I have a receiver that has multiple zones. So what I have done is create 2 different templates, one for the main zone and one for the second zone. In one room I have it attached to the main zone and in another, I am running it off of the second. The problem seems to be that when I change rooms, that it is screws up the communication to the first room. Is there someway that I should be setting this up differently? I'm guessing that the problem is that because it is 2 separate devices, that it is trying to establish 2 separate connections to the same device? Could I just make the second zone a child device and attach the other room to the child?
You should look at the Yamaha RX-Vx00 (RS232) template. It has a set of Zones implemented as child devices, and the GSD code looks at these, and alters the commands sent out, depending on where the AV messages are coming from.