiter" (or just "Nokia 770 Orbiter")? Can I rename it?

Sure. I did it by mistake and couldn't find the way to rename it.
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: Matthew on December 21, 2007, 07:04:01 PM
Quote from: nite_man on December 21, 2007, 05:23:21 PM
Quote from: Matthew on December 21, 2007, 04:54:31 PM
Is there a reason it's called "Tune Nokia770 Tune Nokia770 to use it as LinuxMCE Orbiter" and not "Tune Nokia 779 to use it as LinuxMCE Orbiter" (or just "Nokia 770 Orbiter")? Can I rename it?

Sure. I did it by mistake and couldn't find the way to rename it.

The wiki lets you rename articles by using the "move" tab at the top of the article. But for some reason, the wiki is refusing to let me rename it to "Nokia 770 Orbiter", claiming that name is taken, though it isn't.

But your article obsoletes (or updates) the Orbiter instructions in the "Nokia 770" ( wiki article. Would you merge them, or should I do it (though I'm doing it as a blob, since I know nothing about the Nokia 770 or the rest of this issue).
Title: Re: Nokia 770 Orbiter
Post by: Matthew on December 21, 2007, 11:39:09 PM
Quote from: Matthew on December 21, 2007, 07:04:01 PM
Quote from: nite_man on December 21, 2007, 05:23:21 PM
Quote from: Matthew on December 21, 2007, 04:54:31 PM
Is there a reason it's called "Tune Nokia770 Tune Nokia770 to use it as LinuxMCE Orbiter" and not "Tune Nokia 779 to use it as LinuxMCE Orbiter" (or just "Nokia 770 Orbiter")? Can I rename it?

Sure. I did it by mistake and couldn't find the way to rename it.

The wiki lets you rename articles by using the "move" tab at the top of the article. But for some reason, the wiki is refusing to let me rename it to "Nokia 770 Orbiter", claiming that name is taken, though it isn't.

But your article obsoletes (or updates) the Orbiter instructions in the "Nokia 770" ( wiki article. Would you merge them, or should I do it (though I'm doing it as a blob, since I know nothing about the Nokia 770 or the rest of this issue).

I have merged your article into the "Nokia 770" ( article (and reformatted it to fit).