Quick question, if you want to control more that one player(hdmi cable box, xbmx, Blu-Ray player) do you add several of the child device below and set the port to each hdmi input device?
Generic HDMI-CEC Player (DT#2305) to control your CEC enabled CD/DVD/Blu-Ray players.
Yup, that's it. I use multiple player templates. Just be sure the port is set properly and commands should be routed accordingly.
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When creating the device, I set it to control via HDMI CEC, but in the control by section, only seeing closet and my raspberry pi MD. What are the correct options for control a tv and switching the inputs.
Got the player, a kodi player being controlled by HDMI CEC, but not switching input when i click the scenario.
The AV pipes are not automatically created for these devices. For input switching to work you will also have to connect the AV pipes in the connection wizard.
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Have set the pipes are as normal, MD connection to tv and port. HDMI 3, the av player, connection on HDMI 2.
Do I also have to set the HDMI-CEC TV (#2304) to control your CEC enabled tv, to the HDMI3 input? Did that, made no difference
The control by for the TV, only seeing the living room tv, my closet system, closet hybrid and the raspberry MD, which one, it's set to the raspberry MD?
When I do a reload water, the TV does switch to the input it is on
11/30/18 19:20:45.750 Parameter 98(PK_Device_Pipes): <0xb60c1b40>
08 11/30/18 19:20:45.750 Received Message from 10 (Media Plug-in / Closet/Storage Space) to 106 (KDL 40W600B / Living Room/Family Room), type 1 id 91 Command:Input Select, retry none, parameters: <0xb60c1b40>
08 11/30/18 19:20:45.750 Parameter 71(PK_Command_Input(HDMI 3)): 930 <0xb60c1b40>
08 11/30/18 19:20:45.714 Received Message from 73 (OnScreen Orbiter / Living Room/Family Room) to 10 (Media Plug-
I noticed your using Kodi, if you're using HDMI CEC control on Kodi and it's the same PC that you're trying to do CEC control with then the CEC library software may conflict. Can you been more specific about which system is doing what? I'm a little confused about what you have and where.
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Have a Raspberry PI as an LNMCE MD, which supposed to be doing the control of a sony tv
Also have KODI on a raspberry PI, openelec build, also connected to that same TV, which i was planning to control for now via the CEC Player device on the LNMCE MD. Going to revisit the work I was doing controlling KODI via jason. Had it working to an extent, but then lost a lot of hardware, so it's starting from scratch.
Next I have a firestick on that TV, which is the next device to control via CEC Player.
Is it, that having the two LNMCE MD and KODI on the same tv, both on a PI, can cause a conflict?
It's possible there's a conflict but I haven't tested multiple raspberry pi devices connected to a single TV. If they're both acting properly they should coexist just fine. Can you post a screenshot of the device tree of the devices and a screenshot of the connection wizard pipe setup?
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The HDMI embedded player does control the kodi device
Player and TV
md setup
Embedded Device
Remaining Device List
What is the KDL device? It's not in the tree with the RPI HDMI devices and would need to be. If it's an AV receiver it would need to be added as a generic HDMI receiver for input switching to work. Even if there is another device template for the receiver it has to be included as an HDMI device in the HDMI control chain under the HDMI TV. Essentially if it's HDMI you use the generic HDMI template instead of any other device template for the device.
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KDL sounds like a Sony TV set, but I have been wrong before ;-)
Yes it is. Has an ethernet port which is connected to lnmce internal network, but no detection (KDL 40W600B)
Reset the pipes to connect to the generic HDMI TV at the correct ports, rather than the KDL device and I would expect input changes to work. Be sure all the pets are set correctly on the generic HDMI devices as well.
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Possible I am bit slow, can you elaborate a bit more " generic HDMI TV at the correct ports"?
This is the HDMI CEC TV device?
Yes. If you want to use CEC control you have to connect the AV Pipes to the HDMI CEC devices. You shouldn't have the KDL template/device in use at all to properly utilize CEC control.
Yes it is
Got it to work. Input switches, and controls the kodi device as expected. The cable box is not hdmi cec controllable, but when I switch to that, it works via infrared. On to the other setup in the bedroom, which I have a theory on why it does not work
Very nice! I also have mixed CEC and non CEC devices, it's great to control then all from a single remote!
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